What are some good sci-fi movies?

I wish one of the big movie houses would stop by a used book store and start browsing the scifi section...
I am so sick of remakes.
There is so much good scifi out there that would make excellent movies if done proper.

It's cheaper and easier for the studios to keep rolling with remakes due to ownership of the rights to the story.

even then things get ugly with lawyers and such.

they've been trying to do a remake of Logan's Run for years now to no avail.

speaking of which.

1970's Sci-Fi athon

The Andromeda Strain
The Omega Man
Silent Running
THX 1138
Soylent Green
A Boy and His Dog
Logan's Run
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Damnation Alley
Demon Seed

Just be sure to don your bell bottom jeans and favorite tie died shirt before watching.
most of it does yeah, but there's some cool stuff if you look hard enough

and dismissing all foreign films just b/c you "don't like to read subtitles" is really stupid

Reading subtitles detracts from the visuals. If I wanted to read, I'd get a book.

The reason I dislike anime is because it all looks the exact same. Bug eyes, pointy chins, etc. It's like they have an underground society of anime producers that all agreed to use the same art style and animation.

and also white people tell better stories, it's a known fact.