what in the...

George Soros calls for Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg to be removed from Facebook

George Soros has called for Mark Zuckerberg to be removed from Facebook because he thinks he is 'helping Trump get re-elected' by not censoring or banning political ads.

Soros, a prolific billionaire Democrat donor, wrote a letter to The Financial Times on Monday calling on both Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg to step down.

He has accused them of having a 'mutual assistance arrangement' with Trump that will 'help him get re-elected'.

Soros was responding to an article Zuckerberg wrote himself last week which appeared in the Financial Times.

In it, the Facebook CEO said that he was committed to having regulation over political ads on the social network and that he would implement it when the government set the rules.

Soros, in his piece, argued there's no need to wait that long.


Jew fight!
they not mad about that

they just mad when you actually the one doing it

same goes for welfare, they support, when they see supertrap post on here (even though he isn't on welfare)



not easy being the beutiful ones

says this 10 pound trash bag with 20 pounds of shit in it

Perfect compliment to Durham’s disgusting figure is a polite petite Japanese woman standing behind her.

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Steven Spielberg's daughter launches adult entertainment career, says dad supports her sex worker ambitions
Steven Spielberg's daughter says she has self-produced adult entertainment videos and is an aspiring sex worker in a new tell-all interview.

Mikaela Spielberg, one of the famed director's seven children, has begun self-producing solo adult film videos at the age of 23, she told The Sun.

Spielberg's daughter, who lives in Nashville, Tenn., has already submitted an application to become a sex worker — and the self-proclaimed "sexual creature" shared in the revealing interview that her famous father is supportive of her endeavors.

According to the aspiring star, the "Schindler's List" director and his wife, Kate Capshaw, were "intrigued" when she shared the news with them of her new porn gig over the weekend. She added that her parents were "not upset" by her revelation.

The 23-year-old added that producing solo porn has made her feel satisfied after having battled years of mental health issues and alcoholism.

"I got really tired of not being able to capitalize on my body and frankly, I got really tired of being told to hate my body," [Then stop listening to feminazis!] Mikaela told the outlet.

She continued: "And I also just got tired of working day to day in a way that wasn't satisfying to my soul. I feel like doing this kind of work, I'm able to 'satisfy' other people, but that feels good because it's not in a way that makes me feel violated."
You cannot make this up...

You shouldn’t need a government license to blow-dry Mark Zuckerberg’s hairy armpits
New reporting claims that Mark Zuckerberg has staffers blow-dry his armpits before important speaking events, in order to reduce his profuse anxiety-related sweating. Unless the Facebook CEO has licensed cosmetologists on his communications team, he may be breaking the law. Yes, seriously.

According to the Goldwater Institute, all states except Virginia require under law that people blow-drying hair professionally have a cosmetology license. “Blow-drying someone’s hair without that license is a crime punishable by up to six months in jail and a $2,000 fine,” write the authors. Last year, Arizona — Goldwater’s home state — repealed its blow-drying law.

If we assume that state laws do not specifically exclude armpit hair from their definition of hair and that the Facebook CEO does indeed have armpit hair, as well as that the reported story is true and that employees are paid, then blow-drying Zuckerberg’s armpits without a license would be a crime.

These aren't unreasonable assumptions.

In California, state law does not appear to limit the definition of “hair” to the head — in fact, like many state cosmetology laws, it includes treatment of body hair. By the letter of the law, then, an employee blow-drying Zuckerberg’s armpits (if hairy) without a license is committing a crime punishable in California as a misdemeanor, which carries a fine of $1,000.

If this all sounds a little ridiculous to you, it is. Blow-drying hair ought not be a crime, and more states should follow Arizona's lead in repealing their restrictive occupational licensing regulations.

Zuckerberg and his employees probably won’t be punished for this "crime," nor should they be. Yet until lawmakers take action, regular people simply trying to make a living by blow-drying and styling hair will continue to bear the brunt of these ridiculous regulations.
wtf at both parts: 1) ZuckerJew has someone else blowdry his pits and 2) there are laws all throughout the nation that state this is... illegal.
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So tolerant, so accepting and so peaceful they are. Leftists, that is. Love trumps hate, right? Memberberries that?

A group called “Longmont Leads With Love” has been protesting every Saturday
A group called “Longmont Leads With Love” has been protesting every Saturday in the same spot since Trump was elected in 2016. This group of mostly baby boomers come together in a small commons area at 6th and Main in Longmont, CO. Their message varies from week to week and person to person, but wanting more gun control is always part of it. These protests are regularly attended by Longmont City Council members and the city of Longmont even passed a bizarre anti-gun resolution last year.

Recently a handful of Longmont residents decided they were tired of these protesters going unchallenged and started a counter-protest group they’ve coined as “Longmont Leads With Logic“. So now, while the so-called “Love” group protests, you will find the “Logic” group on the opposite side of the street with signs, flags, and some even openly carrying firearms.

In an attempt to better understand what the “Love” group wants, people from the other side attempt to have conversations with them. This exchange was caught on video. A woman dressed in a Handmaid’s Tale costume, who was apparently protesting Trump’s boot on her neck, stated that if she had an AK-47, she’d mow down all the counter-protesters across the street.


i am like i know she is gross af

looks at instagram

yep she even more disgusting than i pictured

i forgot he married a nog

had robert denigro looking children


talk about horror story

She's adopted

standard nog behaviour tho

"I can't stay dependent on my parents or even the state for that matter – not that there's anything wrong with that – it just doesn't feel comfortable for me," Mikaela said.

Well yes there is something wrong with that