People who honk the horn the second the light turns green should be shot

The only time I'll ever go really slowly is if I'm going 10 miles over the speed limit on a one lane twisty road, and some jackass is riding my ass. I'll just let off the gas and coast for a while, getting down to about 20-30 below the speed limit before speeding back up again. They usually keep their distance after that.
I hate fucking assholes who KNOW the lane is gonna end soon and they still wait till the Very end of the lane to get over. backs up traffic big time
And if you're in front of me at the light, when it goes green, you've got 2 seconds. If you haven't moved by then you're getting the horn. Suck it.

I guess not being single anymore and therefore psychologically castrated makes you a little frustrated huh?
I hate fucking assholes who KNOW the lane is gonna end soon and they still wait till the Very end of the lane to get over. backs up traffic big time

I love slowly inching over into said lane to block people from going by, and making them drive AROUND me in the dirt to get by. I won't be able to do this on my cycle, though T_T
if you're first in "line" at a red light and youre not paying attention to when it turns green, you should be shot

if i miss the light because you're not paying attention, i will be peeved
I want to attach a semi-trucks airhorn to my tiny corolla. I'm not sure of the size of the airhorns on semis (read:if they're too big to fit under the hood/ where other people can't see it) I think it would be awesome to pull up behind some car and freak it the fuck out like that.

Good one. I usually follow the "driver on the left has right of way" rule but if I stop for 2 secs and they dont move I continue on. Course they have also started and honk their horn like IM THE ASSHOLE WHO COULDNT DECIDE WHEN TO GO!

:lol: You're supposed to yield to the person on your right, not left. One thing people really don't seem to understand at 4-way stops is that people going STRAIGHT go FIRST, not people turning LEFT and crossing the intersection. I'm so sick of morons not knowing how to do 4-way stops so I often just go if they show any hesitation nowadays.
That's awesome. I've thought about doing that too, but I figured it's probably illegal to use the tri-tone horn from a train.
That's awesome. I've thought about doing that too, but I figured it's probably illegal to use the tri-tone horn from a train.

If it's not illegal, it probably should be. I'm pretty sure somebody around here has or had one. I used to occasionally hear a train horn off in the distance, but from some other direction than where the train tracks run.
texting while driving
staying in the merge lane until the very last second or changing to the merge lane to jump in line
driving more than 10mph below the speed limit
driving the center lane so slow they must be passed on both sides
so many stickers on their back window they can't see out of it
using the biggest suv they can buy to commute 10 minutes to work by themselves

should be shot
Good one. I usually follow the "driver on the left has right of way" rule
If two cars stop at the same time, the car to the right has the right of way.

edit: oops, this was already posted. Way to read the whole thread, me.
im confused, if you swipe your card before your groceries are rung up you have to wait to punch in the value anyways

anyways i'll give people a 3 one thousand at red lights turning green
i also fucking hate the people that think a 4 way stop means everyone in vicinity has to stop before they can go, look if im going 5 im not gonna hit you

as usual, i hate people who swing wide out of their lane to turn. if you arent a fucking semi or a tractor you can eat fucking shit and its 100% your fault if someone hits you

assholes who catch the end of advances when the light already went green opposite them who dont pin it to get out of your way
This one confuses me, it is faster to swipe your card take your receipt and go than to count out money, give it to the cashier, have them count out change and give it back. I use my card for all purchases.

Same. I can't think of anything besides vending machines where I need cash now.
People who drive under the speed limit in sports cars/convertibles.

People who change lanes without signaling and drive like silly buggers.

People who pass on the right when they have no reason not to pass on the left.