Current news thread

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill on Monday that will prohibit children younger than 14 from joining social media in the state. Those who are 14 or 15 will need a parent’s consent before they join a platform.

The bill, HB3, also directs social media companies to delete the existing accounts of those who are under 14. Companies that fail to do so could be sued on behalf of the child who creates an account on the platform. The minor could be awarded up to $10,000 in damages, according to the bill. Companies found to be in violation of the law would also be liable for up to $50,000 per violation, as well as attorney’s fees and court costs.

“Ultimately, [we’re] trying to help parents navigate this very difficult terrain that we have now with raising kids, and so I appreciate the work that’s been put in,” DeSantis said in remarks during the bill-signing ceremony.

DeSantis previously vetoed a more restrictive version of the bill that would have banned social media accounts for kids under 16. That bill also required Florida residents to submit an ID or other identifying materials in order to join social media.

HB3, which is slated to take effect in January 2025, comes as efforts to regulate social media continue to ramp up across the U.S. amid concerns from some parents that the platforms don’t do enough to keep their kids safe online.

In December, more than 200 organizations sent a letter urging Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., to schedule a vote on the Kids Online Safety Act, or KOSA, which seeks to create liability, or a “duty of care,” for apps and online platforms that recommend content to minors that can negatively affect their mental health.

In January, lawmakers grilled CEOs from TikTok, X and Meta about online child safety. The tech executives reaffirmed their commitment to child safety, and pointed to various tools they offer as examples of how they are proactive about preventing exploitation online.

Florida House Speaker Paul Renner and other advocates of the new law argue that social media use can harm children’s mental health and can lead to sexual predators communicating with minors.

"None of us can afford to be on the sidelines when it comes to social media," Renner said in remarks made at the bill signing.

Several states that have enacted similar laws to limit teen social media — including Ohio and Arkansas — have been challenged by NetChoice LLC, a coalition of social media platforms whose members include Meta, Google and X, among others.

Florida’s law is also expected to face legal challenges over claims that it violates the First Amendment.

“We’re disappointed to see Gov. DeSantis sign onto this route,” Carl Szabo, vice president and general counsel for NetChoice, said in an email statement, calling the law "unconstitutional." “There are better ways to keep Floridians, their families and their data safe and secure online without violating their freedoms.”

Both DeSantis and Renner alluded in their remarks to the potential legal hurdles ahead.

"You will not find a line in this bill that addresses good speech or bad speech because that would violate the First Amendment," Renner said. "We've not addressed that at all. What we have addressed is the addictive features that are at the heart of why children stay on these platforms for hours and hours on end."

He specifically called out NetChoice, saying, “We’re going to beat them, and we’re never ever going to stop.”

DeSantis argued the bill is constitutionally sound.

“Any time I see a bill, if I don’t think it’s constitutional, I veto it,” he said. He described the bill as "a fair application of the law and Constitution.

I don't know exactly how they're going to enforce this one. Not to mention that some of the biggest earners on social media are preteens. If i remember right, just a couple years ago the top earner on youtube was like an 8 year old kid who basically just made videos unboxing toys
Something something land of the free.

But parents will still be able to buy gigantic boxes of breakfast cereal that are 30% refined sugar and 0% nutritional value and shovel that shit in. Then take them to McDoobs for lunch where they will get some saturated fat and a toy made out of fossil fuels.

They're doing it wrong imho.
I can fart wherever I want to but I gotta hold in a shit until I see a bathroom

your right Mitch this isn't the land of the free
Well, i will say this. I notice that facebook is the 'tameist' of social media, and its practically turning into a porn site.

If i go down a rabbit hold of watching reels of something totally benign, soon a large portion of them end up being 20something girls who are like 1 beer away from doing porn, in yoga pants with the puss prominently outlined in the front and the pants pushed up into their colon in the back, that just have to make videos of their morning yoga stretches with the camera in their uterus. Or they have tons of videos that basically are just variations of them saying 'i like cock'. And many of these videos are being imported from tiktok, so if its that bad in facebook, its 10x worse in tiktok and im sure Instagram and snapchat are no different. I've even come across legit porn on youtube.

