besides mitch who is wishing death on trump?

also, is there a graph or chart available that identifies the various levels of civility? it would be helpful when posting so as not to be overly civil, but also not be under-civil depending on the situation

I'm wishing it. Then I'm wishing it on Biden too post election. I'm ready to settle into the new normal of critical race theory through masks as we live under executive decrees by a woman literally nobody voted for until the Disney Amazon merger of 2040.
there are people with extreme views all over, fortunately they are not the majority.
why do you even care so much? i couldn't imagine spending ten seconds wondering about how the royal kingdom in dubai will shake itself out

Nothing at all extreme about seeing straight through Trump and wishing he was not President, most Americans think that and a far greater proportion of people outside the USA.

And why do I care? Oh just stupid trivial shit about him being holding the most powerful job on earth, keys to the nukes, power to influence the global economy. Just silly shit like that.
Nothing at all extreme about seeing straight through Trump and wishing he was not President, most Americans think that and a far greater proportion of people outside the USA.

And why do I care? Oh just stupid trivial shit about him being holding the most powerful job on earth, keys to the nukes, power to influence the global economy. Just silly shit like that.

Mitchiboi is a cave dweller
Allegory of the cave - Wikipedia
So you're saying my assertion was not that there's a connection between science denial (demonstrated amongst other things by the non-wearing of a mask), and catching the virus? Seriously? Because that's exactly what my assertion was, and still is. And then you double down with the heart attack thing, which is analogous to someone following all the science and still getting the virus, which of course happens. The science is not 100% infallible and neither is the seatbelt. So thanks for proving my analogy even more clearly.

You seem to be quite confused, claiming that two distinct and separate points you've now stated are in fact the same point, while at the same time failing to grasp the distinction that being anti-seatbelt holds no bearing on whether or not a seatbelt was used, or whether it's lack of use was the contributing factor in the death.

I suppose it's possible you screwed up how you wanted to frame your initial post and simply don't realize that you weren't making the point you thought you were making.
I'm wishing it. Then I'm wishing it on Biden too post election. I'm ready to settle into the new normal of critical race theory through masks as we live under executive decrees by a woman literally nobody for until the Disney Amazon merger of 2040.

wishing someone wasn't president =! rooting for their death

He is responsible for thousands of unnecessary deaths. And not just through inaction but through deliberately treading a dangerous path that was all about him and his re-election. He doesn't give a teeny tiny fuck about any of those 200,000 or the next 200,000 to come, so if him dying is the quickest way to fix that without the epic shitshow this election will undoubtedly turn into with more violence and more deaths, again driven purely by Trump's ego and stubbornness and refusal to concede when he gets beaten, then his death is s very small price to pay for a better America and a better world. See the big picture.
He is responsible for thousands of unnecessary deaths. And not just through inaction but through deliberately treading a dangerous path that was all about him and his re-election. He doesn't give a teeny tiny fuck about any of those 200,000 or the next 200,000 to come, so if him dying is the quickest way to fix that without the epic shitshow this election will undoubtedly turn into with more violence and more deaths, again driven purely by Trump's ego and stubbornness and refusal to concede when he gets beaten, then his death is s very small price to pay for a better America and a better world. See the big picture.

What percentage of the 200,000 would still be alive by a policy you believe should've been implemented and what would that policy be? Conversely what percentage of other nations deaths are their leaders directly responsible for or do you consider those deaths necessary because those leaders took proper actions to your mind?
You seem to be quite confused, claiming that two distinct and separate points you've now stated are in fact the same point, while at the same time failing to grasp the distinction that being anti-seatbelt holds no bearing on whether or not a seatbelt was used, or whether it's lack of use was the contributing factor in the death.

I suppose it's possible you screwed up how you wanted to frame your initial post and simply don't realize that you weren't making the point you thought you were making.

Oh come on Fool, you're really reaching now....this is super simple.

Deny science - don't wear a mask - increased chance of catching Covid.

Deny Science - don't wear a seatbelt - increased chance of dying in a wreck.

The other commonality being of course "muh freedumbs". Precisely the same mentality that allows Darwin a shot.

If I didn't word it in precisely the way you would have liked it, you sure as fuck knew what the analogy meant.
I just quickly wanted to say that i'm happy Joe Biden tested negative for rona.

I wish him continued health during his time of cognitive decline.
What percentage of the 200,000 would still be alive by a policy you believe should've been implemented and what would that policy be? Conversely what percentage of other nations deaths are their leaders directly responsible for or do you consider those deaths necessary because those leaders took proper actions to your mind?

Of course I 'm not going to speculate about the numbers, nobody in their right mind would try to pin it down like that. And yes other governments have handled it badly aswell, specifically Boris Johnson in the UK, disastrous. Most of the rest of Europe has handled it much better and the data speaks for itself. The graph of deaths over time in the USA is still trending in a straight line, most other countries it flattened out sharply from May.

Do you genuinely believe that if Trump had taken a more empathetic, science-driven safety first approach to this, you would still be at 208,000? Straight yes / no question which answers everything else for you.
Of course I 'm not going to speculate about the numbers, nobody in their right mind would try to pin it down like that. And yes other governments have handled it badly aswell, specifically Boris Johnson in the UK, disastrous. Most of the rest of Europe has handled it much better and the data speaks for itself. The graph of deaths over time in the USA is still trending in a straight line, most other countries it flattened out sharply from May.

Do you genuinely believe that if Trump had taken a more empathetic, science-driven safety first approach to this, you would still be at 208,000? Straight yes / no question which answers everything else for you.
I bet you still think Trump called the virus a hoax
I bet you still think Trump called the virus a hoax

You would lose that bet, I don't know if he ever came right out and said it. But he sure as hell acted like he thought that in the early stages, when he made comments along the lines of "it's all gonna be gone, like a miracle"