Search Is Contributor Only

can you make the search button at the top automatically do a google search with "site: tribalwar" already added to it if not a contributer?
I will post many shit threads without searching

In reality I don't care because search never works anyways.
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I will post many shit threads without searching

In reality I don't care because search never works anyways.
That's kind of the point. Instead of spending hours upon hours of time trying to reinvent the wheel in order to get a search process that works with a database as big as ours with the money we have, we will use what's built into mysql but limit the number of people that can use it.

If we get enough contributors that are using it, then we can afford a better solution. It's called a growth plan.
Good Idea, can I have my contributor status then? Or is that below the min?

Business Name:
Anthony Maio (The recipient of this payment is Verified)

Total Amount:
-$30.00 USD

Aug. 26, 2001
18:23:51 PDT
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Good Idea, can I have my contributor status then?

Business Name:
Anthony Maio (The recipient of this payment is Verified)

Total Amount:
-$30.00 USD

Aug. 26, 2001
18:23:51 PDT
1) Please PM me for issues like this (anyone else with issues)
2) Please use the subscriptions link in the future so the process is automated. That is my personal paypal account which isn't even active anymore.
i refuse to contribute because i don't want a queer contributor tag. if theres a way to contribute without getting the tag but still getting access to contrib functions let me know.
I have had some requests for this over the years and I will try and implement it sometime in July, but for now I really need to focus on fixing everything that changed in the server move.
Can we make a version of the site that does run on unicorns and giggles? You can probably only view it on a mac though.
maybe this will convince freeloading wastes of bandwidth like kurayami to actually give back to the site that they have spent the the last 8 years trolling
So long to any more devoted research threads from opsayo.

(As well as digging up hilarious old Kaos and Taxi posts).
Slippery slope!
First they came for our Flash signatures
and I did not speak out
because I do not use Flash.
Then they came for our work-safe template
and I did not speak out
because I do not work.
Then they came for our Search
and I did not speak out
because I do not use Search.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.
