Does TV just get better or is there another factor?

I supposed if I only had to watch All in the Family and I didn't know about Game of Thrones I would be OK with it. TV in the 80's was pretty much shit compared to today's standards and plot lines. Even putting aside the better effect and everything. If I had to go back time and be stuck watching only TV from that period I'd probably kill myself.

I've always wondered how a show like Game of Thrones would have gone over in 1985.

tv is garbage.
i havent watched tv in years and i feel great about it.
it's nothing but brainwashing trash
Radio and bands went to shit when rap came out in the 2000s (which would be about 15 years ago). The radio stations on the FM dial only play the urban music, there's about 4 stations playing it, a pop station, 1 classic rock, 1 country. There's no stations in South Florida dedicated to NEW Rock, and that's the problem.

There's no guitar god that I know of, unless you go looking for it on YouTube. In the 80s there was Van Halen and others. Heck, even the newer country sounds like rap songs.

I have Sirius in my car, lifetime member. I listen to the jazz stations (Watercolors, Real Jazz), or talk radio on the AM dial.

Going back to bands, tributes are the big thing. I'm in a Three Dog Night tribute (3DN). There are 23 tribute bands scheduled to play at this club where I'll be playing soon.
PGA Arts Center Concert Infomercial - YouTube
There's no new superstars that bands are covering.

On the way home from lunch today, I put my FM dial at 88.1 and scanned across the entire dial. No new rock stations. A bunch of crap not worth listening too.
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The death of TV in the 70s and 80s was the laugh track and prime time soap operas. Rebirth of TV was cable programming not hindered by fcc and censorship.
Welcome to the future

show is about a coal burning whore who got pumped and dumped by Tyrone and is searching for a beta male cuck to raise her half nigger child.
Primetime television in the 80s was terrible. The endless sitcoms featuring laugh tracks, formulaic plots/casts, and soap operas like dallas, knots landing, falcon crest, etc.

Where things started to change was when HBO decided to start creating their own original content like "The Wire", and a whole new generation of producers and directors ushered in a massive seismic shift in content, unfettered by network censors. Finally, real stories more grounded in reality were on display. The Sopranos, Rome, Deadwood were all masterpieces of TV art. Then other channels started their own original content, even outside of premium channels, such as Breaking Bad came along. Then finally, companies outside of cable TV, like Netflix and amazon provided even more diverse and better TV.

It used to be a running joke that having cable meant having 400 channels of nothing to watch. That is certainly no longer true. We're living in an amazing time for entertainment. While Hollywood is stuck remaking the same movies over and over again, television is where true original story telling is taking place. No one, in the 80s, would have made a show such as "Man in the high castle". In the 80s, Hollywood was at it's peak, giving us so many amazing movies (to me, the real golden age of Hollywood). Now, it's a disgrace.

Television still has it's share of terrible programming (any reality show on history channel) - remember when MTv actually played music videos? But there is more than enough outstanding choices to be able to find quality shows any day of the week.
Two. And the second season was shorter and changed Octavians halfway through.