
Season 5 is out. The whole right section of the map is new, dust divot has been updated with trees and a new delapidated base, and theres a tennis court/city area now.

good stuff
Any play Save the World? I am wondering if I would enjoy that more with my son than being constantly killed in the free version

its ok. The closest thing to a single player mode for the game. Lets you learn a little bit before being thrown to the wolves
took 7 squad wins with friends today

mostly being carried but I contributed a few kills here and there :roller:
i miss the sniper mod, that shit was so money. no guns but legendary/epic snipers. every other gun was a thermal.
make a key that sets a wall. Thats usually your first response to getting shot at.

usually you want vert wall, then ramp. Thats more or less the base for a quick defense
so besides inserting your thumb up your butt for gay pleasure what buttons do you have bound for ramps walls floor
I have Q for wall, 1 ramp, 2 floor

X weapon 1, middle mouse weapon 2, E weapon 3, 3 and 4 as the other two weapon slots. Z as trap, C toggle pickaxe
Rev whats your PSN? I dont see the friend request

You may have to link your psn account to your epic account

Your canonical Fortnite information lives in your Epic Games account. Link that account everywhere you play, and your progress and purchased content travels with you. (Stats and leaderboards are platform-specific, though.)

So, if you want to play with friends across platforms, everyone needs to link their platform’s account — iOS, PlayStation Network, Xbox Live or Nintendo Network — to their Epic Games account. If you already have an Epic Games account, you can link Fortnite to your PlayStation and Xbox accounts on the game’s official site. (Click on the the icon that looks like a person on the right side of the top menu.) On the Nintendo Switch, you’ll be asked to login when you start the game.

download this on pc:

Then login here and link your Xbox Live account to your epic account

Once you do that I'll be able to find you.