[Arizona] Immigration

No, in Joe's line of work the MCSO killed people, it's that simple.

How many example do you want that he is personally and professionally an asshole? They've had intra-county administrative squabbles with other departments, and the courts refused requests to hand over emails regarding the issue. The solution? Raiding the facility at gunpoint (warrantless) housing the computers and physically take control of the data they wanted.

Melodrama much? They didn't raid. They walked in and just didn't leave.

They did have guns on their hips, but they did not point them at anyone.

LOL, Sheriff Joe haters are the best kind of haters because they hate him so much and make up shit that is untruthful.
The real question is, does anyone who agrees with the law actually live in az?

Sheriff Joe + this law = shitty couple years till the SCOTUS strikes it down.
I do, but quite a few people dont because they dont want one or dont need one.

That and it's not a constitutional requirement to carry ID. If you're brown you essentially have to now. Cops will not ask me about my immigration status if I'm pulled over. If you're brown you will be, and you'll be required to show documentation.

The intentions behind the bill are ok, but it was horrible implementation.
my guess is that especially at first a whole lot of white folks will be getting pulled in.

what does the constitution have to do with carrying an ID?
It has everything to do with it. I dont have to carry ID if I dont want to. This law changes that. At least for the brown folks, and that's why it will end up in court.
laws change all kinds of things.
do you normally go out without your wallet or somehting? Im trying to figure out what the big deal is to have an ID.
everything is racist theses days, just ask a minority.... doesnt make it illegal though.
I agree... How can people leave their home and not have an ID? I am even more baffled at the fact that people argue that it's inconvenient to carry it.
Err, don't you fucks get it? Swensonator doesn't think it's a hassle to carry an ID - he simply thinks that squat Mexican mongrels should be allowed to wreck the United States without opposition. And he will go to any lengths to lie about his motives.
laws change all kinds of things.
do you normally go out without your wallet or somehting? Im trying to figure out what the big deal is to have an ID.
everything is racist theses days, just ask a minority.... doesnt make it illegal though.

No, like I said, I carry ID, but lots dont because they dont want or dont have to.

I agree... How can people leave their home and not have an ID? I am even more baffled at the fact that people argue that it's inconvenient to carry it.

It's not inconvenient, it's just not required of you as a US citizen according to the constitution.