[2020] Vanster Apology Thread


Veteran XX
since vanster was right all along, i figured i'd make a thread for people to apologize to him.

serious apologies only please, it's time to undo the damage guys
good catch sir, need to make things clear and simple for those who need to apologize
i will apologize to vanster on behalf of havax

vanster havax is sorry for being a racist texan who has done the sins against christ because it is quite clear he is a closet homosexual with an identity crisis

he will take therapy with tehvul and fix his life do not worry

~g0d bl3ss~ namaste
thank you brothers dare and havax

vanster accepts your humble apologies and hopes that you can work to heal all the damage you have caused with pizzagate and racism
pam bondi, corey lewandowski, and the big guy himself rudy "wang gang" giuliani are the kind of lawyers u can bet ur presidency on

but we're getting off track of our main business of saving souls

have u apologized yet brother chaiwalla
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chaiwalla can't talk right now because Trump's dick is in his mouf.

I'll have him call you when he's done
serious apologies only guys it's time to be humble

esp u amram u know how wrong u r
the thing about me that's so impressive is how infrequently i mention all of my successes

brasstax i humbly accept that apology but ur gonna have to do a lot better than that u know what u have posted