Fair enough. Aren't there more cheaters on TPP? I've been hearing a lot more chinese in NA servers lately. I was on a random squad and couldn't speak to any of them. They only understood weapon names. Smh.

Cheaters aren't as bad as they were for a while, but yes tpp has more than fpp for sure.
I came across a crushed and discarded red bull can on my way back from grabbing a bite and immediately started scanning nearby windows.
Play a couple rounds looting at your own pace then start jumping into city/town areas to get a feel for the quick pace, quick looting, and quick aiming once you have the controls down.
They really need to fix prone being 100% visible beyond 150m.

Most folks turn down the vid settings is why you are visible when prone.

Play a couple rounds looting at your own pace then start jumping into city/town areas to get a feel for the quick pace, quick looting, and quick aiming once you have the controls down.

The best way to get good is to drop in super populated areas. Areas like School in the old map and Hacienda de Patron in new map. Shroud talks about it in one of his zillion vids, and he's totally spot on. In more ways than one. Fucking guy is beast.
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nah, about avoiding and getting loot. Get good placement, circles, and a small amount of spray control can win you the game.
I only have just over 300 hours in the game. What do I know? Anyway here are some tips.

Do not wear shoes/boots because there is a notable audio difference barefoot verses boots/shoes. Plus when playing squads if all your teammates are shoeless/bootless you will not have to ask your guys if it's them creeping around or in a house you are in.

Once your team all land have everyone clear their markers so if you need to mark a location where the enemy is there wont be 4 different markers confusing the team.

If landed in a high pop location far as fuck from where the circle is going to be (especially in desert map) make sure to shoot out the tires of every vehicle you see. That way the circle kills the folks who are busy looting and not paying attention to circle placement. Yesterday we found out the truck on desert map will still drive around 70mph with one shot out tire so shoot at least 2 tires on the same side on that truck.
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haniblecter @ 2:28 so yeah. Don't wear shoes. They don't offer any type of protection anyway.


Hope this helps you all be better players. :sunny:
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