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  1. C

    [Lyrics] Aqueduct

    Can't find lyrics for any of the songs on their new CD, Aqueduct - Or Give Me Death.... it's been out for a little while I don't get it. Thanks for any help :wave:
  2. C

    [Audacity] Reducing bass in an mp3

    I've got an mp3, Stars - One More Night, 320kbps, and the bass is way too fucking high. Anyone know some quick fixes I can put on it in Audacity? Thanks :wave:
  3. C

    [Modest Mouse] We Were Dead... lyrics?

    Does anyone know if there are lyrics posted anywhere for any/all of the tracks on We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank (besides Dashboard)?
  4. C

    Lost in Translation: Soundtrack

    Halp, What is the name of the song that starts playing as Charlotte and Bob leave her room and go out to the club with Charlotte's friends. On the DVD (that I have) it starts cica 43:00. :wave:
  5. C

    [Insider Request] Team USA Thank...
  6. C

    Anyone have a CD Key for Original D2?

    Anyone have one lying around? Trying to play with a few friends but we're 1 key short, if you have one please pm me. Thanks <3
  7. C

    [Diablo 2] [Hardcore] [East]

    Anyone doing USEast HC - Ladder? Let me know~ 75 Java, getting owned in hell.
  8. C

    Concert question

    Maybe I'm the only one who doesn't know, but what are those speaker looking black boxes that are always on the front of the stage that have an open face tilted towards the performer(s). Usually many of them 4+, I can't tell what they are. Halp.
  9. C

    [Vid request] Mortal Combat (?) tournament

    It was posted here quite a while ago, big room filled with tons of people, I think it was mortal combat, one guy is at ~5% health the other 90%+ and he pulls a massive combo and ends up winning as everyone is freaking out. Danke.
  10. C

    [Dual Monitors] Desktop Caldendar

    Anyone know a good program? WalCal fucks up when I try it (could be because of differen't resolutions). If not, is there a good general calendar program out there that someone could recommend?
  11. C

    How do you host a winamp stream?

    I want to play music for some friends, is there an easy way to host a stream and let them connect? Thanks.
  12. C

    Removing XP question

    I'm going to be taking the hard drive in my desktop and putting it in an external enclosure which will connect to my laptop through USB. Is there a way to remove windows XP from the desktop hard drive but keep all the files and shit on it so that it just acts as a data drive when attached to the...
  13. C

    [Book] A Million Little Pieces

    Just finished it, anyone else read it? Thoughts?
  14. C

    Song in Cinderella Man trailer?

    ... and what is that song they always play at graduation during the slideshow of old pictures that makes everyone cry?
  15. C

    [Mp3] Berkeley Prof Laptop Stolen - Confidential data

    Not sure if this has been posted Transcript:
  16. C

    [Video-Request] Guy falling out of car [Owned]

    Where is that video of the guy who tried to clip the kid on his bike by hanging out of the window in the back seat of a car and then falls out and faceplants onto the bumper of the car parked/driving next to them? Thank you TW.
  17. C

    [Vanilla Sky] "Open your eyes" mp3 [halp]

    You know in Vanilla Sky how his alarmclock thingy plays the female voice (Cruz or Diaz) saying "Open your eyes" over and over again. Does anyone have a decent quality mp3 of that or know where to get it (or something like it)? Thanks :wave:
  18. C

    Winamp playlist -> HTML (halp)

    Where can I get that program that will make a html or txt list of the songs in my winamp play list with total time ect.?
  19. C

    Anyone know this song? (CKY2K / Mean Girls)

    It's the song at the end of Mean Girls (end of the actuall movie and right when the credits start - not the song later on in the credits) and it's the song they play in CKY2K when they are running around Iceland. Thank you if you know. (Sounds like Enya)
  20. C

    Best program for MAKING .iso's from DVD's?
