dont forget this weekend is when we SPRING FORWARD FOR ANTIQUATED REASONS

they created dst so cancucks can use it to bicycle in traffic without a flashlight on their helmet

Tell me more about all the farmers for whom lights are prohibitively expensive as it's the turn of the 20th century and is such a big deal that every single person needs to adjust their schedules twice a year for the extra daylight

Oh Wait, you mean the conditions that nessesetated this are no longer a factor? Jeez, I guess the justification for doing this doesn't exist anymore
Tell me more about all the farmers for whom lights are prohibitively expensive as it's the turn of the 20th century and is such a big deal that every single person needs to adjust their schedules twice a year for the extra daylight

Oh Wait, you mean the conditions that nessesetated this are no longer a factor? Jeez, I guess the justification for doing this doesn't exist anymore

so you admit you don't know why dst was created.
Oh Wait, you mean the conditions that nessesetated this are no longer a factor? Jeez, I guess the justification for doing this doesn't exist anymore

comedy gold right here

people picking crops by flashlight now folks

this is how food works in the land of children

where brown cows make chocolate milk

but both might be grown on trees
How about farmers adjust their fucking individual schedules since 5% of population farms now instead of 80%

How about we sacrifice children to the altar of darkness and go to permanent dst
everyone on the planet needs to get up an hour earlier for next six months because some shirtless beta named goshin is too lazy to adjust his clocks

seems like a fair compromise
Time is a construct
You're getting up at the same time since you go to bed an hour earlier technically
I'd rather have more light at night than the morning
So should you
If someone smarter than me (and that's most of you) can explain why entropy makes time always going forward, I'll be in your debt.

I get the special theory of relativity, any 8th grader not from the south can get that. What I don't understand, is gravity, and the general theory. I can do the algebra, and I can get the idea of black holes, etc.

What I don't get is why time has to move forward. Anyone?

My personal thoughts: Time doesn’t. Time is a figment of our imaginations. Only thing that exists is right now. There is no past, there is no future, just right now. We invented time as a way to grasp something we just can’t understand.