[Release Thread] Overwatch

xcept other ults involve aim and positioning

its k if u lucio only main bro... dont try to be a great man or even a man, just be a lucio main lol
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i wonder what level a grandmaster lucio would play at if they picked genji or tracer or something... maybe gold at best

btw i have about 3 hrs on lucio... i pick him when im watchin a movie on the side
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wtf rly? thats the most hated hero in my games lol.. at least on attk which happens way too often. prob some pro who did it and every1 posering
Ran into a dude in comp with 160 hours as junkrat, his next was torb, 1hr. Had a buddy with him who played Mei. Just Mei. Neither said a word in voice or text.

Needless to say, he locked their chars every round, despite the best efforts of our 4-man to carry, we lost.

I understand Bliz getting rid of the 'unprefer this player' due to some high-ups not being able to get a match, but there needs to be a way to say "this guy is shit and should never be allowed to play comp matches again."
the problem with how bliz implemented that is you'd never get paired with or against said banned guy... instead it should only prevent getting paired with them since the whole intention is to avoid trolls, not challenges.
blizzard is ARG teasing sombra again, i'm not sure if anyone fucking cares

if you do here's what it is

bastion beeps at this:

the beeps are morse code that bring you here: LumériCo

If you call the phone number some lady says these numbers in spanish: 5 2 4 1 3 23 4 14 8 6 18 17 23 21 18 15

There's also these pages: https://lumerico.mx/TAKECONTROL/index.html & https://lumerico.mx/robots.txt

Which says: "We have recieved reports of omnic clients suffering small interruptions in their service, including possible transmissions of a strange sound. We do no have any more information to report at this moment, but we are investigating the cause of this.