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    [Obama] Missile Strike into Pakistan

    Original Source (Chicago Trib) Another campaign promise kept. I'm saying four days before another wedding party's exploded.
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    [Economics] New Deal Extending Great Depression

    I've noticed this notion cropping up in a few of the economic threads here and there, most recently in this post. Could any of the TW economics types point me to a few good articles that argue the case that FDR's programs actually damaged American economic recovery during the period of...
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    [Map] Hilde Redux

    Yeah it's out. Dedicated to Spookious, for his constant encouragement. Pics too.
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    [Attn: Irritant] Sporadic Sensors

    I hope you're still around, 'cause this really needs answered. All right, I've been getting this error where the sensors of a team will every so often will not function unless you a) change teams and then switch back, or b) you wreck the sensor and/or gens then repair it. How do I unfuck this...
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    [Map Beta] MP-Coldsnap

    Two in one day! Taste the mediocrity! This one's an original, with sweet terrain, etc. Anyway... Download'er here.
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    [Beta Release] Hilde Redux

    For my buddy Spookious of Pendragon. Based on the old timey favorite from Open Call and some T2 fame. Download it here. Thanks to the usual suspects for helping on this one. Known problems (this will be updated): No load screen. No/busted command map. This map is now on ^DOM^...
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    [Request] T2 Mapping: MissionBlank

    Zear did this ages ago, and since T2maps went down it's impossible to find. Does anyone have this?
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    [SS2845]All Work on T:V ATR Cancelled.

    As most of you may or may not have known, the boys at Clancore were still shooting to release something for T:V. However, this just came down the pipe today. Some (or most) of you probably saw this one coming, but after seeing how quickly we could move with Torque (two vehicles in a week...
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    [Request] T2 Movie Downloads

    So, I'm getting the T2 itch again and I was wondering who's got links to some good T2 movies. I'd like to keep away from the normal "MA-MA-MA-SL-OMG" stuff (unless it's really well put together) and find some "epic combat" kind of shit. I have this link, so I don't need any of these...
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    SS:2845 Announcement

    From the CCDG forums: On the player count thing, I've also heard that over 64 players may be possible. Very exciting stuff.
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    [T:V Mapping] Skyboxes?

    Terragen isn't cutting it, and I'm getting seams in my skyboxes despite the textures being the proper size. Any tips/tricks for making good skyboxes? Any free programs that are better than Terragen?
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    [New Map]MP-Tundra

    It's done. Finally. effing macrotextures. 950 meters of CTF goodness. It will be up at the TW maps database later on this week. Screens: Check the readme for all the info, or the VM page. Whatever.
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    [Mapping]Spawn Arrays won't Allow Teleport.

    In my new map, I can teleport from Base 1 to Base 2, but not the other way around. What's the problem?
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    [SS2845] Need Your Vote! Vote and help us out!
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    [SS2845] Need Your Vote.

    From our forums: We need your help to ensure we win this, since it would get our mod a good bit of attention.
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    [T:V on TV]For Those Who Care...

    On December 20, it seems that Judgment Day on G4TechTV will be reviewing T:V.
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    Portal Trouble

    Okay, this is for someone with more experience with UT portals than I have. How do I go about making sure the light map doesn't "cut" in between zones?
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    Maps and Spawning: Would you like a choice?

    In my new map, I'm playing around with the idea of having people spawning light in an auxiliary base, while spawning as medium in the main base. I think this adds a certain strategic element to the map. What think you, O Rabble of TW? Would you rather spawn only as medium, or have the option of...
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    When can we expect some basic documentation? :x
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    [Beta] MP-Tundra

    All right, I tried this over in the Scripting and Modifying thread and didn't get much of a response. I need a few beta testers to check for bugs and errors in my newest map. Who would be willing to do so? If you are, I'll hit you up in PM with a link in an hour or so, once I add one last thing...