Anyone do a sleep study?

40lbs in a month? Damn. Is it even healthy to lose eight that quickly?
It depends on how heavy you are. It's not that bad for me. I'm pretty fat.

That's actually slightly inaccurate, though. I lost 40lbs in the first month, but it's actually been about 5½ weeks in total. My weight has been stagnant for a week.
I thought I had narcolepsy. I talked to my doctor about it, and he thinks it's more than likely sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea has been a huge detriment to my quality of sleep, and now I'm passing out in the middle of the day because I'm too exhausted. I used to pass out at my desk at work even.

Luckily my sleep apnea is just obstructive, which means that I can do something about it. I don't have an insurance plan that will pay for me to wear one of those funny things in my mouth at night, but the alternative is to lose weight. So that's what I'm doing right now. I've lost 40lbs in the past month. :)

if you post a picture of yourself with a neck i will paypal you $10 to congratulate you for your sucess
its a pheochromocytoma and when I found it I didn't have enough insurance to get it biopsied or anything so it's still there. I'm supposed to get a scan on it every 2 years but I have not done that. I really need to get it checked out, but the odds are in my favor that it's benign. The only bad thing is I have extra adrenaline.
Or you might get Cushing's Syndrome :(
Now that I remember, my hair dresser ( :closet: ) works at a sleep study. She tells me about the really psycho ppl that will literally get up (still in REM) and scream at the top of their lungs, or try to run and thrash around violently, sometimes run into walls and still not wake up. :scared:
Yeah, I knew the electrodes were all over the body. But they way it was described to me was that they were wireless (because I can move around without taking them off, which seems impossible if attached to wires with the monitor right by the bed). :shrug: I'll find out soon enough.
Mine were wired, but then again the lab is in Maine where "cutting edge" refers to your logging saw.

I could move around well enough, the electrodes stuck very well (and oddly didn't even hurt coming off my sasquatch-esque fur coat).
That's a lot of weight in a month. That sounds pretty unhealthy too.
It's just like if someone is 40lbs overweight, they might lose 5-10 pounds in their first week. I'm closer to 150lbs (an entire TWer!) overweight. There's always a pretty dramatic drop in the beginning. The problem most people have is that they expect that rapid rate to continue, and they stop eating healthy once the rate drops to 2 lbs per week. I've done this before so I know it's going to take a year or two before I'm where I want to be.

For those interested, I have an olympic sized swimming pool. I've been making use of it every day, and I'm drinking 180 ounces of water per day. I'm pretty bad at doing the 6 small meals thing; I'm still doing one large meal per day, which is something I need to get out of the habit of doing. Meh. Not really the best thread to discuss all of this though.
Were you trying to lose the weight through exercising or a severe change in dieting?
My diet hasn't changed at all so far, except that I'm drinking a shit ton of water.

It's unhealthy to starve fat. The first thing your body cuts out when it's starving is muscle, not fat, because muscle consumes a lot more energy. It's more efficient to exercise and build muscle if your goal is to lose fat. :shrug:
My boss did a sleep study very recently, 2 nights of it.

They found out he had a severe case of sleep apnea, which is why he's been coming in late for a while now everyday (though he does stay till very late as well).

They claim he stops breathing 20-30 times a night and that he's lucky he's been living so long. Now he sleeps with one of those facemasks which he says is ridiculously uncomfortable till he gets used to it. It forces air into his nostrils basically (high enough pressure that you feel it).

On top of this, he gets severe allergies during Spring and Fall, so for the last couple of months, he'd have his sinus problems and along with this mask, the pressure just shifts over to the other nostril, so he can't even sleep with it on now.

Tell your boss to have the DME give him a full face mask. It will cover his mouth as well, so at least he will still get therapy if his nostrils are blocked.

I know quite a bit about sleep apnea if anyone has questions. I worked for Respironics technical support until feb and know a good bit about apnea and cpap/bipap therapy.
also the MSLT test is what you would need, it would be much different than what I had. it sounds like more of a hassle, won't you have to go multiple times?

No, they do it between the time I wake up from the overnight test to about 2:30pm that day. I stay awake, do things, then they tell me to take a nap.

The overnight test will also confirm/deny. If I do have narcolepsy, I will go into REM sleep much faster than normal (usually you go about 1.5 hours after falling asleep...narcoleptics tend to go into REM within 30 minutes of falling asleep, and also go into REM more times during the night, and tend to wake up immediately from REM sleep, rather than an hour or so after). So they monitor all of that.
yeah but dude you could buy your first neck bling that won't explode when you swallow

i want to be a part of that
Narcolepsy? That's ridiculous.

I think the whole entire thing is a sham. Doctors have YET to prove that this is really a valid illness.

After all, think about it: what are the chances, REALLY, that in this universe of ours there would be a malady that caused someone to just pass out -- completely asleep -- while in the middle of watching TV, paying bills, or god forbid just surfing TribalWa...........adffffffff...aamvvvvvvvvvvdmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...................................................................................................mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmamxxxxxxxxaaaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxmmmmmmmmmmmmm...................................kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx///////////////////////////////////////////////mmmmmmmmmm///////////////////////////////////////////////////////vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

how long did it take u to make this post?
I grind my teeth at night very badly.

The only thing that works is a mild muscle relaxant. I'm not willing (or able?) to stomach a pill every night so I wear a night guard.

This stops the swelling and the headaches MOSTLY but not entirely.


I practice sitting meditation regularly. I study mindfulness, too.

Despite dulling my worries and senses down and studying the Dharma, i still grind away.

I don't think I can stop...
I've done one. Its ridiculous. First off the bed is a grotesque piece of shit and uncomfortable as fuck. Second they wake you up at times and give you either sleeping pills or sugar (depending on what the local interns hypothesis is).

Thirdly, its almost impossible to fall asleep in a stark white room without getting ancy.

I thought I had delayed sleep phase disorder coming in, and they diagnosed me with .. delayed sleep phase disorder. Same prognosis and treatment plan that I was already on, minus a couple hundred dollars.

Big thumbs down on the experience, and no cute nurses for morning happy time either.