If Biden wins, will Trump leave willingly?

Why do people keep asking this about a 71 year old man. whats he going to do, barricade himself in the whitehouse with a pistol?
If he wins he most likely cheated his way in so... no

Trump needs to 3D chess right now and mobilize the military around the white house. DIG IN, ORANGE MAN
Watch the debates - assuming they even happen - and tell me you're still concerned about this stupid little scenario you've dreamed up.
If President Trump wins will the left stop the permanent coup? of course not, and if it is nearly impossible to tell who wins...
Oh that's why the left/RINOs have created the Integrity Transition Group... Like they're expecting a transition... So much double speak around us I hope you guys can read between their lines. There is no way President Donald Trump loses without election interference and cheating.
If President Trump wins will the left stop the permanent coup? of course not, and if it is nearly impossible to tell who wins...
Oh that's why the left/RINOs have created the Integrity Transition Group... Like they're expecting a transition... So much double speak around us I hope you guys can read between their lines. There is no way president Donald Trump loses without election interference and cheating.


and the left STILL have not let Trump peacefully transition into the whitehouse, they have been going against him with the coup from day one. i think maybe we should give him 12 years instead of 8 to make up for it.
If President Trump wins will the left stop the permanent coup? of course not, and if it is nearly impossible to tell who wins...
Oh that's why the left/RINOs have created the Integrity Transition Group... Like they're expecting a transition... So much double speak around us I hope you guys can read between their lines. There is no way President Donald Trump loses without election interference and cheating.

I want to believe this is true. But all I see is "Biden holds double digit lead" in the polls. And the mainsteam media is always truthful, right?
did cnn/msnbc propaganda sites not cover the whole hillary saying “biden shouldnt concede under any circumstances” thing?

guess not

orange man bad fear fear fear
In 2016, mainstream media was all over Hillary "having this one in the bag." Trump won and people were like wtf?
i think you mean the 200 people who actually thought hillary was in the lead was like wtf.

no...EVERYONE thought hillary had it locked down in 2016. Every news source had her has the front runner right up to election night.

They do the same with biden

Yet when i look around i see all the Trump boat parades, i see all the car parades, i see pro trump yard signs by the hundreds, i see massive pro trump billboards, i see trump on the rally/ campaign trail daily

I have seen maybe a dozen 'riden with biden' stickers, and he doesnt' make it out of the basement until noon

The democrats have pushed for mail in ballots because they are easy to manipulate.

If trump doesn't win at this point, it will be because of fuckery
The news floors were absolutely soaking wet with the commentators' cum over anticipation of the first woman president. It was so hilarious to watch that smug look get obliterated off of their big heads.

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If trump doesn't win at this point, it will be because of fuckery

That’s pretty dumb to say. Trump has been alienating a lot of people with his mouth. Also don’t underestimate how damaging his friendship to Epstein may be. I do think he will probably win, and I believe Biden is a real poor choice to oppose him, but to say it’s a lock? A lot of people from both sides will be voting this election. I’m guessing this one will break records. The extreme love and extreme hate for Trump will make this a nail biter.

I won’t vote for either of these sexual predators. Both are really bad human beings in my opinion. Fuck both the Democrats and the Republicans. Both parties have sold us out.