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    [Game] Anyone playing For Honor this weekend??

    Closed Alpha started yesterday. I've been looking forward to trying it since they announced it. It's actually better than I expected. I kinda thought most of the different characters would play very similarly but they really made them distinct. If you like medievalish stuff and you like...
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    [game] remake of savage??

    anyone have this? savage was a fuckin awesome game.
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    lightweight thin sole approach shoe?

    like a more grippy vapor glove or something like that. something i could use on rock with a bit more confidence. anyone know of something like that from experience? my hiking boots are great but sole is too thick and too heavy for what i end up doing most of the time in my area (lighter load...
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    [Dune] the pug from dune

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    is midair being worked on by anyone who played tribes

    curious. i don't know why it has to look like wildstar/team fortress but i guess that's just the trend now. f2p sounds like garbage but if the gameplay is good, maybe they can not ruin it with way too many stupid options and game wrecking weapons/'perks'. hey
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    was dweasel banned/killed?

    just wondering since i am out of the loop.
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    [Game] Strife (Trial Weekend)

    Trial of Strife I didn't play heroes of newerth but I played a lot of the original savage. I'm not sure in what way this game differs from LoL or DOTA 2.
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    Does anyone have a Scrolls key?

    I've been looking for a game to play with a friend who moved. We played MTG and he still plays but mtgo is just terrible, i can't enjoy the game on mtgo. Have been playing Faeria and greatly enjoying that but it's very barebones at the moment. I know some of you have Scrolls just wondering if...
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    Salty Bet

    Salty Bet - In Salt We Trust Not new. But I don't care. It's a stream of MUGEN (fighting game engine) with a ton of stupid characters. AI v AI, bet on winner.
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    Shootmania beta

    Anyone play it? Looks p awesome to me. I've been wanting some kind of UT/quake type shooter for a while. All the UT games are also on sale on steam right now but shootmania looks fun. I like just having one wep that seems to be like quake rocket/disk. E4xFNL2S-gI it appears they are also...
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    Scribble some shit.

    ScribblerToo :: Mario Klingemann update :: neato poteato.
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    Parklife SIEsmGzo2UE
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    Human Kibble/Chow etc.

    Does this exist. If not, why not. I think we should pursue this market. I want some grain based relatively nutritional morsel that i can store for long periods of time and eat whenever. is anyone interested in investing.
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    Simple/Cheap Game Engines

    Anyone know of anything. 2D. Cheap meaning like around $100 for some kind of license. C++. Someone I know who is a c++ guy wants to work on something with me but we aren't really sure what is good/easy to work with and what isn't. any suggestions? goth aggis im looking at you.
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    MWO Open Beta

    It's on. MWO: Index this game has come a long way. hawken is boring as shit. mwo is as true to battletech as you're going to get while modernizing the style brilliantly. get in there.
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    Great Star Wars Fan Made Short with Sleigh Bells

    t9yRC9rEwu0 was taken down for a moment then reappeared. makes me want x-wing v tie so bad.
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    [Hawken] alpha 2 invites going out

    in case you were wondering. vent server (houston)
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    [Metal Gear] MGS: Ground Zeroes

    Didn't see a thread. Trailer is ridiculous. L5IVOs5Pxh8
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    [RIFT] Storm Legion

    k68DrZohC2g When I first tried Rift I was terribly underwhelmed by the intro portion and just gave up. I decided to stick with it to see what the game is really like and have so far been really impressed. This expansion looks awesome. The art is awesome, the stuff they're adding on sound good...
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    [video] i think you should kill yourself dilbert

    N7bwbl6UHU8 enjoy