When the middle east invade briton

Definitely should be. Ive never seen or heard of that happening, at least with religion. Once i smelled a parade of east indians before they rounded the corner marching down the streets
This crock of shit brought to you by the people who claim chocolate companies not allowed to put the word Easter on Easter eggs, and so on. Fucking tinfoil hat wearers making shit up.

This reply brought to you by the same people too short to see their monitor

Moment volunteer police officer tells Christian singer on Oxford Street that she is 'not allowed' to perform 'church songs outside of church grounds' before walking off and sticking her tongue out to the camera | Daily Mail Online

A volunteer police officer told a Christian singer that she was 'not allowed to sing church songs outside of church grounds' - before sticking her tongue out at her.

Gospel singer Harmonie London, 20, regularly performs worship music to passing shoppers on Oxford Street and has more than 300,000 subscribers on YouTube.

But she was stopped by a Metropolitan Police special constable and told: 'No miss, you're not allowed to sing church songs outside of church grounds, by the way.'
They have the same problem as USA. Jews wind up in the government and immediately try to enact the Kalergi plan, destroy the native culture, spread pedophilia, encourage interracial dating and feminism, import races that are less intelligent, more violent, and a drain on society. Promote racial strife by encouraging the immigrants to hate their hosts. And inch towards a police state.






yeah i too would try to stay in the refugee camp as long as possible

You have to get there first. First step is wire your money, or stick gold up your ass, then leave your wives and children and start the long journey through the multitude of nations that refuse to give you jack shit, till you finally reach the destination nation that is your gateway to your chosen host. Then throw your papers and ID away with the hope that you can fit into the category of refugee.
They have the same problem as USA. Jews wind up in the government and immediately try to enact the Kalergi plan, destroy the native culture, spread pedophilia, encourage interracial dating and feminism, import races that are less intelligent, more violent, and a drain on society. Promote racial strife by encouraging the immigrants to hate their hosts. And inch towards a police state.







I thought this was tele lmfao :boogie:
Will Islam take over Europe? - American Thinker

February 14, 2024
Will Islam take over Europe?
By Eva Kneifel
Even if all migration into Europe were to immediately and permanently stop -– a “zero migration” scenario -– the Muslim population of Europe still would be expected to rise from the current level of 4.9% to 7.4% by the year 2050, according to a 2017 report from Pew Research.

This is because Muslims are younger (by 13 years, on average) and have higher fertility (one child more per woman, on average) than other Europeans, mirroring a global pattern.

This is just the least-migration-filled scenario. The report states that a second, “medium” migration scenario assumes that all refugee flows will stop as of mid-2016 but that recent levels of “regular” migration to Europe will continue (i.e., migration of those who come for reasons other than seeking asylum).

Under these conditions, Muslims could reach 11.2% of Europe’s population in 2050.

Finally, a “high” migration scenario from this report projects the record flow of refugees into Europe between 2014 and 2016 to continue indefinitely into the future with the same religious composition (i.e., mostly made up of Muslims) in addition to the typical annual flow of regular migrants.

In this scenario, Muslims could make up 14% of Europe’s population by 2050 -– nearly triple the current share, but still considerably smaller than the populations of both Christians and people with no religion in Europe.

The refugee flows of the last few years, however, are extremely high compared with the historical average in recent decades, and already have begun to decline as the European Union and many of the member states have made policy changes aimed at limiting refugee flows.

Predicting future migration levels is impossible, because migration rates are connected not only to political and economic conditions outside of Europe, but also to the changing economic situation and government policies within Europe.

Although none of these scenarios are expected to play out exactly as projected, each provides a set of rough parameters from which to imagine other possible outcomes.

For example, if regular migration continues at recent levels, and some asylum seekers also continue to arrive and receive refugee status -– but not as many as during the historically exceptional surge of refugees from 2014 to 2016 -– then the share of Muslims in Europe’s population as of 2050 would be expected to be somewhere between 11.2% and 14%.

With increased Muslim migration, the potential for conflict rises. Back in 2008, the CIA director, Michael V. Hayden, was quoted by the Washington Post as saying that Europe will continue to see a strong increase in the Muslim population.

At the same time, the birth rates of the long-established European population would continue to decline. The integration of these Muslim migrants will pose major challenges for European states – and significantly increase the potential for civil wars and extremists.

The civil war against “infidel” Europe has long since begun. The historic third wave of attacks against the bulwark of Europe (Bernhard Lewis) is Islam’s most successful conquest campaign in modern times. Muslims everywhere speak openly about their intention to Islamize our continent.

The following highlights very current civil war scenarios from European countries.

This war is still being waged solely by immigrant Muslims against the European majority population, who have been left defenseless against attacks by Muslims so far and who, without exception, have been abandoned by their own governments.

But governments that do not protect their populations quickly lose their legitimacy -– a look at history shows this. The first Europeans have already begun to defend themselves against the Islamic threat by casting out their elected officials. This will continue.
I wonder if Reggs is related to the neo-nazi movement that Putin was talking about in his 2 hour interview with Tucker Carlson. Of course Reggs is not in eastern European/Ukraine. So maybe just a deep-interweb conspiracy USA guy. Seems like an interesting question though. While BLM had a strong social pull, I did read Manchild in the Promised Land (a 1965 autobiographical novel written by [laude |3rown). Seems like back in those times it, history does seem to allude to negative power influential dynamics in reference to Jewish people and money/banking enterprises. So while my politically correct impulse is just to simply brush some of his posts off as racial insanity or just potentially trolling antics or whatnot, it seems like some of the stuff he spews might have a point. :shrug:

tw is probably not at all the appropriate or platform to explore information of this nature anyway. Probably best if you do not expound upon the Jewish race whatsoever anyway. Racial matters has and seems to have always lead to absolutely horrible places pertaining to humanity. Reggs maybe you should do some backpedaling in your assortment of information. Probably a really very dangerous line of thought dude.
why u always dumping on vanster now homie?

you acted like you liked him last year

you're such a two faced little gumby gumby
I wonder if Reggs is related to the neo-nazi movement that Putin was talking about in his 2 hour interview with Tucker Carlson. Of course Reggs is not in eastern European/Ukraine. So maybe just a deep-interweb conspiracy USA guy. Seems like an interesting question though. While BLM had a strong social pull, I did read Manchild in the Promised Land (a 1965 autobiographical novel written by [laude |3rown). Seems like back in those times it, history does seem to allude to negative power influential dynamics in reference to Jewish people and money/banking enterprises. So while my politically correct impulse is just to simply brush some of his posts off as racial insanity or just potentially trolling antics or whatnot, it seems like some of the stuff he spews might have a point. :shrug:

tw is probably not at all the appropriate or platform to explore information of this nature anyway. Probably best if you do not expound upon the Jewish race whatsoever anyway. Racial matters has and seems to have always lead to absolutely horrible places pertaining to humanity. Reggs maybe you should do some backpedaling in your assortment of information. Probably a really very dangerous line of thought dude.

What would be an appropriate platform to explore this? It's censored everywhere else.

Does it make you suspicious that it's censored?
this is one of the best platforms on the internet to research the jews we have a lot of subject matter experts