[SO] please ban fraggle for violating the rules of tribalwar

*casual WoW player

As you've probably read, I've been crazy bored of WoW... Then I got sick. So the past week or so I've decided to mess around with one of my oldest characters, my human Pally Dybbuk on Laughing Skull. Turns out I had him at 250 Eng and 300 Mining so yay!

He's 72 now, and with engineering at 401 Mining at 407 he is basically a nonstop cuisinart.

My pyro rocket hits for about 2k and crits for 3.4

My Hand of Reckoning hits for 1k and crits for 1.8

My Exorcism hits for 1.6k and crits for 2.5k

Since I spend most of my days at about 40% crit, Every other pull I am knocking 5k or so off before they even get to me. Then you just mow them down with a judgement, and if there are... 3...4..5..6 whatever, just cons and use Seal of Op Cleave to murder everything in 10 seconds.

Next step are sprint boots, and an 84 crit trinket with a 2k blast on it as well.

Fuck my anus it's wicked. Leveling still is a drag but it's fun with all this neat shit to fire etc.

As a side note, leveling engineering from 250-400 was fucking time-consuming and costly. I'm basically stuck now too because I can't mine saronite really yet, Northrend doesn't seem to have wicked ore-filled zones like Hellfire (the fel iron capital of the world) and it's too damn expensive to buy. Having a 3k ranged burst every 45 seconds seems OP but it cost hundreds of gold.

Also, alliance transportation is still fucking brutal compared to horde. The boats just suck and take forever and there are some big holes in northrend for filling flight paths.

Oh here is my dude:

The World of Warcraft Armory

I don't know anything really about pallies so feel free to laugh at my spec. Ignore that wonky guild, the guy paid me 30g to join and I feel bad about leaving right away :s

Death Knight's Anguish is crazy OP for it's level as well. Where is the horde version? :eek:

Death Knight's Anguish - Item - World of Warcraft

It's on... 70% of the time I'd say, and stacks with my libram and stacks with my libram and Serrah's star (44% crit or so all together)

Serrah's Star - Item - World of Warcraft

Pretty much entirely pugged, minus one naxx10 run with a singaporean (singaporeinese?) guild. Next for me is 1k for dual spec so I can get rid of my fun yet not too functional hybrid leveling/pve/pvp spec to pump more deeps, and then the retardedly high 1200g for 2x zerker. Should I aim for a faster dagger? 1 pt in cqc?

I'm also 5 badges from my ugly helm and 2 piece bonus which is nice. Currently I am pumping 3k-3500 in 5 mans depending on composition and about 3900-4500 10 man depending on fight and comp (did a 3982 on patch this morning 10m)

Tell me I'm getting close to uld/toc10. Gorgonnash is like asian paradise. At 8am EST there are 3-4 10mans looking for dps. I sneak in the ole "ni hao! -_-;; 3k deeps" and I'm in.

- People who never help summon. If you are in a group and you have a healer and a tank, start making your way to the stone. If you are a healer or a tank, you do not constantly get preferential treatment for gracing us with your presence. Get to the goddamn stone and stop fucking around on some gather quest or a third straight BG. If you disagree with this, fuck you.

- People who don't release and run back. Are you -that- busy? Are you -that- much better than everyone else? Trust me whenever I can res I will *not* ever res you, you lazy piece of shit. Most often it's just as fast if not faster to run back, yet you hold everyone up by sitting there bound to a dead body. Fuck you.

- People who AFK constantly. A big part of why I tend to lead groups. Enjoy the hearth home you fucking old hobo bag person. Leach off of someone else or pay attention. "I'm eating pizza pockets", "My cat is on my keyboard", "My mom keeps asking me to do stuff" and "My room mate keeps wanting to show me stuff" are not acceptable answers. Fuck you!

- People who 'have to go' 20 minutes into a run. Really? You have to go. Really??? Oh because it's dinner time? Well have you run this before? Oh you have, so you know it's 1.5 hrs long? Yet you still joined... You motherfucker. Fuuuuck yooooou.

- People who constantly critique everything possible whilst simultaneously being *maybe* 50% of the average DPS of everyone else. Oh your spec is bad because your brother was playing. Oh you're not really trying. But hey, you have an 80 of whatever class I am playing, so feel free to continually give me shitty advice I don't want to hear. Your guild cleared naxx pre-BC? Yay! No one cares and seriously dude, shut up and fuck you.

- People who buy out every decent green and repost them for 100g. This only causes other idiots to do the same thing. Do you ever sell anything? That amazing lvl 18 of the bear 2h axe for 118g BO, how many weeks has that been there? Eleventy? We'll replace it in an hour, who would ever buy this shit? Fuck you, you uppity gypsy, and if you actually buy this shit, fuck you too.

That's all for now. Feel free to add.
i guess my standard 8-4 is suddenly an enriched career

fuck yea

i'll further confound you by telling you i've been at home on the VPN since lunch
i bet jm5k has an entire dresser full of those awesome wow t-shirts u see on all the neckbearded virgins at the movie theater

u know


that sort of thing