[Fuck] I think my video card is dying :(


Veteran XX
GTX 780

Last night I started getting visual artifacts appearing in games, followed immediately by a driver crash. nTune caused a BSOD on startup (0x0000003b SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION in nvoclk64.dll), uninstalling it didn't help.

Exact same phenomenon in 2 completely different games: visual artifacts, game hangs for a couple seconds, then crashes.

My weekend is ruined!

Anyhow, are AMD cards any good nowadays, or should I just stick to nVidia?
no1 givvafux u wyte trash fukkn pussyass l0s3r disgr8c 2 ya race evry single fukkn wyte person wishn u gon die witcho vidya card pussy even ya famly n frenz smdh lol :jester:
maybe just cooling fan / heat sink needs some love

Especially if its a blower design, those rely on channeling air from the blower through the heat sink fins. The interface between the two gets blocked by a sheet of dust/hair, blocking the air channels in the fins.

Download something like CPUID HWmonitor program and check your video card temps, the max operating temp for your video card is 95c so if its approaching 90c after a few mins of gaming thats far too high. Normal operating temps should be 80c or lower.

Take that plastic cover off, the one that shrouds the fan/heatsink, and use some tweezers/canned air to clean the heatsink out.

If that doesn't work I'd recommend limiting your FPS in your video games to 30 or so to take the load off your GPU.
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maybe just cooling fan / heat sink needs some love
I thought about that, but would that really explain the BSOD when opening nTune, without any games running?

My parents' machine recently had blue screens due to dust buildup, but it was at random times and always took a while to happen. I could repro my BSOD on cue, right after booting the PC.

Can't hurt to try of course, but I'm not very hopeful.
Remove GPU fan, Preheat oven to 250F and bake for 10-20 minutes. Components must be facing up. Let temperature drop before moving video card
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that worked for my leftover pizza

Amadeus ya, stranger things have happened. reinstall the program too. maybe something fucked from first previous crash
just get something nvidia

amd cards are for people living in their cars outside their ex girlfriends

aka fedz