[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

K, answer this once and for all.. Is trump stupid or a genius.. make up your mind.

If he is stupid why can't you stop him?

If he is a genius, how do you think you can stop him?
Cory was halfway through his second joint when he finally gave up
on teasing himself. His long hand slid underneath the front of
his diaper, down over the length of his cock, and onto his balls,
where the first thick clumps of shit could be felt. Listening to
the exquisite squishing of his fingers as he flexed them against
one another and against his sack, the turds gone to paste and
squirting wherever the pressure sent them, Cory closed his eyes
and moaned. He put the tip of his middle finger just inside his
asshole, which was still rather loose and easy from the large
turds it had just expelled. Fucking just the tip of his finger
in and out, Cory's sphincter began to quiver, and his cock jumped
repeatedly, straining against the bonds of diaper that held it.

He soon pulled his hand back up to his cock, groaning, relishing
the sensation of his own slippery shit as he stroked it up and
down his gland, the stink wafting up to his face in wave after
wave, the filth of it all filling him with more lust than he knew
he could take. It would only be maybe another half a minute,
then he'd come. Cory leaned back, stroking with one soiled hand,
smoking with his joint in the clean one, his eyes squeezed tight
and his nose and nerves working overtime.

He had no clue that Bruce and Jack were walking up from the
water. Cory hadn't noticed them at all. Bruce waited to speak
until he was sure Cory wouldn't accidentally drop his joint and
burn himself, but he almost did anyway, he was so startled.
"Mind if we join you?" Bruce calmly asked. Cory yelped
involuntarily, just like a scolded puppy, and immediately held
his hand still inside the stinking disaster of his diaper. His
cock throbbed in his grip, nearly ready to burst, but Cory
clamped off the urge with a mighty pincering of forefinger and
thumb. "Oh fuck!" he gasped. "Oh my fucking GOD!"

Bruce, of course, laughed. Jack, holding onto his lover like he
was the last buoy in some threatening sea, just seemed to smile a
little in the darkness, but he said nothing. Cory could see
Bruce's cock swinging between his legs, in silhouette against the
barely-lighter sand. As usual, the sight of it made Cory catch
his breath. "W-what, I mean - aw... Jesus Fuck! Aw, man!" Cory
was a stammering, embarrassed little kid; it was a nightmare.
He'd been caught masturbating in his own shit, in a diaper no
less, by the only man in the entire world that he actually could
say he loved. He'd wanted Bruce as his father and as his lover
for as long as he could remember, and now Cory'd be nothing but a
sad, sick little kid, and Bruce would never have anything to do
with him again.

"Relax, kid," Bruce quickly said, hearing Cory's strangled sobs
of embarrassment and frustration. "I'm fucking naked on the
beach in front of you, OK? I'm covered in this sick faggot's
puke, and I'm about to piss down his throat for a second time
tonight. I think that makes us all equals here, right?" Jack
laughed quietly and turned to chew on Bruce's closest nipple.
Cory caught his breath and simply stared back at the two horny
men, his shitty hand still around his aching cock, his heart
still smashed to atoms and scattered with the wind. He couldn't
think - or do - anything.

"Hmm," Bruce pondered, one hand coming up to idly stroke the top
of Jack's head as he continued to suck and nibble at his chest.
"Well, son, can I at least have a hit of that fine-smelling
stuff?" He held out his hand for the joint, and Cory
automatically passed it up to him. Bruce drew on it, long and
deep, then passed it to Jack, who did the same. They shared it
around three more times before Bruce flicked the last pinch off
into the night, it's tiny flame arcing away like some hopeless
signal flare swallowed by the vastness of the night. Cory
watched its progress through the void until it disappeared, and
then he swallowed hard, bolstered by the pot, and dared to voice
a thought.

"You got any idea what I've really been doing here?" he asked the
two older men, "I mean, besides smoking? Besides just jacking
off?" His heart roared its every beat, hot and loud up through
his chest and throat and into his ears, so that he could barely
hear anything else. He was going to tell them. He might as
well. They were going to figure it out soon, anyway, if their
noses worked properly.

But Jack already knew. "You shit yourself, obviously," he said
calmly, "and you've been playing in it. And in a diaper, no
less." Cory heard Jack click his tongue emphatically, while
Bruce was straining to see what Jack apparently already could.
"I was wondering what was so odd about your crotch when you were
in the backseat earlier..."

