Search results

  1. K

    [Opera] Best Reasons for swtiching (for all you porn lovers){No Porn}

    If you like porn, and hate the spyware & viri you get when using IE, read on: Best Reasons for switching to Opera I have ever seen. Cliffs: 1) Opera is the best browser ever for surfing porn. 2) Click link for details you lazy bitch. Highlights: 1) Links panel for selecting and downloading...
  2. K

    [P2P] Exeem

    [P2P] Exeem {[Public Beta]} Go Forth and Download! Ok, my thread title sucks... sorry.
  3. K

    [eBay] For the man/woman who has everything...

    A bit pricey, but it makes a great Gift! - The perfect gift for the person who has everything. - Takes up no space. Easy to store. - Helps fight capitalism. Possibly. - No postage required. - Environmentally friendly, 100%...
  4. K

    [Star Wars] Episode 3 Trailer (need host)

    [Star Wars] Episode 3 Trailer I managed to swipe the new ep3 trailer that was released at 1:00 pm. [Found Hosts] Large: FULL SIZE (10MB) - Keweenaw FULL SIZE (10MB) Mirror - Cadet FULL SIZE (10MB) Mirror - DarkBlade Medium: Microsqft Link Mirror - Grand Masta D Mirror - LostDuck Slashdot Torrent
  5. K

    [Map Feedback] Isle Bases Inconsistancy With Pod

    The top entrances to each of the main bases on Isle are different. You can sneek a pod in both front doors, but you can only get the pod through the top entrance on the blood eagle base. If you attempt this on the blood eagle base, you can't get the pod through on the left side, but you can on...
  6. K

    [NEWS] Best Buy Sued by State of Ohio

    I searched, so if its ofn, fuck you. Link:
  7. K

    The Great Browser Thread

    Ok, this is to clear up all the browser confusion. For all those looking/using "non-IE" browsers, read on... if your still using IE read on as well. Internet Explorer is full of security holes. You can get viruses and other nasty stuff just by visiting webpages... and there are a lot of other...
  8. K

    What happened to the TW Hub?

    There was a TW DC++ Hub a while back (like, last year). I lost my DC++ settings and e-mail in a system crash a while back... ... so I was wondering if the hub was still around. And if it is, what info do I need to get back in? (Not looking for warez or anything stupid like that, just wondering...
  9. K

    "No Timmy most people will end up in hell..."

    Ok, OFN or not, this shit scares me: Site is kinda slow, sorry Let the flaming begin...
  10. K

    Lort: Ttt

    I don't know if this is OFN or not, but... I can't believe some people are this dumb: EDIT: I know i put lort... I'm dumb... deal with it...