[EA / Respawn] Jedi: Fallen Order

Got Haggis?

Veteran XX

gameplay is apparently Dark Souls-ish (meets...Metroid? Looks more like Tomb Raider / Uncharted or something to me)

Looks like it might be fun, not sold on that "explorer droid" so much. They brought back star wars Saw Gerrera from Rogue One / Clone Wars)
Why does his clothes look low poly and undetailed? His coat looks like a flat shiny raincoat. Youre stuck watching the clothes the whole time, make them look fucking good...
it's dark souls-like because there's a dot to indicate you have the monster selected and when you move the D-pad you strafe around them

it also lets you know when you get a skillpoint in BIG LETTERS and you can take a flamethrower to the face and lose a whopping 5% health

souls-like confirmed
:rofl: What retard would give EA or Respawn (now EA) a single dime?

Whatever it is, I'll acquire it later when I'm bored and try it out.
How is this any different than the horde of stereotypical, run of the mill linear and narrative driven games that we've all played before?

I'm only a few minutes into the video and the gameplay is following your typical canned sequence of cliches and troupes. We're barely 45 seconds in and we're already doing the Titanfall wallrunning gimmick. This could be Titanfall 2 w/ light sabres.

Run the player along a path.
Present the player an obstacle with a solution readily available.
Add little background vignettes of scripted action to add narrative
Interrupt the player with a group of NPC's that stand around waiting to be killed by the player.
Go back to running the player along a path.

Every so often give the player a Macguffin to find in the form of a waypoint to reach, an object to locate or a button to push.

We've played this game... dozens of times over already.

We're just adding a bunch of star wars cliches on top of it now... lone Jedi, rebels, TIE Fighter fly-overs... Storm Troopers loitering saying stuff like "we'll crush the rebellion" and we're even freeing Wookie slaves.

Where is the Dark Souls comparison? I didn't see it... I mean at no point did the game just drop death on the player as a way of revealing danger or a new challenge. The level was full of cardboard, dumb as shit AI that acted as if scripted to die for the sake of making the player feel bad-assed. The player was on rails the entire time, being led through the gauntlet with no sense of agency from being in an open world.
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playable cutscenes, they're in right now

tbh this looks worse than force unleashed, at least that had (messy, ridiculous) combat
It could be the best game made in the last 10 years and I still wouldn't touch it because EA's name is attached to it.

Odds are you can wait a few weeks after launch and pick it up for 80% off when it bombs like most EA titles have lately.
I thought it liked underwhelming. It might had some fun moments and i did really love the little drone on his back.. But all in all it just like another boring game like we have played so many times before already.

I was hoping for it to be a nice FPS shooter tbh. :shrug:
ull never get a real FPS from EA lol... its all consolized, onrails actions. they want to get max $$$ therefore they appeal to the brainless majority... even tho it doesnt actually work out that way, and even the simpletons generally want games with meaningful gameplay....

aka why EA/activ execs r fkin stupid and why their stocks are tanking.
At the rate things are going... it won't be long before Disney owns EA Games.

They recently bought Hasbro™... so now they literally have a monopoly on "Monopoly™"
I didn't think it looked very good except for the little droid. The gameplay didn't look like Star Wars. I don't know why we can't have a Jedi Knight 2 JO type gameplay.

Also that is the oddest looking lightsaber that has existed. It doesn't even look like a lightsaber.