What has shaped your political leanings in life?

Mr Pop pretty much nailed my life, except for my mother part. My parents divorced when I was 9, and my Dad got custody (mother was mentally unstable).

Growing up in the 60s and 70s shaped a lot of my world view at the time, although politics weren't really discussed at home. My dad was a FDR democrat mostly because of WW2, and liked Truman and Kennedy. But, much like Reagan, he didn't leave the democratic party, the party left him.

After I joined the AF at 18, my political views definitely went more conservative, although I didn't care much about politics until I retired and moved back to Washington State. I work in Seattle, and the constant political talk in the office, quite frankly, drives me nuts. I was raised to not discuss Politics and Religion in a bar, or at work, and these guys (all liberals and socialists) all suffer severe TDS. The guy that sits behind me wears a hoodie with "1917" emblazoned across the front, and is one of the negotiators for his union. I have three gays and two lesbians in the office (not that it matters to me) and they are all atheists. They all get their news from NPR, Huffington Post, Rachel Maddow, Bill Maher, and Vice News.

Most of the time I suffer though it, or take a walk when it gets especially heated. I try not to get sucked into their arguments, but my lips are sore from biting them.

I'm a pretty moderate guy (unless, according to Vanster, I'm attending the local Klan rally or getting 88 tattooed on my chest), and the insane on both sides are disgusting in their vitriol.
Getting older: more cynical and less idealistic now, at 35.

My work: see a lot of bad shit. Lot of good, cool stuff too but still. Gives perspective.

Living in Baltimore: A lot of people would likely call me racist or prejudiced. I like to think I just recognize patterns.

Having a kid
Parents shape your foundation, experience builds and hopefully improves on that. Everything contributes really.
i feel like the era and times as well, nothing is the same as it was 5 yrs ago

my parents grew up before internet lmao
Getting older: more cynical and less idealistic now, at 35.

My work: see a lot of bad shit. Lot of good, cool stuff too but still. Gives perspective.

Living in Baltimore: A lot of people would likely call me racist or prejudiced. I like to think I just recognize patterns.

Having a kid

if you did any of those things north of the border your PM would have called you a racist

you're all idiots

also not special. the entire internet is white supremacists. should get a new thing, it's been 20 years
Capt, I’d be particularly interested in your development. You’re a pretty smart guy, even though I do not agree with all your views, I certainly understand them. I really do not think we are all that much different other than the few differences we are both pretty stubborn on.
My life story?

I born sometime after 1984. Not long after my birth, we had the end of the Cold War around 1990. The fall of the Soviet Union originally meant that the US no longer needed to meddle into the affairs of countries around the world, like the Middle East.

Also around 1990, we had Desert Storm, the first Iraq war under Bush #1. At some, I started school. A few years after that, in 1998, President Clinton bombed Iraq. I stayed in grade school. A few years after, George W. Bush presided over the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. It was pointed out at that time that the income inequality in the US was higher than ever. I was in high school when I read a book called 1984. This was a book, written decades earlier, that predicted by 1984 the US would be in a permanent war with Eurasia so that the rich could get richer.

I was in university by the time Barack Obama became president. I was disappointed that Barack and his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, decided to attack Libya in 2011. By 2012, however, I still voted for Barack Obama's reelection specifically because of the hope of improving Russian relations (Cold War has been over for like 21 years now) and since Romney favored an Iranian war over a nuclear deal. Obama succeeded in the Iran nuclear deal, but relations with Russia deteriorated, despite it being '1980's foreign policy.'

After Obama's reelection, the US became more and more involved with the Syrian Civil War. By now, I already graduated college and started working. While running for president in 2016, Hillary Clinton called for more US involvement in Syria while Trump called for less. The Cold War ended decades ago, yet the US has been meddling in the Middle East ever since with a price tag of over $6 trillion USD and untold millions of dead brown people.

Aside from voting for Obama and reading 1984, the above events happened to everyone. White supremacist my ass, if you didn't support/vote for Trump in 2016, you are, at best, poorly informed.
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Capt, I’d be particularly interested in your development. You’re a pretty smart guy, even though I do not agree with all your views, I certainly understand them. I really do not think we are all that much different other than the few differences we are both pretty stubborn on.

stubbornness is the key here......it has shaped my world view entirely

I largely take on the opposite position of whatever I feel the normal flow is

whatever has become the status quo

I believe I do this because I enjoy Devils Advocacy.....and really hate being played for a lemming or a sheep. I would rather fall off my own cliff than be led off of one by someone else.

I experienced enough of this in public school, my home life, and college (in no particular order or emphasis). I have a general distrust for any official narratives because I know that there really shouldn't be such a thing.

Nobody dies in a war being the bad guy. Nobody enters an argument knowing they are wrong (errr.....well they shouldn't but that I am not so sure of anymore looking at MAGA thread)


You know what I mean by this........it applies to everything not just (((THIS)))

By the age of 9 I knew that half of what my parents and family told me was about trickery and deception in order to control me or get me to behave (Santa, to Tooth Fairy, to Catholicism, to drinking my milk and fluoride being good for me). But I wasn't mad because I knew what it was......what it was intended to do and they weren't malevolent just naive and lazy.

In public school I thought I was doing good things by blindly regurgitating what they told me to. That I got praise by jumping through their hoops and reciting the beliefs they told me to. By 6th grade I knew I was rehearsing lies and blatant propaganda. I remember the plays where I was forced to sing on stage about the Ozone lawyer and styrofoam cups. Where after that I quickly questioned why I needed to read what I was being told to read and was defiant to stand for mindless pledges or solutes. It turned me into what I can only describe as an atheist anarchist.

By HS I knew that the hippy liberal shit my Cali "distinguished" school was pumping down my throat was largely counter intuitive to my own needs and intellectual progression. I would just go to class to sleep and not get yelled at.

College was 100x worse......but it didn't take me long to see that Republicans were absolute scum but in another flavor. With different sponsorship. I only fell for voting for one of those people for President and knew better when it came to McCain or Romney. I was one and done at the age of 18.

For years I felt like both parties were largely the same, because they were the same with the exception to social conservative issues which didn't mean anything to me as a self professed libertarian. In fact I still feel that way for the two party system. This is why they both hate our current POTUS.

Then came this election. Where 100% of the media appears to be against Trump (minus Fox News) and where they never have anything positive to say unless he does something that reminds me of what Bush or Obama would have approved of.......Like striking Syria, imposing Sanctions, or some other largely awful open borders pro globalist policy implementation I never would have signed in on.

So, again, I have to ask what gives? Who is doing this and why?

Who is pushing so hard and for what reason. You follow the loudest voices and you follow the money.

Once you ask yourselves that......as opposed to just accepting what everyone on late night television screams at you, conditions you to feel, through some kind of group think psychological shaming experimentation....sponsored by end game consumerism and cronyism.

you really open up a new world where you realize you were always played a fool and you are even more in the dark than you ever could have imagined......everything might have been a lie and if it wasn't designed to be that way has become that way.

And now you know how I got to where I am today

where I used to protest for gay marriage rights, even though I wasn't gay, because I cared about liberty......everyone's liberty but where those people only use the liberty i give them to get protection status and turn everything i do into a hate crime.

where they care more about their gay cake than about my 1st or 2nd amendment rights......my civil rights

nobody cares about anything but their own end goals and conquests

and I honestly don't care about other people that much anymore....if at all

if i hurt your feelings good. hurting your feelings will hopefully get you to wallow on that and think

if not it will make you cry.......that too i am ok with

And that is how I became not just a boomer but a blowhard a millennial zoomer
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