[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

dang, a couple shots of mouthwash in the morning and scooby rdy to fight lefties all day (all the way till lunch liquor)

couple of shots in the ass and you are ready to fight trump with the rainbow brigade all day as well....all the way to the bath house
couple of shots in the ass and you are ready to fight trump with the rainbow brigade all day as well....all the way to the bath house

I leave the hardcore boofing to the family values supreme court justice

You know, if you need to speak with a christian conservative congressman all you need to do is whisper through the little hole in the airport restroom stall divider.
poor cumdumplins..can only posts photos and try to make personal attacks because he is too stupid to comprehend what is going on. It's ok, go back to things you like..posting pictures and finger painting.
Well this isn't good. why are we playing their game of identity politics? useless

Because you are not part of the 'we'

((they)) control both sides of the aisle. How is that not obvious yet? The only bipartisanship happening is when the tribe is in need.
I mean, I have no one to blame but myself for getting into this fracas and spending time on it. I wanted to know what the inside of the cult looked like. I’m a very inquisitive person. I’ve never been able to understand how people can look at Donald Trump and think, “yes. I believe in this guy and I’ll ignore all his problems.” It’s morbidly fascinating. I’m walking amongst a sea of dead people, mentally gone.

I don’t know if you people will ever get the help you need but I just hope our country has enough voters to overcome the masses that you comprise.

Please illuminate the grand path ye walketh, oh master of light.
I’m a very inquisitive person.

in•quis•i•tive ĭn-kwĭz′ĭ-tĭv►

adj. Inclined to investigate; eager for knowledge.
adj. Unduly curious and inquiring.
Addicted to inquiry or research; disposed to seek information; given to prying into matters; eagerly curious.

No you are not. If you were simply seeking info you would attempt to look at all sides objectively to understand it all. You wouldn't stop on sentence 2 in an article because the author used words you didn't like. You wouldn't immediately dismiss the opinion of others when it doesn't match your NPC talking points.

Stop trying to pass yourself off as inquisitive. You are a fucking troll and Trump hater.

Own it

Pay Fool his $100
It’s gonna be so great when you guys deny supporting Trump/the GOP when your children’s textbooks absolutely annihilate them for their corruption, deception and lies.
Wait... you actually think that school textbooks are legit? Do you know anything about publishing houses, who owns them, and controls the literal propaganda written in them? Obviously not, otherwise, you wouldn't say something as stupid as you did above.

Did you not see this story last week?
Obama gave Pearson Publishing $350 million to create Commoncore text and Pearson gave Obama a $65 million dollar book deal in return.

Educational publishing houses are responsible for creating retards like you who worship the all-knowing, all-caring State as the entity that gives you rights and limits many of those to privileges. That the Constitution is directed to limiting the rights of the people rather than the State.
Holy shit lol. I could post a dozen studies from historians that have Obama in the top 15, top 10 POTUS in history. Those same studies? They all have Donald Trump ranked last lol.

Can’t make this shit up.
Shocking that historians who receive their income from the taxpaying public would promote some of our nation's biggest Statist Presidents as the best we've ever had. That's like... well, a US President giving everyone on welfare a $5,000 a month raise (for doing nothing) and then asking those people who the greatest POTUS was/is.