[TECH] AMD Ryzen 2

I will never understand fanboys rabidly devoted to a particular cpu/gpu vendor. It's not like the days of yore, where there were significant performance and look/feels between PowerVR macs and Pentium PCs.

None of these companies really care about you, the consumer. They care about selling parts at the highest possible margin and only the existence of a competitor is preventing them from doing so.
Just refuting your pointless babbling.

u mean u posted shit that proved my point

go checkout userbenchmark lol

youd be an absolute goddamn pants-on-head retard to get excited for anything AMD is bullshitting into existence
sry I prefer having the highest performance I can get

I guess its easier 2 just not care
lgbr sneak attack jap wants u 2 use intel so he can attack u thru intel's intentionally included ~backdoor~
My i5-2500k oc'd to 4.5ghz air cooled with a 1060 still plays fortnite at 150fps +

Crucial ssd boots in like 6 seconds. Won't upgrade for a few more years at least.