There are way more than enough sources for porn on the internet without it permeating every nook and cranny (no pun intended), and kids don't need to be exposed to that. Plenty of time for porn to fuck them up later in life
Porn you say. X/Twitter has more real hardcore stuff than Pornhub. Porn sites are blocked in Dubai but X/Twitter isn't. Not that your average 8 year old couldn't find a VPN with his eyes closed.

For context, I didn't even know that and just assumed it was blocked like on Insta, don't post on Twitter and follow like 7 people. Followed a British girl who was doing some big things in powerlifting and she suddenly quit all that and her Twitter page is now all muscle girl lesbian 3/4/5somes.

So I turned it off. Yeah right.
I saw one of the only moderately attractive WNBA players left the league for onlyfans, saying the money is better.

I mean i dont doubt it, and she's somewhat attractive, but she's like 220 at 6'9. Thats a big bitch. I don't understand the change that women now strive for a porn career on the internet. I mean before the internet I could see it, videos go away after a while, so a could get in, make her money and get out, and in a few years nobody would know a thing. The internet does not go away
I guess it's just become normal now. In a way it always kind of was but while everyone watched it, nobody would admit it publicly. I do wonder if it's actually healthy that it's turned out like that because porn girls in the past were invariably fucked up and on drugs, and now everyone is doing it because working in Walmart for $13 an hour is a pretty shitawful choice when you can make tens of thousands shoving a dildo in yourself for a few old men to......well y'know.

Girl I mentioned above has OF but I'm not going down that rabbit hole because I will end up with no money.
Well, i will say this. I notice that facebook is the 'tameist' of social media, and its practically turning into a porn site.

If i go down a rabbit hold of watching reels of something totally benign, soon a large portion of them end up being 20something girls who are like 1 beer away from doing porn, in yoga pants with the puss prominently outlined in the front and the pants pushed up into their colon in the back, that just have to make videos of their morning yoga stretches with the camera in their uterus. Or they have tons of videos that basically are just variations of them saying 'i like cock'. And many of these videos are being imported from tiktok, so if its that bad in facebook, its 10x worse in tiktok and im sure Instagram and snapchat are no different. I've even come across legit porn on youtube.

There are way more than enough sources for porn on the internet without it permeating every nook and cranny (no pun intended), and kids don't need to be exposed to that. Plenty of time for porn to fuck them up later in life

Haven't seen much of that and I spend quite a lot of time on Facebook daily. However, there's one ad for leggings that looks exactly as you described it. Every time I see it I think "TW would like this". My feed mostly consist of horse sanctuaries, cooking, archaeology, history and stuff.
Haven't seen much of that and I spend quite a lot of time on Facebook daily. However, there's one ad for leggings that looks exactly as you described it. Every time I see it I think "TW would like this". My feed mostly consist of horse sanctuaries, cooking, archaeology, history and stuff.

Well, you're a girls, so...
Im about over all these 'boss bitches' too. These women act like they are some kind of captain of industry because they are getting paid huge amounts of money to whore themselves out on the internet.
I have nothing but respect for working women, single moms, etc. My mom was a single mom of 2 kids and she worked her ass off and kept us in good houses, clothes on our backs, food in our bellies and never sold pictures of her butthole to horny dudes.

Most of these 'boss bitches' would be broke as fuck if they were ugly and weren't getting child support from 3-4 baby daddies
My mom was a single mom of 2 kids and she worked her ass off and kept us in good houses, clothes on our backs, food in our bellies and never sold pictures of her butthole to horny dudes.

dang im sorry 2 hear that, what happened 2 ur pops did he go out for smokes and get unintentionally lost?