WTB Ally Raiding Guild

Because I'd totally invite someone who doesn't know what they're doing to my guild. Definitely sounds like a winning strategy.

He might need a little coaching in that direction - assuming he was even looking for that kind of guild in the first place - but his issues are so minor that they wouldn't take five minutes and a single trip to the AH to iron out.

You can help people without coming off as a dick. Try it sometime. Condescending motherfucker.
WTB Ally Raiding Guild by LGBR - TribalWar Forums

Doesn't matter where.

4030 WH Score
Currently on US Realm: Dalvengyr

85 Human Rogue - Lagberius

Quit last guild because main tank was dumber than a brick and GM didn't do anything.

but seriously im just fucking lazy, i dont care about raiding cause that shit is pointless now

i just like running heroics and calling people niggers

So am I missing something? People give him honest info and help about how to fix his character and get into a decent guild and then Data and LGBR rub vaginas together because they don't like the answers?
im fucking with all of you

check my shit now, fixed my spec, reforged my shit, and now im working on gems

what meta should i be looking for? the thundering?

and how do my gems look now

thx for the help nerds :sunny:
Use either the mastery or the increase attack speed gem until the patch.

When patch comes out, the meta for agility + crit dmg % will be fixed.

Some prefer haste meta, I prefer mastery. Not too much of a difference to be honest. The haste meta is more...flexible, I believe, as it is a strong combat stat.

Aim for 17% spell hit, next most valuable stat is mastery, assuming you plan on raiding assassination.
yeah i just basically am throwing everything ive got into mastery and hoping the rest just naturally catches up

my gear isnt super shitty considering i barely heroic and ive never raided i think
He might need a little coaching in that direction - assuming he was even looking for that kind of guild in the first place - but his issues are so minor that they wouldn't take five minutes and a single trip to the AH to iron out.

You can help people without coming off as a dick. Try it sometime. Condescending motherfucker.

Good lord, even I know Pessi has always been a dick. That's his shtick, how is it even possible you don't know that by now?
I prefer to have people tell me my character is fucked up and it needs to be fixed, usually you hit up elitist jerks, do a little reading and you have min maxed a character.

In earlier versions of STK we had people fill out applications on the forums that we would rip apart, even though it was a page of questions the players armory profile was the factor decided if we wanted to even do a 5 man with them to try them out.

Essentially recruiting comes down to a players gear setup and are the available at the guilds raid time, then you play with somebody to find out if they can mash buttons in the proper order fast enough and if they have the awareness to move out of something that damages them for 10% of their health every second.
see this is the problem with wow

i jump in asking stupid questions because i dont want to google or check elitist jerks to figure out what the absolute "best" combo of meaningless numbers is (because lets face it, guys, the WoW numbers dont actually mean anything, they've just convinced us they do) until the next patch when they suddenly and completely change the game mechanics because we've realized they're full of shit

it's happened before and it'll keep happening. first it was weapon skills, then for rogues Hit stopped being important out of nowhere and then there was that phase for a few months when everyone was stacking haste then suddenly and without warning stacked expertise only to forget about both and go into mastery.

with the next xpac, i want my power stat to be "POWER" or something vague that when you stack it, gives you the illusion you're doing more damage by throwing up slightly larger numbers faster even though the game decides right at the beginning of the encounter if you're gonna be able to finish it or not.

this is why i dont give a fuck about the raiding. i do it, but i dont take it this seriously.

it's a game.

and it's gonna change in a few months anyway and everything posted here will be wrong.

wtb vanilla wow raiding, pst.
in a noticeable increment, sure, it might add something but none of it is actually exactly what it says