So, uhmm, help? I just don't know what to do anymore [LONG]

I tried to go to school, but got screwed over. I was going to go to the University of Texas at Dallas. Everything was looking good, until at the last minute something was messed up with the loan, and I ended up only have $1,000 dollars, which didn't even cover 1/4 of my tuition. I had to withdraw. Well now they are saying that I still owe them $800 dollars of tuition because I didn't withdraw in time.

This is not true. I found out at the very last minute that my loan stuff was messed up, so I had to go the last deadline day for a full refund to withdraw. Well the lady said she was too busy to see me, but if I came in the next day, she would make sure I wasn't charged anything. So I came in, she said she was entering the info into the computer where I wouldn't be charged. Being an idiot, I didn't get any written confirmation of this. So now they say I owe them $800, and the lady who did that apparently doesn't remember me. They won't let me apply again until this matter is taken care of. I keep trying to contact people, but they all just tell me the "matter is still up for review". It's been 6 months and people still keep blowing me off.

1. Join the Army.

2. As for the school, here is some free legal advice*. You were promised leniency by an agent of the school, acting within the scope of her employment. Normally that promise would be worthless, except you relied on it to your detriment. Under the theory of estoppel, you should not have to pay that because you were promised something by an employee and you reasonably thought you could rely on it. You would have a case, but it would cost more than 800 bucks to fight it. Your best bet would be to find this lady and slash her tires.

*Disclaimer: I've completed 4 weeks of Law school. If you follow my advice you are fucking retarded. i.e., don't follow my advice.
i make $13.50 working helpdesk while completing a degree in CS

im 20

how are you making that little money per hour
Who I am as a human being doesn't help. I'm very socially awkward and quiet and have very very few friends. I honestly have not made a new friend in over 2 years. I don't "know people in the right places". I don't have any skills or trade or experience in anything to help me find a better job. I'm too much of a vagina to join the military (I pussied out and quit the police academy when I tried that because it just terrified the shit out of me).

WHA THE FUCKING WHA. Grow a fucking pair and start living. Find what you want to do and screw the rest. Sell that bike if you can't afford it. And forget feeling like shit for living with your parents - earn your way and be happy you are fortunate enough to have the no-rent option.

22 is young. You have so many chances to go all out and screw up before anyone gives a damn, so try as hard as you can to make something of yourself and don't worry about anything else at this point. So go figure out how you want to make money and go do it.
As a young, white male living in America you have a better life than like 90% of the world's population. Don't be such a pussy.
See, the fact that this is true, and it is, I can personally confirm this from a variety of experiences of my own from a number of jobs I've had over the years, it kind of makes me wonder why Communism was always viewed as pure concentrated evil.

I remember debating the subject with one of my history teachers, who promptly told me that Communism as bad because it encouraged workers to be lazy - since higher productivity didn't necessarily promise a promotion or increase in pay.

I watched my wife keep getting passed over for promotions even though she always won awards and revamped her companies system which improved their technicians average visits per day from 5 to 8 AND decreased return visits. The plan was even implemented nationwide, but when it came time to move up, she got passed over again and again.

The company could see that she was saving them more money in her position than she would ever do in a higher position. Instead they promoted GED educated slackers who threaten to quit each year to get special treatment/raises and have office flings blow up and make everyone uncomfortable.

It is sad really. Corporate America is SO much about making their shareholders money that they don't think twice about sacrificing their workers lives to do it. This is the problem you get when you disconnect the owners (shareholders) from the workers. When you don't have to see them face to face each day, you tend not to care when they lay off thousands of people to put a few extra bucks in your pocket.

It is a sad sad time, and I hope my kids don't suffer down the road.
Sell the bike, learn to day trade, use the money to buy/sell stocks on a daily basis, profit.

I'd find a job at a popular restaurant. You wouldn't get hired as a server right away especially if your socially awkward, but start bussing/running food. I make anywhere between 10-13 in tips only and my position is Server Assistant. Work there for 6-8 months as a busser/runner, learn the food, become a server, save money for a couple of years, and go back to school doing w/e you like.

