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  1. V

    [Bug SP] Two of same weapon

    Somehow I managed to pick up two chainguns. I had 200+ ammo in one, and 0 in the other but either would fire, ammo provided by the single pool. Situation, playing demo, I emptied my spinfusior and exchanged it for a rocket pod. After firing off about half the ammo in the pod against the waves...
  2. V

    [Bug] Force grid removal artifact in Cavern.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't there a force grid across the bottom of the "chute" in the main base in Cavern, in an earlier iteration of beta? Thing is, it still exists for weapons fire. Projectiles will explode/bounce off it, but splash damage goes through. Reproduction: Host server...
  3. V

    [Bug] Graphical glitch: Skiing "trail" stuck

    Basically the "trail" you get when skiing over certian materials (grass, rock, dirt, etc) will stick to you when you come off the surface and go airborne under certain conditions. It will not cease until you "ski" again. Reproduction: the easiest way I've found to reproduce this effect is to be...
  4. V

    [Feedback Discussion] HO, Access, Spawn Placement and Invulnerability

    Ok, I've tried HO in T:V recently, and while I think the "position" is mostly balanced, there are three main areas that I think need discussion, if not change in some form. These are tied together somewhat, and reinforce each other at points. Spawn Invulnerability, Access, and Spawn Placement...
  5. V

    Lightning strike

    Lightning strike [pics] Happened about 45 minutes to an hour ago. Loud bang, then I saw chunks of wood flying past my window. Said chunks of wood, my apartment behind. Where they came from. Closeups of the tree.
  6. V

    T:V Demo feature request

    Due to something I read in GD I thought I'd ask to see if this was even possible. Having a listing of everyone's name/GUID on the server available somehow. This would prevent people from saying "That wasn't me, that was someone else posing as me! Prove that I was cheating" in the event that...
  7. V

    Language filter? WTF?

    "Language filter? WTF?" or "Free the four letter word!!!" Noticed that certain words in Tribes Talk were geting censored, wondering when, and why that decision was made. Testing to see if it's a forum wide or simply TT phenom. Test words (ignore if you're easily mentally scarred for life)...
  8. V

    Fans and Airflow

    The case I'm looking at has four fan slots, two front (and apparently bottom) and two rear (top), all 80mm. The fans I am looking at stack up like this 2 @ 21.5 cfm (intended for front inward airflow, aluminum w/ LEDs) 2 @ 24.7 cfm (intended for back outward airflow, Standard ABS plastic) Is...
  9. V

    Halo junkies/Con addicts: look within.

    I apologize if this is OFN, I just stumbled onto it today. This is a compilation of two really BIG pics, originally found here Basically what this is: a full scale, very well done, replica of a set of SPARTAN combat armor. These apparently will be available for purchase (after some legal...
  10. V

    RAM terminology interpretation.

    I'm looking at building a new box, and I finally think I have figured out how to choose a motherboard & case (case&MB if anyone sees any problems let me know). Right now the major thing I'm facing is getting the most out of my RAM. In case you didn't click on the above MB link, here's the...
  11. V

    [T:V]Favorites and selection

    First off, are there going to be T2 style favorites (or something similar)? I think there was a thread that commented on them (nothing official). Apparently there seemed to be buttons on the inventory screen for that purpose. Next, will there be a way to select those favorites while running...
  12. V

    Budget computer building.

    Just wondering if now is a good time to start shopping for my next Tribes box. I can get the following system prebuilt (I know, can do it cheaper by buying piecemeal and slapping it together, but I'd rather it be built by at least a semi-professional, I'd screw up something minor that would...
  13. V

    [T:V]Known and unknown: Hud Elements, Packs, Etc.

    Didn't see a thread around for this, perhaps they are distributed through many threads... Anyway, I wanted to get a thread going that shows known and unknown elements from T:V. I get us started with a few elements from the HUD. If adding to this, please crop your pics to just what you are...