Recent content by [Khorne]Pebbles

  1. K

    You all SUCK!!!

    It's mah birthday damnit.... you could at least say Happy Birthday or Kiss my ass..... SOMETHING. Sheesh! :birthday:
  2. K

    Getting married this Saturday!

    The stress of a wedding is amazing.... I'm definitely looking forward to the honeymoon!!! :D :sex:
  3. K

    Going to meet Bounty tomorrow...

    So, just talked to Bounty and he told me that he misses ElMar already.... he sounded all weepy and stuff. We are going to hook up with him for dinner and drinks tomorrow so ought to be fun. :) I just have to sit between him and Flash to make sure no funny stuff happens!! :D
  4. K

    Oh hell no!

    $194.00 for a fucking MIcheline tire? I said fuck you put the old tire back on we are going somewhere else. It has been a long time since I bought a new tire but that just stupid. PS GO CHIEFS!!! :)
  5. K

    I get to go to see....

    Blue Man Group this weekend!! :D I have been wanting to see them for 4 years now and finally got tickets to go see them for my birthday. Gosh my boyfriend can be swell sometimes. ;)
  6. K

    Has anyone seen the moive....

    The Terminal with Tom Hanks??? Getting ready to go see a movie tonight..... and my bf says it's between Dodgeball or The Terminal. Wanted to get some info.... Thanks in advance. :)
  7. K

    What is your opinion on breast implants?

    So do you like them or not? discuss :dapopcorn
  8. K

    I need a flamer...

    Well I just thought it would be nice to have a flamer smiley where one smiley has a flame gun and shooting another smiley. I know there is the flame smiley but that's not the same thing.... With all these creative minds out here I'm dissapointed that nobody has came up with this. :D Ok FLAME...