I gave up giving people advice a long time ago because all it ever seemed to do was get ignored, since then I've... well... given out a lot of advice, I am what I am.

Years ago when I was but a young lad and just learning to drive my Grandmother told me of the importance of auto-insurance. Being a stupid child and thinking myself invincible I ignored her wisdom and raced around town like a moron until that fateful day when I crashed into a little old lady in her brand new van. I somehow managed to escape the event with only a few thousand dollars in damages and no tickets or court dates. I was sixteen at the time and the most important thing I should have learned was to listen when someone who cares about me is trying to help me. Did I learn that lesson? Of course not. It took me another eight or so years for it to sink into my thick skull, right around the time that I myself was starting to see my younger friends facing the same issues I had already faced. Now the tables were turned I was the one trying to save them from themselves and I finally felt the frustration that my grandmother must have felt trying to do the right thing when it came to me.

The irony was not lost on me, and I watched with sadness as the people around me made mistakes that I felt could have been prevented if only I could convince them to listen.

Looking back today I realize something, as much as it hurt to watch them fail, they each gained valuable tools for dealing with life as they dealt with hardships. Had I been successful in stopping one disaster would I have been there to halt the next? And the next? Those lessons, learned the hard way, were valuable to them. Hitting rock bottom and then picking themselves up was the best thing they could have done. I still try to warn people I care about when I see them on the edge of a bad choice, but deep down I know that they will be stronger and the lesson will stick better when learned the hard way.

Put another way, you are ahead of the game already, from your post you can already name your problems, that's the first step. The next step is what will you do about them?

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Don't worry.

work hard, and try harder. things will work out in the end.

seriously, try to be more outgoing, and outspoken - make some friends. in this world its who you know, not what you know. if you don't know anyone you're going ot have a rough rough time.

Just to let you know, an dmaybe give you some hope - a little over 3 years ago I was looking at going to jail for a long time (possibly), i had withdrawn from the univeristy, hadn't had a steady relationship in 2 years, and had basically gone hard towards drinking heavily and blowing all my money.

Now i'm making ~ 50k a year, have 2 AS degrees, am a programmer/systems administrator for a small company, looking at getting married, bought a brand new car thats almost paid off, and waiting to go towards closing on a new house.

My dad and his budy gave me some good advice, advice i followed and came true. Suck it up, stop dwelling on your fuckups. Learn from them and stop making more fuckups, get a decent girlfriend, quit caring about being 'cool', start looking for a real job, and stop drinking (among other things).

In short, learn some fucking responsibility and instead of expecting help, or blaming your problems on other people /events, go out there and earn your keep.

It worked... i hope it works for you.


What have you been doing for 4 years since you graduated high school? You're 22 and work at PetSmart? I mean seriously you should have had this little epiphany a while ago. Detox said it best, get off yer ass, quit the poor me bullshit and get your shit in gear.

What were you planning on studying in College?
I didn't finish reading the original post nor did I read the thread. However, if you're making like <$10/hr or unemployed, try a temp agency. Seriously. I've worked for temp agencies twice in my life and both times they got me a job within like 4 days. Also, most of the jobs pay well enough to get by, >$10/hr in the city. Get a temp job, get some HUD housing or something, and move along.

Also, if you're scared of temp agencies because they are TEMPORARY, just give it a shot. Both of my experiences with them offered work for over 3 months and offered me side jobs in addition to my primary work.
It's possible you could just be a loser.

There's lots of them out there. You'll probably have to vote for McCain though.
If this is a troll, fuck you.

Honestly man, take it easy. Plan out your bills, plan out what you're saving, get a plan.

However, if I was in your position, I would have joined the armed forces.
honestly this is probably a troll but don't join the armed forces. just stop being a lazy, retarded fuck and get your life in order. no one has to give you advice on what to do, anyone with a half brain can figure that out. just stop being lazy and feeling sorry for yourself and in a year you'll be fucking supermodels while blowing your nose with hundred dollar bills