[Arizona] Immigration

laws change all kinds of things.
do you normally go out without your wallet or somehting? Im trying to figure out what the big deal is to have an ID.
everything is racist theses days, just ask a minority.... doesnt make it illegal though.

I never have a wallet with me if I'm out running or something. I'd hope they wouldn't harass people in that situation at least.
No, like I said, I carry ID, but lots dont because they dont want or dont have to.

or most likely dont have one. I can honestly say that I dont know a single person who leaves their ID at home on purpose. Actually I dont think I have ever heard someone say "hold up, let me take my ID out of my wallet/money clip" It really doesnt make sense to me. sorry.

Swensonator said:
It's not inconvenient, it's just not required of you as a US citizen according to the constitution.

neither is wearing clothes but im pretty sure you will be going to jail if you walk down the street without them.
or most likely dont have one. I can honestly say that I dont know a single person who leaves their ID at home on purpose. Actually I dont think I have ever heard someone say "hold up, let me take my ID out of my wallet/money clip" It really doesnt make sense to me. sorry.

Not many leave it at home on purpose, but some dont have ID, and for the last 200 some odd years you havent been required to carry it.

neither is wearing clothes but im pretty sure you will be going to jail if you walk down the street without them.
Women walk topless through US city in protest - Telegraph

then again that varies state to state
THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT is basically getting called out for the perpetual federal negligence regarding immigration policy. His argument is that this is a matter for federal law enforcement (executive branch responsibility)--of which there has been no actual significant enforcement.

To which affected states are begining to say, "well alright. Since you aren't going to do your job, we will do it ourselves."

Quite honestly, it's an ingenious way to expose todays modern practice of liberal gerrymandering which is the act of neglecting our borders.

fixed... like this is anything new you partisan douche
I do, but quite a few people dont because they dont want one or dont need one.

That and it's not a constitutional requirement to carry ID. If you're brown you essentially have to now. Cops will not ask me about my immigration status if I'm pulled over. If you're brown you will be, and you'll be required to show documentation.

The intentions behind the bill are ok, but it was horrible implementation.

EDIT: I live in Phoenix. 44th St and Thomas BIYOTCH!! Arcadia REPRESENT!
Swen, this was a stupid comment.

You are absolutely right the US constitution does not require you to carry ID, but there are a million laws in the books that aren't documented in the US Constitution.

If you are pulled over and provide your AZ driver's license you just met the requirement of this new law so there is no need to question your right to be in the state.

If someone else whom is brown, blue, polka dotted or any other color is pulled over and they provide a AZ driver's license there will be no need to question their right to be in the state either.

It is that simple mang.
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It's not just traffic stops however. As I said, some people dont carry ID when on foot/on the bus/riding with a friend/whatever. If you get stopped by an officer just out and about, and dont have documentation you're screwed.

It's going to come down to racism, guaranteed, and it will end up in court.
I never have a wallet with me if I'm out running or something. I'd hope they wouldn't harass people in that situation at least.

This is an excellent point. The AZ law enforcement community is undergoing training regarding how to enforce this law.

I don't have an answer for you, but I will give you my worthless opinion since I will not be asked for input regarding the training.

If you are in running clothes and IF you are stopped you simply provide your name and they run it on their computer. If you are running in AZ you probably live in AZ so when your pic comes up with a valid driver's license you are free to go.

If you are carrying a TV while running or wearing jeans then the same thing is likely to happen as long as your pic pops up on that screen.

This law is really about requiring LEOs to find out the immigration/citizen status of those that can't provide ANY of the many documents that show a person is in the state legally.

This law is not about the gestapo tatics of randomly stopping someone simply to see their "papers".

If you get pulled over & you lack the proper credentials which demonstrate your requisite ability to obey the laws of the state & nation...

It's not just traffic stops however. As I said, some people dont carry ID when on foot/on the bus/riding with a friend/whatever. If you get stopped by an officer just out and about, and dont have documentation you're screwed.

It's going to come down to racism, guaranteed, and it will end up in court.

Just because you do not have the documentation on you does not automatically equally being screwed, but if you don't you could be looking at a $500 fine.

As TF_Grungir if you are on foot/on the bus/riding with a friend/whatever naked you are going to be in trouble.

I would absolutely put money on the fact this does not come down to racism. In fact, if you read the bill you would see that the bill prohibits race to be a factor for determining citizenship/immigration status.

I would bet you that the training the LEOs receive they will be told to treat every single situation the same. If there is no documentation then put them in the back of the squad car until more info can be found and then ticket them for $500 for not following the law.
Being an RN in Texas...

if I forget my nametag & license card...

then I won't be allowed to work for that day.

How d@mned hard is it to accept, you filthy liberal crybabies?
They're looking to determine immigrant status.

How many illegal white immigrants do we have in AZ?

You could probably fit all of them in one prison cell. Illegal mexicans on the other hand are all over the place. So, if you're brown, you're gonna get asked to show proof of citizenship, compared to whitey, who has nothing to worry about. If you're brown and dont have your ID/proof of citizenship, you're going to get fined, or arrested till you can prove it.
Yes! Exactly! The brown squat mongrels are fucking up the state & the nation, so they need to be removed.
They're looking to determine immigrant status.

How many illegal white immigrants do we have in AZ?

You could probably fit all of them in one prison cell. Illegal mexicans on the other hand are all over the place. So, if you're brown, you're gonna get asked to show proof of citizenship, compared to whitey, who has nothing to worry about. If you're brown and dont have your ID/proof of citizenship, you're going to get fined, or arrested till you can prove it.

White illegals and brown illegals will be treated the same way. De-fucking-ported unless they are wanted on more serious charges then they spend time in our prison system if they are convicted.

White illegals and brown illegals will both have the same fears.
I'm not sure you're connecting the dots.

Cops wont, or will rarely ask me for proof of citizenship because I'm white. If you're hispanic more often than not you're going to be asked to show proof of citizenship, hence the charges of racism.