Racism & TW.

everyone should feel a little pride about their heritage

except white people, that's racism

rabbi alex dunowitz told me so

oy vey!
naptown do you think absent would be more distraught if i had sex with a black chick or a white blond chick with blue eyes
Nap, honestly, I think white people do get a bad rap. I don't think it's fair that you've got organizations like the NAACP, but yet if white people get their own thing, it's called racist.

Or if there was the WET channel, you know people'd be complaining about that as well.

My problem is that we continute to segregrate ourselves as a society...it's not necessary...there should be a BET or a NAACP...or a WET, etc. There should just be us as a whole.
it's also interesting that many Whites will willingly call other people racist as if they want to defend these so-called racist targets

when the time comes, your humanitarian efforts aren't going to matter

you're just another White person to be exterminated by the muds

all these 'minority' protecting agencies like the NAACP, ACLU, JDL, etc

who's going to protect us when we're the minority? our White children are going to be hopeless and helpless because White guilters think they're doing a good deed by protecting the good word of the shit skin savages that would happily cut their throats once that protection isn't needed anymore.
I've never said a racist word on TW. I'm not a racist I've just live in a racist state for 17 years.
i don't necessarily fuck only white women but when it comes to breeding, blonde hair, blue eyed Whites are a desirable trait i want for my children

White people built our great world, when given control, the muds will tear it all down

see: detroit
i must of missed something, i wouldn't of grouped naptown with them, i never noticed him as overly racist in his posts. sarcastic yes, but racist white supremest?

of course i read maybe a tenth of a percent of everything posted here. blame it on my add baby

Well, you're well informed now, aren't you?
i don't necessarily fuck only white women but when it comes to breeding, blonde hair, blue eyed Whites are a desirable trait i want for my children

White people built our great world, when given control, the muds will tear it all down

see: detroit

I thought this was going to turn into one of those beer commercials with the "most interesting man".
I don't normally fuck women of other colors, but when I do...."
Survival of the fittest.

Why should the white race prop up the blacks and make them better? Or the Muslims? Whites are now out numbered by blacks in population. Whites are the minority.

People need to get over the race card and speak the truth. The stereotypes are true.

All these races want to come to the USA and take over. Yes, it was a melting pot back in the day, but now it's ridiculous.
you want free speech you got nearly free speech
stop buying into the popular idea that racism is inherently evil
its just another point of fucking view

we have people who hate religion, we have people who love it. everyone is entitled to their opinion.

if you want someone else to put rounded corners on society, this ain't the place. we have enough of that bullshit ruining the world.

This is why I browse TW. If you go to any other forum, everything is censored, deleted, banned, etc. Everyone is free to post almost anything they want here and that's what makes TW great.

I find that I agree and disagree with many posters on various topics. Unfortunately, there's no way that I could share some of those views in my personal life without some form of social backlash.

The idea that we shouldn't be discussing topics that are politically incorrect or socially unacceptable is for people who are uncomfortable facing reality. The irony is that most of these people are just as ignorant as the people that they are trying to censor. Many of the social, political and financial problems we're facing in the world today is due to our inability to recognize real problems and deal with them. Instead, we choose to ignore our problems with political correctness and other forms of socially acceptable behavior in order to maintain the status quo. This works great until we're eventually forced to face reality, and by then, it's usually too late to do anything about it.
Sooo...what you're saying is we should:

A. Face reality and kill all the ______* in this world? *insert race, stereotype, bigot, etc


B. Discuss it in an open forum on the basis that sharing ideas and beliefs will better let us understand each other, thereby determining that we could all just use a little bit of conversation without limitations, and the world would be a better place, and that TW could serve as the basis for a new world order centered on open-ness and communication.


C. Look...Laugh. Wack off to the Jailbait and Ass thread, and then go to sleep and do it all over again.