Search results

  1. T and trillian2 DCC xfers fail me.

    This has always happened to me on with trillian 2, DCC connections never ever work. Any other IRC client or any other irc server with trillian 2 will work fine. I've messed with settings many times, does anyone else use trillian 2 on dynamix and send files? Is there some...
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    So vet3, 4, 5 means post counts?

    I used to think that veteran2, 3, 4 5 etc was related to how many years a member has been a.. um.. member. But obviously it aint, because I see lots of Vet5 people who registered a few years after me. So is it based on post counts or time, or both for just vet2 and then post counts from then on.
  3. T

    people on legends server now.

    Like 8 people on at the moment, not many people but enough to test it out if you have never seen anyone on. Can't guarantee they will still be there for long because we've been on for hours. Anti-Rape...
  4. T

    Firefox Pornbar extension and other gems.

    bar and extension, nice phallic words. PornBar 0.4.1, Makes searching for pr0n easy, lol. ok. Got a nice extension to list extensions too (yeah it sounds stupid to use an plugin for plugins) - so here goes. (got most of these from it is a HUGE list and took me ages to get...
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    Anyone got latest MyDoom links to share? and kill IE using enemies.

    Hey, this is nasty. Send a link to a "friend" who uses Internet Explorer - boom. If I had one of these links would it work just from a page? Could I put a link click here for lesbo pr0n vids which infects IE users who click it? My interest is purely academic, I just want to explain it to people...
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    Speed up Acrobat 6 and make PDFs without warez

    This was mentioned like 7 months ago, but version 6 just sucks so much ass that I wanted to OFN myself. Speed up Acrobat, just delete or rename the Acrobat/Plugins folder. details here say to remove all but a few plugins, but I say fuck that and REMOVE THEM ALL. No problems, loads fast, I open...
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    join tribalwar chat through webpage

    type name and press connect it is a free applet so steal it and point it to any irc server/channel etc yes I do have mIRC, stfuc E N T E R - N A M E in box before pressing connect!!!!
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    Wednesday night Tribes 2 Shifter

    starts in an hour. last week was pretty cool. Players on Kronos right now Yes Kronos still has all the new vehicles! Suit up, load up, join in. Time: USA times Wednesday night, 7PM PST / 8PM MST / 9PM CST / 10PM EST Australian time 12pm Thursday AEST (midday) check
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    HomeLAN Kronos HERCs

    HomeLAN Kronos HERCs server is online with an OC-48 connection (which is something like 20 times faster than than a T1 line) Running the latest test version of Shifter with a few more cool things. Satellite Strike Mortar MDM is a bit better new player physics for charging into people and...
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    [T2] models mirrored, 3ds max files and modding forum with attachments etc

    since has gone down quite some time ago, also T2cc forums have gone down again (they do that a lot and the forum software there is so bad it gets hacked and such too) It is time to upload them somewhere else. HERE! located there is most of the files that were released to...
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    so when can people register?

    people still asking me when registration will be enabled here. they can't post as guests to ask, can't get anyone else to ask and all emails to TW admins do not get responses - so they ask me... and I post here. maybe put in a massive time delay for rego, so it takes a week to register, and/or...
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    some basic model making tips - .dts FAQ

    is right here just thought I would copy it over from one of my old forums.
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    Sorry. Registration has been disabled by the administrator.

    click register and "Sorry. Registration has been disabled by the administrator." is this intentional? people keep bugging me about it.
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    [SOW] Cerebrus - HERC ( is online again

    [SOW] Cerebrus - HERC ( is back up and running, with no client side maps to force people off. It is running on the new patch. We've been dueling hercs all day.
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    [T2] HERC Destroyer MECH mod released

    It works. It kills. 1 pilot, 3 gunners. play it now on [SOW] Cerebrus HERC server, You only need the 3meg "player file" to join. Player File - All of...