[Photography] Show and Tell Spring 2011 Edition

um, yea seriously. If I was upscaling to 18mp yea it might be an issue. But we're not. We're downscaling a 1080p movie to web size. It looks more than fine - have you even tried it?

honestly, I think you just try to start shit because you find trolling people more fun than actually going out to make art. That's why you're worried about 'motion correction' (when there is no motion to speak of) instead of using this technique on something more interesting than a dam.
Triple the reason you think he is trolling is because you always act all high and mighty about photography. You are not always right and don't know how to do everything. When you can learn to accept that you will become a better photographer.
This is an academic discussion on the effects of video processing, which is about as far removed from "photography" as you can get. The 7d has little to none, and you're downscaling it anyway.

Don't take my word for it, try it yourself.

That said - Kiint is also right. There are 500 ways to do something right in Photoshop. I just think.. hey. You could save yourself 5 minutes and some headaches. You won't lose any quality. Why not?

I mean cosmic - when you sign up for the PPA, you need to sign a code of ethics saying you'll always offer advice to other photographers. Please don't take my advice as trying to sound all high and mighty - I'm simply trying to help. If you find that offensive, oh well sucks for you. Hopefully someday you grow up and learn you're not the only photographer on tribalwar.
Hopefully someday you grow up and learn you're not the only photographer on tribalwar.

There are many other photographers besides me on Tribalwar. Many of them very very talented. I have never once implied I am the best photographer, if anything I try to keep myself humble to keep learning and not get all high and mighty.

I like how you post about the dangers of being all high and mighty and then proceed to douche up the thread.

This is just sad.

Proving a point triple. Just putting it into perspective bluntly how everyone perceives you here. You may give advice but you always have a condescending way of writing it to make yourself seem better than everyone.
So let's recap. What I said works. It's easier. And it's on the same level of quality. It's "good advice", or at least I think so.

So your problem is what.. exactly.. humility? Yea okay. Sure. Mr. Published.
i for one am just happy I was able to start an argument to get some more activity in this thread.

i just wish there was more photos along with those arguments
It's not even an argument. I think Kiint's technique is fine. He did a good job with it. Both our techniques work fine.. one is quicker, that's all. He justifies it with a perceived quality tradeoff. To each his own.

This isn't politics. Someone insecure in their own ability might perceive me as being condescending, but I'm not. If that's his reaction to a simple PS method being posted, he needs to lighten up.
Fuuuuuuuuu... So I walk into a photography store looking for some Oriental 11x17 Glossy fiber based b&w paper and what do I see in amongst their used stuff? An older model Pentax 67 medium format camera with 4 lenses all for $1000.

Shame I am dirt poor :(
Fuuuuuuuuu... So I walk into a photography store looking for some Oriental 11x17 Glossy fiber based b&w paper and what do I see in amongst their used stuff? An older model Pentax 67 medium format camera with 4 lenses all for $1000.

Shame I am dirt poor :(

Please tell me you live in the Baltimore Maryland area and the store is relatively close the the City.....

...Yes? :)
Damn, oh well.

Anyway, friend came home for Spring Break, she made me an Italian meal:




Was good times.
Haha thanks. Yea it was ALOT, but we killed like a quarter of it lol.

She was running around and her foot got in the pic haha. Oh well.