Post the MOST RECENT [PIC(s)] of you 2

straight foam

someone desperate to be that cookie in the middle

and i hate to break it to u but nobody is that into u

including your wife and her lovers kids
you should use the word cuck more

it would definitely improve your posts

insinuating just doesn't cover it

it is too bad stone isn't around anymore
ok so lets replace photoshop with some sort of picture changing software

most people don't do that.

Also really why do you brag about things that you only received via taking it the hard way from a guy who later died?
+1 on the bragging part. I guess the American dream counts without earning it yourself.

Sure more ppl use filters but come on in this thread it's bs to use filters.

idk why are you so bent over trying to prove tehvul is editing his pics like this is somekind of fucken beauty pagaent. who gives a shit? Are you jealous of his skin complexion or what? and yes, you fucken retard, a lot of android apps for taking photos / social media sharing have built in photo filters / image settings, and yes a lot of people use them. and you keep mentioning PS, its obvious you never used it.
Jealous? Lol.
I think the idea of filters is usually to be a bit more attractive in pics tehvul

not to look like even more of a freak of nature than you already do :ugh:
I think i'll keep my enjoying awesome house in the real white atlantis (in the city rated #1 for quality of life in the world) while tehvui continues to brag about his shitty cottage in Michigan of all places :lol:
a guy I went to school with just moved to Dubai with his wife and infant daughter (presumably for work)

I will be keeping a close eye on FB to see if they report being raped or murdered