Recent content by the wolffman

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    l337ha><0rs can crash internet explorer

    not like it's hard in the first place, but this flaw is utterly rediculous. /. article
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    XP Help

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    LTT: metal gear solid w/ vr missions for ps1

    i want the original metal gear solid game and the vr missions for playstation. if i remember right, a greatest hits edition was released for mgs, and it included both games. i will only trade a $50 gift card for electronics boutique stores. i returned a game, and since the eb i went to didn't...
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    somethingawful vs. icp fans :lol:
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    mod_rewrite problems

    of all the fucking simple things in the world, i can't get my server to prevent hotlinks as i want it to. just want to make a hotlinked image show an image defined by me. i want to make a large donation to sircle's girls thread, but i don't want fucking bastards to hog up the precious...
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    configuring tiny firewall 4 to recognize wireless network

    no idea how. supposed to be easy configuration, but it's not. help file doesn't help. support site doesn't offer any support. any ideas?
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    sinister minister

    featured on well, this was my first solo on bass guitar in front of many people. the quality was not quite what i wanted it to be, and it will fixed in the future when the concert recording dude is finished remixing. for now, the file you download features the raw and original...
  8. T

    why did i get an aim account in the first place? shazbot.