[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

No, those aren't the people that will spend 5x as much because Trumpsters don't have any money. They are the Walmart shoppers, buying Chinese everything, standing in line at the checkout holding a wad of greasy one dollar bills to pay, their voluminous gut extending an undershirt while hanging over their camo spandex.

There do exist Trumpsters with money, and all seventeen of them are famous or FOX news personalities. No, the Trump votes come from shacks on the bayou, guarding a moonshine still, the seedy meth-infested trailer parks, confederate battle flags in every window, the grinning idiots dancing two-step in cowboy bars trying to catch their breath after all the work that goes into that hillbilly jig.

Yes, we have a good idea of Trump's base. They don't own property, they've never been to school, and they complain daily about having to perform unskilled labor at an hourly rate, because if it weren't for immigrants and Democrats, they are certain they would all be millionaires by now. Trump's base is the pus exudate that seeps from an infected wound. Clinton calling them deplorable was an accolade.

Well you pretty much nailed that.
we all cant be mega rich alcoholic angry indians that beat women and drive drunk

but they seem to be an expert at finding rednecks.
No, those aren't the people that will spend 5x as much because Trumpsters don't have any money. They are the Walmart shoppers, buying Chinese everything, standing in line at the checkout holding a wad of greasy one dollar bills to pay, their voluminous gut extending an undershirt while hanging over their camo spandex.

There do exist Trumpsters with money, and all seventeen of them are famous or FOX news personalities. No, the Trump votes come from shacks on the bayou, guarding a moonshine still, the seedy meth-infested trailer parks, confederate battle flags in every window, the grinning idiots dancing two-step in cowboy bars trying to catch their breath after all the work that goes into that hillbilly jig.

Yes, we have a good idea of Trump's base. They don't own property, they've never been to school, and they complain daily about having to perform unskilled labor at an hourly rate, because if it weren't for immigrants and Democrats, they are certain they would all be millionaires by now. Trump's base is the pus exudate that seeps from an infected wound. Clinton calling them deplorable was an accolade.

:rofl: you have a vivid imagination, i'll give you that.
No, those aren't the people that will spend 5x as much because Trumpsters don't have any money. They are the Walmart shoppers, buying Chinese everything, standing in line at the checkout holding a wad of greasy one dollar bills to pay, their voluminous gut extending an undershirt while hanging over their camo spandex.

There do exist Trumpsters with money, and all seventeen of them are famous or FOX news personalities. No, the Trump votes come from shacks on the bayou, guarding a moonshine still, the seedy meth-infested trailer parks, confederate battle flags in every window, the grinning idiots dancing two-step in cowboy bars trying to catch their breath after all the work that goes into that hillbilly jig.

Yes, we have a good idea of Trump's base. They don't own property, they've never been to school, and they complain daily about having to perform unskilled labor at an hourly rate, because if it weren't for immigrants and Democrats, they are certain they would all be millionaires by now. Trump's base is the pus exudate that seeps from an infected wound. Clinton calling them deplorable was an accolade.

:lol: at least you arent drunk... Yet.
mitch, you bring alotta fun and content and all but i wish you would just google something before posting sometimes
its also okay to admit you have no idea what you were talking about and shooting from the hip
No, those aren't the people that will spend 5x as much because Trumpsters don't have any money. They are the Walmart shoppers, buying Chinese everything, standing in line at the checkout holding a wad of greasy one dollar bills to pay, their voluminous gut extending an undershirt while hanging over their camo spandex.

There do exist Trumpsters with money, and all seventeen of them are famous or FOX news personalities. No, the Trump votes come from shacks on the bayou, guarding a moonshine still, the seedy meth-infested trailer parks, confederate battle flags in every window, the grinning idiots dancing two-step in cowboy bars trying to catch their breath after all the work that goes into that hillbilly jig.

Yes, we have a good idea of Trump's base. They don't own property, they've never been to school, and they complain daily about having to perform unskilled labor at an hourly rate, because if it weren't for immigrants and Democrats, they are certain they would all be millionaires by now. Trump's base is the pus exudate that seeps from an infected wound. Clinton calling them deplorable was an accolade.

Holy fuck you are retarded. :lol:
in what way lol

in the way that she makes these fake news asshoes look like idiots?

although they are being amazingly calm today, less rabid than usual.

they are still asking stupid questions, though.

and of course, once again, Chanel from OAN the only one asking reasonable/good questions.
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No, those aren't the people that will spend 5x as much because Trumpsters don't have any money. They are the Walmart shoppers, buying Chinese everything, standing in line at the checkout holding a wad of greasy one dollar bills to pay, their voluminous gut extending an undershirt while hanging over their camo spandex.

There do exist Trumpsters with money, and all seventeen of them are famous or FOX news personalities. No, the Trump votes come from shacks on the bayou, guarding a moonshine still, the seedy meth-infested trailer parks, confederate battle flags in every window, the grinning idiots dancing two-step in cowboy bars trying to catch their breath after all the work that goes into that hillbilly jig.

Yes, we have a good idea of Trump's base. They don't own property, they've never been to school, and they complain daily about having to perform unskilled labor at an hourly rate, because if it weren't for immigrants and Democrats, they are certain they would all be millionaires by now. Trump's base is the pus exudate that seeps from an infected wound. Clinton calling them deplorable was an accolade.

Imagine simultaneously holding the belief that Donald Trump's only purpose as President is to enrich himself and his many wealthy friends AND the belief that all Trump supporters are "seedy meth-infested" trailer trash without two nickles to rub together.
she's definitely better than the other ones at not answering questions and walking off the stage after giving her sound bites
vanster you are fucking retarded. Most people voting for Trump DO have money and they want to keep it. Why would they want to start forking out for some retarded leftist socialistic derp trap. The left has because beyond stupid and gullible. BLM is Marxist (YAY), Antifa is an Anarchist movement (YAY), and you have dumb cunts like AOC, and the other dumb fucks who swore to uphold the Constitution, turn around and want to "tear it down".
OMG FLOYD DIED BY RASIS COP BLM BLM BLM(let's ignore the black children who were gunned down). Gullible, stupid, and optimistically blind to have Uncle Touchy as your candidate.