Recent content by discuit

  1. D

    SWAT 4 - Give it a shot.

    I know a lot of people here are jaded by IG and VUG, and i don't blame you, i am too! I also know however that many of you are looking for something else to play, which is the reason for this post. SWAT 4 is seriously the frist game i've actually played for longer than 3 months (2 of which...
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    Swat 4 Feeling the heat?...a little? a heartwarming little read.

    Check out the "a wee warning" thread here!. Chris Kline, or ckline, is the lead developer of S4, seems they are feeling some of the fallout of VU's shitfull attitude. :) The article was also newsalised and a little article written here! 10-David is, afaik, like the TW of Swat gaming, so...
  3. D

    Punkbuster is a go folks, thus so is PATCH i guess?

    Punkbuster is a go, thus so is PATCH i guess? Details here! So it looks like we will be seeing that patch after all. :) Edit- Damn link was broke. :(
  4. D

    [Maps + Mutators] Consistancy Issues?

    I have been reading all the posts lately about mutators, modifications to maps etc, and just had one question. Will there ever be consistancy in Tribes again across most servers? and if not will this be a problem? If so how can it be rectified? What im talking about is stuff like "degrapple"...
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    [Map Pack] Release date?

    Giess or someone else in the know, can you please tell me when the pack will be released? I'd like to get it on a euro server asap, so im just curious when that might be. :) Thanks in advvnce and thanks again for all the hard work you mapper peeps. :)
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    Retail Maps - Feedback or screenies for us poor euro's/oceania ppl?

    Heya folks, Can any of you yanks please post some screenies of the new maps, or your own personnal comments/thoughts on them? We dont get this game for another 2 weeks iirc, so any feedback on them would be great. As i know myslef and a lot of other players feel that a LOT of the...
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    The "original" grapple game!

    Who here is old enough to remember THIS little gem! sif this wasnt the real basis for TV! :cat:
  8. D

    IoF's - The new ghey

    Ok, maybe not new...but now its even worse... Another ramification of no weight on deployables that has started to show itself is 2 ld/md carrying deplyable invs ALL GAME and placing them on the flag when one goes down. Wtf wouldn't you though, you can still chase with one if needed. :( Add...
  9. D

    [Feedback] Deployables and points.

    I know no matter what i say someone is going to go "waaaahhhh dont play for points blah blah", but i'll go on anyway. :) Is there anyway to implement a point for killing deployables (turrets, remote invs [not base invs], rep turrets, fek even mines in their current incarnation) so as to...
  10. D

    [BUG] Menu sounds disappearing.

    If this is ofn, then just ignore it, as i couldn't find it here... The sounds during the server selection/join screen cease to play when you come back to the menus after being rejected by a server, ie. they're full, can't connect etc. It happens almost everytime, so recreating it isnt too...
  11. D

    [Feedback] Demos

    Will demos be fully functional on release?
  12. D

    [Feedback] TV's Sensor System

    I can't be bothered re-typing what i wrote on bittah and what others have written in response, so i'll just link you. Click me to see original thread I truly am interested to see what the rest of you think...
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    [Feedback] Open beta (not a release date question)

    I was just reading the arena thread, when i saw this line from KP - "I've been told that it's too late to rename Arena. Sorry can take it up with Thrax" Now i'm not really an arena player, but this comment made me ask that if it is "too late" to change a name, what exactly is the...
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    [Feedback] Speed pack

    Is this pack getting used in beta at all? as i keep seeing vids of ppl using all the other three, but not it. Not to mention the thread that asked what loadouts ppl are using didnt have one reply with the speed pack in it. :( If it is being used can you elaborate how and by what positions etc...
  15. D

    [Request/Feedback] Scroll zoom

    Is this possible in TV? if it isn't by default, can it be done using ini editing? If the answer to both of these is no, then can it be made so? Thanks.