
China seems to be pretty hardcore when it comes to quarantine and it seems to be working ???
I just wonder how all this quarantine stuff would hold up with all our entitled identities here in the USA...

How is China coping?
China has imposed more restrictions on the 60 million people living under lockdown in Hubei province - the centre of the outbreak - in an attempt to control the epidemic.

The use of private cars has been banned and residents have been told to stay at home unless there's an emergency.

Officials say there will be only one exception to this rule - every three days a single person from each household will be allowed out to buy food and other essential items.

The new measures come despite an announcement by China's State Council that the proportion of infected patients in a serious condition had fallen nationwide.

Foreign Minister Wang Yi also said that along with a drop in infections within Hubei there had been a rapid increase in the number of people who had recovered.

Meanwhile, authorities in the capital, Beijing, have ordered everyone returning to the city to go into quarantine for 14 days or risk punishment.

China's central bank will also disinfect and store used banknotes before recirculating them in a bid to stop the virus spreading.
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They aren't strong enough because you have to use the lime. It's that bit of extra citric acid that puts them over the top. So basically if you aren't drinking your Coronas with a lime you're doing it wrong.
this is getting ridiculous. the lies need to stop. we have all seen the photos, read the tweets. millions are laying at death's door and china has the audacity to say new cases dropping. soon they will be euthanizing patients so they can report cause of death other than corno.
don't even care if i get sick and die from a plague

i just need to make gdp go up a few more points

so i can consume more next generation merchandise


that's the point of life

that is the only goal to achieve

good boy points and disney apple iphone star wars 38+ stand in line time
money is a hoax

life is a hoax

the only thing that is real is them FEEEEEEEEEEEELZ

and how much merch I want to buy that I'll never be able to afford


save us from ourselves

forgive me for this college education that made me dumber and less employable
I don't care if I get the Coronaplague, just let me vote for Donald J. Trump one more time.
So, i have decided to start paying attetion to this virus a little more closely.

My wife is a building manager for a top 10 Corp in America. Yesterday they had their first meeting on how to deal with what could be a pandemic outbreak in the US and how they are handling it globally.

We are being lied to.

I started in on episode 20.

That audio is shit so here is what i got from the show:

-We are being lied to by the china government.
-We are being lied to by the US MSM.
-The guest on the show suggested the number of people infected is currently around 3 to 5 million.
-Real death count is around 200k.
-They don't think this was a military weapon.
-They ran a video of whats happening on the streets. Starts at min 43. Good watch.

Anyone start buying MRE's yet? People at my wives work have...
listen up cal and you other koolaid drinking msm boomers. i have been in a chinese language crash course for the past week and i am now assembling a crack team of on the ground journalist chinese to english subtitlers. we will be working around the clock 24/7 captioning every video off of chinese twitter, bililbili, youku, etc

skills required:
- at least one week chinese language education
- at least 10 years online journalism reading experience (zerohedge, drudge, etc)
- around 20pb server space for ripping videos before the chinese govt takes them down

anyway get back to me if you know anyone qualified we start working asap