[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

I have tele on ignore because his schizophrenic image filled drivel posts that go on forever are worse than spam emails.

So I have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about but it’s obviously wrong.

lying piece of shit, thats why I quote him :lol:

your posting history says all it needs to

pay fool his $100 too, welcher

but blackface is OK as long as hollywood does it

SMDH: 12 Celebrities Who Were Caught In Blackface | Julianne Hough | Celebrities | BET

good enough for hollywood

and GOV of VA who wants to take your guns

that hippy snowboard drama teacher running Canaduh

but not the rest of us

I guess this is what happens when they make the rules, break the rules, and then create them

there is no longer objective truth or reasoning after a lifetime of critical cultural marxist theory replaces it
Who said it was ok for Hollywood folk to do black face? Lol what the fuck is wrong with your brain?

the people who keep their jobs and get elected/re-elected after black face suggest that black face is now OK

also your great job producing trash like "white chicks" suggests it is still ok

you can take your pick here
Ummm it was two people talking about how much they hate Trump because no person is a monk and has no opinion. Just like the FBI agents that went full MAGA for Trump in the released documents recently.

in some realms what they did constituted treason and sedition

actual abuse of public office

in fact it was more treasonous to our Republic, the 2016 election process, than anything Trump has done

or Russia


facts........son..........deal with em
It was his job. And again you have no proof that any votes were lost as a result of it, nor can you say with any certainty that Trump did not lose more votes from the negative coverage he received.

It's also like you've completely forgotten that nobody thought Trump would win. It was a forgone conclusion. There's literally no reason to take action to hurt Trump because his win was considered impossible.
So which one is it? It was impossible for Trump to win, or the deep state was doing everything in its power to stop Trump from winning? You can't have it both ways.

Also, since you guys seemingly can't put 2 and 2 together, Page and Manafort were irrelevant to Comey's decision to make the email investigation findings public and keep the Russia investigation hidden from the public. Nothing about Page of Manafort had any bearing on his ability to inform the public. They were, however, relevant to the Russia investigation itself, particularly (convicted felon) Manafort.

I know it's difficult to keep up, let me know when it hits you guys.
counts posts

can't read em

in fact can't bother to read anything he doesn't want to read

doesn't fit his confirmation bias or dunning kruger syndrome

or respond to anything he doesn't want to answer.....

but sure can count em

and reeeeeeeeeeeee about it

now we know how he got 519 wins and no L's

Yet he can't pay any of those bets he lost

because he can't lose

always has to be right even when everyone knows he is wrong


can't make it up like he can folks

Sharpshooter said:

So I just drove drunk to Taco Bell.. by ShartShooter - TribalWar Forums



But, as usual conservatives will run with this sentiment and use it against liberals. Just look at the modern day GOP. People like Mitch McConnell and Matt Gaetz are so disengenous that it's almost not possible they're human lifeforms.

so disingenuous that it's almost not possible they're human lifeforms.

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Who said it was ok for Hollywood folk to do black face? Lol what the fuck is wrong with your brain?

well theyve kept their jobs and one didnt lose his job as PM [of Canaduh]

look bro, its great you and your ilk are twice as virtuous others because you have double the standards

1 - 04-28-2006, 02:48

I risked.. 30 days or so in jail, about 2500 in fines and legal fees, the loss of my license for 2 years... not to mention the social and family impact... and the fact that I could have killed myself or someone or gotten in a wreck.. all for a couple of god damn tacos. Every time I do it.. I think of what could happen but it doesn't seem to stop me. I need one of those alcohol blow into thingies that they give to repeat offenders. It bothers me. It really does.
So I just drove drunk to Taco Bell.. by ShartShooter - TribalWar Forums



tell us again how much you loathe Matt Gaetz :lol:

pos drunk, you make vanster look sober

ok, maybe not -need to beat a few women first
well theyve kept their jobs and one didnt lose his job as PM [of Canaduh]

look bro, its great you and your ilk are twice as virtuous others because you have double the standards


Bernie and Al Sharpton say RELEASE TRUMPS TAX RETURNS

after both being caught coming up short on their FAIR SHARE

outright cheating and avoiding paying anything themselves


man I love this world

more clown shoes the better

these people are 100% full of shit and lead the alter of statism people like Sharty worship at

couldn't live without........would die if they had to follow their own rules they scream for others
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So which one is it? It was impossible for Trump to win, or the deep state was doing everything in its power to stop Trump from winning? You can't have it both ways.

Also, since you guys seemingly can't put 2 and 2 together, Page and Manafort were irrelevant to Comey's decision to make the email investigation findings public and keep the Russia investigation hidden from the public. Nothing about Page of Manafort had any bearing on his ability to inform the public. They were, however, relevant to the Russia investigation itself, particularly (convicted felon) Manafort.

I know it's difficult to keep up, let me know when it hits you guys.

Nice straw man.
So which one is it? It was impossible for Trump to win, or the deep state was doing everything in its power to stop Trump from winning? You can't have it both ways.

Also, since you guys seemingly can't put 2 and 2 together, Page and Manafort were irrelevant to Comey's decision to make the email investigation findings public and keep the Russia investigation hidden from the public. Nothing about Page of Manafort had any bearing on his ability to inform the public. They were, however, relevant to the Russia investigation itself, particularly (convicted felon) Manafort.

I know it's difficult to keep up, let me know when it hits you guys.


what part of:

there wouldnt be a russian investigation had the FBI done due diligence?

is causing you a mental breakdown trying to justify spying on a campaign based on a fake dossier, paid for by the Clinton campaign, via fusion gps, who hired steele, used bogus russian sources

and that same hillary campaign rigged their own primaries from a commie retard who wasnt going to be the nominee anyway?

lmfao, you guys are insane defending the indefensible
Also, since you guys seemingly can't put 2 and 2 together, Page and Manafort were irrelevant to Comey's decision to make the email investigation findings public and keep the Russia investigation hidden from the public.

are you daft? guccifer made clintons email and her use of a private server public. how in the fuck could comey keep the investigations secret after that?
tell us again how much you loathe Matt Gaetz :lol:

pos drunk, you make vanster look sober

ok, maybe not -need to beat a few women first

Lol what? First of all, thanks for the laugh. Second, that post was from when I was 21 years old. Further, you can even see in the post that I show contrition.

I don't care if Matt Gaetz got a DUI. I care because he tried to shame Hunter Biden for having a substance abuse problem when Matt Gaetz got multiple DUIs. He's also a fucking retard.

To add, you guys don't seem to understand that I AM NOT RUNNING FOR/ELECTED TO PUBLIC OFFICE. Lol. You should want elected officials to be better than a dumbass 21 year old that drives drunk to Taco Bell. But.. apparently not.

You guys digging up a post where I said I drove drunk and somehow owning yourselves in the process is peak this thread.
Bernie and Al Sharpton say RELEASE TRUMPS TAX RETURNS

after both being caught coming up short on their FAIR SHARE

outright cheating and avoiding paying anything themselves


man I love this world

more clown shoes the better

these people are 100% full of shit and lead the alter of statism people like Sharty worship at

couldn't live without........would die if they had to follow their own rules they scream for others

thats what I dont get

despite the in your face proof and facts

they keep right on going as if their gold medal for mental gymnastics is at stake here; do they really expect to get away with it?

ffs, tax cheats are demanding to see other peoples taxes? yeah ok, go fuck yourself.. and pay your fair share while youre at it asslips