Goshin spotting

i love kiss and fly
or kissin fly

oilcans is ...alright. Dont think i've hit rain yet.

i lead mostly. Sometimes i'll follow if it's a song i dont know or a style of swinging arms that i've not seen before
Nah, drove up from S.A. You were already leaving, if I had seen you inside I probably would've tapped you on the shoulder and asked why you were wearing a shirt. Yelling "GOSHIN!" at a stranger leaving a bar didn't seem right.

And yeah Gobi was interesting. They remind me of LMFAO in that they're not especially great sounding but they right party music and people fuckin' eat that up.
And why are you people acting like it wouldn't have been a privilege for Goshin to meet me? I'm not Obibun baller, but I'm pretty fuckin' awesome.

And if you're confused, I've never sold a goddamned thing in TW classifieds.

i know ur pretty cool dewd
i was wearing a shirt because there is a secret about me with which you could have been let in on

and being called out as Goshin on my way out would have been fucking hilarious
Steve, I always find out that you were in Austin the day after.
Granted you were with a ladyfriend this time but hit me up sometime.
lol J-man

Or Charlie's ... Haha

Whoa, I ride by that place all the time and I never even looked at the sign before. I was vaguely aware that there was a bar there but I had no idea what it was.
There used to be this place called the CockPit on SanJac and 2nd, around there.
Guess what kind of establishment that was.

Goshin, I'm down to hang out sometime, we'll figure something out.

so my stomach is churning and clenched right now

im learning some things for remodeling as i go, and the guyim learning from has a funeral this weekend
apparently his nephew's daughter was run over by her uncle
she was 5
she got pinned behind his vehicle, and when they were trying to free her, it rolled over her....

fuck me
im sad

so my stomach is churning and clenched right now

im learning some things for remodeling as i go, and the guyim learning from has a funeral this weekend
apparently his nephew's daughter was run over by her uncle
she was 5
she got pinned behind his vehicle, and when they were trying to free her, it rolled over her....

fuck me
im sad

I remember her well. Sorry for your loss.
el o shut up

loss of life, especially from something like that, dragged out and in pain, is terrible. i cant imagine being the parents watching it happen, or the little girl freaking out before squelch
Despite Goshin's antics on here, he is actually a pretty cool fellow in the real world. He always offers me a beer, or makes me chug what's left of mine everytime I see him. I was skeptical at first, but his niceness is overwhelming. He also gives the best hugs.
:lol: thanks for the recommendation

i just had a conversation with my dad about the sad state of today's society since handjobs are very rare to get from chicks now

goshin im letting my gaurd down i didnt like u but i might let u come hang w/ the cool people now

come to chicago lets party might be hard to pull the no shirt thing in the cold here though br0