Search results

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    Boozed up chimpanzee goes to rehab

    Boozy ape sent to rehab | Reuters
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    Who is this? [porn star]

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    [NWS] Is this Megan Fox pic a fake? from Megan Fox is Catwoman - What Would Tyler Durden Do
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    DLL launching with every EXE

    I've got a PC that's been infected with some sort of spyware. I'm going to format, but this has me completely stumped. What I've got is: randomly named filename mspygps.dll in the System32 folder that is launching after every EXE (not affected .bat, .pif or .com files) no bad startup items...
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    ESPN Insider Request

    NFL: Mel Kiper grades the NFL draft - ESPN thanks in advance :sunny:
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    [IE8] Internet Explorer 8 officially released (not beta)

    Internet Explorer 8: Home page yah yah IE sucks yah yah... I use Chrome and IE and IE8 is *supposed* to render just as fast or faster...we'll see. *edit* direct link <--32bit XP From Detox below:
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    Fantasy Football...who to start?

    Must pick one: Dallas Clark - vs Cincy Sammy Morris vs. Seattle Willie Parker vs. Dallas One thing to note...league gives 1pt per reception. Other scoring is normal.
  8. X referral link gone?

    I know it was rarely used, but I was just going to try to use it
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    Real Quick...can I get a waffles invite please?

    I had a good ratio on Oink I just never jumped on the waffles bandwagon when it started... please and thank you! :)
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    [IT] Routing / BGP question

    Currently at my job we have a T1 coming into the building that goes down about 3-4 times per year for 12 hours at a time. This is due to old/faulty wiring in the street and Verizon won't "fix" it for good, they just switch us to a different pair and solve the issue. Well, this has caused us to...
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    Cell Phone Insurance question

    So I have verizon and the original LG 8500 (chocolate) phone. Lately its been acting up (2 side buttons stopped working, occasionaly earpiece sound doesn't work). Well, as of yesterday I can no longer get any sound out of the earpiece...which is a fairly important feature of a phone. One...
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    Verizon to open its wireless networks to any (compatible) device

    Verizon Opens Up Network to Outside Devices - New York Times Pretty sweet to be able to run any OS on your phone "as long as it pasts standards"
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    Link for download of free icons?

    Anyone know a site where you can download free icons? Doing some development and I'm not cool enough to make my own.
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    [ARCADE] Your score won't be stored in Database because the Arcade...

    only saves the users highest score... that's no good for games like Golf!! I'm sure this is OFN by now but search is gone so no way to be sure!! :disgust:
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    What's the best DVD Copy software...

    Yes, DVD Copy software used to backup my store purchased DVD's in case they get scratched by the 5 year old that lives in the house
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    Front page, top I the only one it says "blah blah blah"...then PIT 24 - 24 SEA they drunk? *edit* screenshot
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    Quick Question...anyone have the Logitech Z-3 Speakers?

    Does the volume control control the volume of the headphones when plugged in? Thanks.
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    Great Firefox Plugin - Greasemonkey

    If this is OFN then too bad, I searched... Found a great little extension for Firefox that allows you to modify existing web sites when you view can essentially add any feature you want to a website though I haven't played with it too much. The first greasemonkey user script that I...
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    How to fix a TV?

    So we had some lightning and it fried my TV I *think* through the cable line (since it fried my cable modem, too). I can now get sound from the TV, but no video. Does anyone know if there's an easy fix to this, like a transistor thats blown or something? Or any easy way to tell?
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    For those thinking about joining an online poker site

    I would suggest you sign up via another site to get the most of the promotions out there. I signed up for one of my accounts through Pokersourceonline and got a free set of 11.5g chips for depositing and playing like 100 hands (they're basically the chips that sell for $50-60 on ebay)...