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  1. G

    [Pleasantly Surprised] iPod Repair

    I'm mainly making this thread to those with shitty iPod batteries that they'd like to get fixed... I sent in my iPod Mini to Apple last Saturday because the fully-charged battery lasted no longer than an hour. Low and behold, my doorbell rings around 1 p.m. this afternoon, and the delivery guy...
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    4/20 babies...

    Post here! :clap: :birthday: :boogie: gofishgrrl. (23)
  3. G

    Fast for George W. Bush! :lol: To think these people are serious. I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
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    GO Niners

    Yeah, I know they're sucking this season. I still love them. GO NINERS.
  5. G

    A little survey.

    1. Let us assume you met a rudimentary magician. Let us assume he can do five simple tricks – he can pull a rabbit out of his hat, he can make a coin disappear, he can turn the ace of spades into the Joker card, and two others in a similar vein. These are his only tricks and he can’t learn any...
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    [Semi-Political] This is when you know it's gone a little too far. Cliffs for the lazy: This chick posted an entry after the last presidential debate which was apparently very anti-Bush. The Secret Service arrived at her house last night to discuss the reported entry, saying that it could be "misconstrued as...
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    Wiggers, Wiggers, Wiggers

  8. G

    Happy birthday MANIAC!

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    The Politics Test My results: You are a Social Moderate (56% permissive) and an... Economic Liberal (33% permissive) You are best described as a: Centrist
  10. G

    Officials outlaw curbside living

    Of course, this is only in Sonoma County which is in northern California, but I still found it interesting. "FUCK BUMS!" Full article:
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  12. G

    Abortion rules in Ontario, Canada.

    One of my really good friends in Canada was raped a couple weeks ago, and she just found out today that she's pregnant. She's only 16 years old. She needs to know if you can get an abortion without permission from parents. Do any of you have any idea?
  13. G referral link? <3

    plz :cat:
  14. G

    Thursday breaks up.

    I was just informed that Thursday has broken up. They have been one of my favorite bands for a few years, so this is fucking lame. :(
  15. G

    Damn fags.

  16. G

    HEY! Let's count Bush's errors!

    Driving home from my dad's work to my house (which takes 5 minutes), Bush fucked up three times. I'm waiting for more - this is comedy.
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    Why aren't there any Quake 1 servers?!

  18. G

    Ripping CD's Program

    Hey, girls. Quick question here - I've been ripping my music with Windows Media Player ( :rolleyes: ), and I want a program that can rip them into mp3's. Here's the catch - I fucking hate spyware, just like everyone else. Does anyone know of a program that contains these qualities?
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    Things to Do in Santa Cruz

    My girlfriends and I are taking a trip toward the end of the week down there. Where can we go...what can we do...etc, etc.
  20. G

    Super Mario 2 Video

    Does anyone know the link to the Super Mario 2 beat in 11 minutes video? My friend just told me about it and...umm...I want to see it.