[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

According to the bookies, for the first time Biden is now favourite to win the election. His abysmal handling of the virus wasn't quite enough to get to this, his psychotic handling of the current unrest clearly has been. Slippery slope from here because the tangerine twat isn't smart enough to see how badly he's fucking this up.

It's over for baby Donny. His abortion of a legacy will soon be consigned to history and 'Murica can start to heal.

Vegas trip 2021 Fuck Yeah.......
According to the bookies, for the first time Biden is now favourite to win the election. His abysmal handling of the virus wasn't quite enough to get to this, his psychotic handling of the current unrest clearly has been. Slippery slope from here because the tangerine twat isn't smart enough to see how badly he's fucking this up.

It's over for baby Donny. His abortion of a legacy will soon be consigned to history and 'Murica can start to heal.

Vegas trip 2021 Fuck Yeah.......

lol extreme levels of TDS

off the fucking charts man holy shit
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TDS is made up as I explained. It exists only in the minds of Trumptards. It's a state of mind the rest of us know as "being able to recognise the blindingly obvious"

dood, i'm sorry, anyone spending the amount of time you spend calling President Donald Trump 12-year-old level names like tangerine twat and baby donny, in EVERY single post you make pretty much, that's TDS bro. Your self-awareness level is bad.
According to the bookies, for the first time Biden is now favourite to win the election. His abysmal handling of the virus wasn't quite enough to get to this, his psychotic handling of the current unrest clearly has been. Slippery slope from here because the tangerine twat isn't smart enough to see how badly he's fucking this up.

It's over for baby Donny. His abortion of a legacy will soon be consigned to history and 'Murica can start to heal.

Vegas trip 2021 Fuck Yeah.......

biden is as close to irl weekend at bernie's it gets
i'd bet all the tipjar he doesnt make it
You're now 100% fucking delusional. There is no system. There is no design. Your president has gone rogue because a dim minority of the population allowed him to and now you can't control it so you're just hanging on for the rest of this clusterfuck of a white knuckle ride rather than admitting you fucked up.

Where the fuck do you come up with this shit? Delusional is the only way to put it.
Why isn't Mitch protesting for the thousands of immigrants that have their passports taken from them and forced into construction for Dubai? It really makes you think...
Why isn't Mitch protesting for the thousands of immigrants that have their passports taken from them and forced into construction for Dubai? It really makes you think...

Changing the subject is always easier than providing a logical counter argument. Always.

does this look a force of jack booted thugs ready to go out and beat some protesters

or does it look like some poor doods who know this is bullshit and would rather be back on base playing ps4 and instead they're being asked to parade around for no reason so they didn't even bother to match uniforms or stand straight :lol:

You are a complete idiot, and it shows. If you had ever worn the uniform you would understand, but your pussy ass chose to live under the protection that people in uniform provided. But you think you get points for a pithy comment..so ok.

Do you notice the monument they are protecting? Yep...the one vandalized by people protesting the treatment of blacks....the one memorializing the president who freed the slaves. Makes so much sense you think Mitch would have said it.
You are a complete idiot, and it shows. If you had ever worn the uniform you would understand, but your pussy ass chose to live under the protection that people in uniform provided. But you think you get points for a pithy comment..so ok.

Do you notice the monument they are protecting? Yep...the one vandalized by people protesting the treatment of blacks....the one memorializing the president who freed the slaves. Makes so much sense you think Mitch would have said it.

lol but seriously what do u think is going on in that picture