Valve just announced the next Half Life title

The Magical Zoo

Veteran XV
(not a troll)


Valve announces Half-Life 3: Alyx, its first flagship VR game - The Verge
I remember playing these games with my daughter when she was a wee tike... good times

All I want is a first person shooter, going through awesome levels of imagination, with coop mode up to 4 using computer & internet...

that's what I'll be looking for when I build again som.........
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lol vr half life alyx shit

that is pretty fucking gay

hey valve, how about instead of being so out of touch with gaming community with shit like artifact and this vr bullshit, why don't u pull ur heads out of your asses and just make us l4d3 you fucking twats.
all of u bigots r just trolling bc the main character is a strong woman instead of a typical example of toxic white masculinity
already read the leaked interview

sounds like they may have a L4D VR thing too

anyway....this half life thing isn't coming until March 2020
There is no reason I can see to believe HL3 will be any good or live up to hype. It's been so long from the last game... Anything is possible, anyone could be responsible for it.

They have to actually sell it to me. The free ticket on the hype train expired years ago.
Don't be so defensive, guy. I figured you googled some shit and linked the first thing you saw. I was just stating that they're not a good source for reliable information.