[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread


Little do they know that the fat and stupid don't get to take these things from others. Not without an actual battle. One they are pushing for that they are clearly not prepared for. Did they think they disarmed us? That because we are a silent majority we will remain silent and apathetic to their actions?

Well I wouldn't call him stupid. I mean
they write the best stories
convoluted language like you've never heard
not stupid
not going to let him get off on a retard excuse
when they execute him


have you seen trumps?
i'm hunting trumps...
he says
Black Virginia 6th grader who claimed white classmates cut off dreadlocks made story up, family says

I am still trying to figure this behavior out. It's like some folks have been taught how evil whites are and when they don't get victimized, they just make the shit up themselves. Very odd indeed.

“To those young boys and their parents, we sincerely apologize for the pain and anxiety these allegations have caused,” said a statement from the girl's grandparents obtained by The Washington Post. “To the administrators and families of Immanuel Christian School, we are sorry for the damage this incident has done to trust within the school family and the undue scorn it has brought to the school. To the broader community, who rallied in such passionate support for our daughter, we apologize for betraying your trust.”
The family added they "understand there will be consequences and we’re prepared to take responsibility for them. We know that it will take time to heal, and we hope and pray that the boys, their families, the school and the broader community will be able to forgive us in time.”

The school generated a statement that said, "We can now confirm that the student who accused three of her classmates of assault has acknowledged that the allegations were false."

At least this sounds sincere. More than can be said for Juicy Smullyay
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wat shocked me is that the beeb put that headline in the same front page location as they did for the original "WHITE PPL EVIL" narrative on that story
The 12-year-old, WRC reported, is a straight-A student and violin player who has attended the private Christian school since kindergarten.

She seems like a good enough kid. I wonder where she got so poisoned? I mean, it's not hard to guess but still. It would be interesting to hear more about how it happened.
Half truth probably. Kids were probably teasing her so she made up a story to get them in trouble and it spiraled out of control and went viral.
It sounds like her family knows she did something wrong and is just as surprised as everyone. This doesn't seem like your case of street kid gone bad. There are at least three cases in the news of this recently and it's all from people who are pretty well off. Actor, football player, this kid. I am just curious why these people who really have nothing to complain about pull this kind of stunt.
It sounds like her family knows she did something wrong and is just as surprised as everyone. This doesn't seem like your case of street kid gone bad. There are at least three cases in the news of this recently and it's all from people who are pretty well off. Actor, football player, this kid. I am just curious why these people who really have nothing to complain about pull this kind of stunt.

victimhood = $$$$$$$$ (+ sympathy + attention)
Ok - so I get that in part. The football guy needed cash and someone to blame. Why not blame whites. Not like whites don't blame blacks on occasion. Juicy Smullyay - maybe. Guy is a loon so I don't think he knows exactly why he does things. But, a six year old, catholic, straight A student? Got to be more to this story.
University officials held 'personally liable' for discrimination against Christian student group
A federal court ruled University of Iowa officials must pay out of their own pockets for discriminating against a prominent Christian student group, calling the university's conduct "ludicrous" and "incredibly baffling" during a hearing last week.

Judge Stephanie M. Rose of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Iowa ruled Friday that the University of Iowa and its officers violated constitutional law when they kicked InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, and other religious groups, off the campus in June 2018 for requiring leaders to uphold Christian beliefs -- but giving a pass to secular student groups that also have leadership requirements.


The university limited the Christian group's access to campus after being there for over 25 years, froze its bank account, shut down its website and advertised that it was "defunct" for lack of student interest, according to court documents. This violated the Christian group's free speech and free exercise rights, the court ruled.
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship students.

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship students. (Becket)

“It’s rare for a federal judge to call out a public university for ‘ludicrous’ and ‘incredibly baffling’ violations of the First Amendment," Daniel Blomberg, senior counsel at Becket, who represented InterVarsity and BLinC, told Fox News. "But it was necessary here. The court already told the University of Iowa to stop picking on one Christian student group. The University responded by doubling down and kicking out Christian, Muslim and Sikh groups. That was obviously wrong. And it’s even more clearly wrong once you consider, as the court did, that it was also unfair."

He explains the university makes room for Greek groups and sports clubs, for the College Democrats and Republicans, for the environmental groups and the pro-life groups, but singled out religious groups.

“We must have leaders who share our faith,” Greg Jao, director of external relations at InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA, said in a statement. “No group -- religious or secular -- could survive with leaders who reject its values. We’re grateful the court has stopped the University’s religious discrimination, and we look forward to continuing our ministry on campus for years to come.”
I am digging the part where the university officials were held personally accountable for the behavior and had to pay out of their own pockets. This federal ruling might come in very handy.