y do some foods taste different when you eat with ur hands

Is this how you hold a fork?


Ok - here we go.

Most yanks will say this is correct:

This is how I hold my fork:
Bottom image is the correct way, most Americans look like greedy children when they eat.

Cut everything up, switch the fork to the right hand, face the tines up, and shovel it in.

so basic
depending on the vessel beverages can have an altered taste

copper mug
glass bottle

but unless you have doodoo hands i dont get it
this i find very true. i even take it further i dont drink out of cans...lips, aluminium...makes shit taste different. whether its water, alcohol, soda its always in a glass when im drinking it.

usually if you need to convince someone this is true, the coke in a bottle vs can challenge usually works.
this i find very true. i even take it further i dont drink out of cans...lips, aluminium...makes shit taste different. whether its water, alcohol, soda its always in a glass when im drinking it.

usually if you need to convince someone this is true, the coke in a bottle vs can challenge usually works.

everything tastes better out of a can this is completely backwards
Bone in pork chop. Bone in ribeye.

Hell, any food that still has the bone on it is excellent when eating with your hands.

Also, asparagus is PERFECT for eating with your hands.

Not rice, though. Eating rice with your hands is 3rd-world tier shit. Unless your fingers are so fucked up from repeatedly punching a board and all your knuckles are broken so using chopsticks no longer work - then, and only then is eating rice with your hands not 3rd world living.
no, then it's just a weakling beta softcore thing that disqualifies you from receiving training from the greatest kung fu master ever
put a plate of peas and mashed potatoes in front of one of these goombas and watch them run out of the room screaming and gnashing their teeth

reminds me of the seinfeld bit about chopsticks. "they've seen the fork"

The mash is there to hold the peas on

best trick to upset your mum is to eat it from the blade of your knife

Bone in foods are always good for picking up, bowls with handles are also the way to go, who needs spoons?

(I remember a very old BC comic strip somewhere in the 70's that had the Fat Broad saying that in it)
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