"Oh, you little cheating bitch! Looking at some other guy's
junk!" Bruce declared, mock-outraged. But Jack went on.

"...since it looked like the thickest underwear I'd ever seen. I
should have put two-and-two together and just brought you
straight home with us." Jack broke off then and chuckled. Bruce
grunted, nodding his agreement. Cory sat silently, still mostly
stunned, but no longer as scared. What the hell were they trying
to say? He was nothing but the weird skater kid down the beach,
right? The one who spied on them and stole lighters and loose
cash from the glove compartments of their cars and who was gone
off to college and good riddance and all that, right?

Bruce had the answer, in the form of a command. "Pull that hand
out of your pants, kid. I want to see what it is I'm smelling."

Cory, shocked and reeling, could do nothing but obey. He pulled
out his hand, smearing shit halfway up his stomach in the
process, and held it up for the two of them to see. In the
dimness of the night there were but darker splotches and
irregular lumps and bumps upon his palm and fingers, but it was
proof enough. The smell hit all three at the same time, the
ocean breeze merely a faint swirl at that moment, enshrouding
them in a heady cloud of stench that dizzied them for several
moments. They were all still, all inhaling steadily, all staring
at that filthy, anxious hand.

Then, without warning, Bruce pushed Jack forward; the smaller man
fell to his knees beside Cory, grasped his wrist in both hands,
and stuck all four shit-covered fingers into his mouth. The kid
snapped his head around to stare at Jack's mouth as it moved up
and down on his filthy digits, his head reeling, nothing but a
roar of blood and confusion. All he could do was to stare and to

Bruce was talking then, directing Jack with a coolness and
certainty that hit Cory like a splash of frigid water. Whatever
Bruce said, he realized, Jack would do. Bruce had complete
control and not one smidge of doubt about anything. Likewise,
Jack was relaxed and happy to be active, like a dog put to work
for a good master, sure of his reward, eager to please. Cory
admired and envied them both; he couldn't decide -- even later
on, when he'd masturbate again and again to the memory of that
night -- which way he'd like best, the top or the bottom. What
he did know, for sure, was that the middle was a truly wonderful
place to be. That was where Bruce put him. That was how Bruce
skewered him.

"Jackie, baby, pull him out of those jeans... let's see that
diaper on his scrawny little ass." Jack immediately let go of
Cory's shit-and-slobber-sloppy hand to grasp at the kid's jeans,
tugging gently while Cory obligingly raised his ass a little and
reached down to hold onto the heavy, reeking Abena, to keep it
from sliding off as well. The slight coolness of the breeze on
his naked thighs stood his hairs on end, and his cock hardened
more than ever.

Bruce towered over them both, leering down at Cory's exposed
infantile state while Jack lovingly ran a hand over the bulky
surface of the saturated synthetic. Close up now, Cory could
make out the remnants of food or slobber or something around the
edges of Jack's mouth and on his chin. There were flecks of the
same stuff on his chest and arms, too. Dried and
indistinguishable, but evidence of something rancid, nonetheless.
Intermingled with the powerful odor of his own turds, Cory now
caught a whiff something sharper, more spoiled, the closer Jack's
face got to his own.

Cory threw his head back, nearly gagging. "Oh, God!" he moaned,
kicking his legs reflexively, swallowing hard, trying to breathe.
The two older men laughed.

"Settle down, kid," chided Bruce, "or else you won't enjoy it."
Then Cory felt hands moving his own away from the diaper. Hands
were ripping open the Velcro, pulling down the front to expose
his rigid cock, slimed in shit, glistening in the dim midnight,
bouncing up and down rapidly as Cory panted for breath. He
forgot all about puking.

Jack's mouth hungrily sank onto Cory's filthy dick, sucking and
licking and scraping at his length with more expertise than the
kid could've ever imagined. It was the blowjob of the gods, the
best he'd ever have, the one he could never, ever forget. Over
and over, Jack's face lowered until his nose was buried deep in
Cory's shit-clogged pubic hair, the entire length of his long
penis sliding perfectly down Jack's well-used throat.

Cory's shock overcame his primal need, and he couldn't come right
away -- a surprise to all three of them, but not a problem. As
Jack realized that Cory was going to last, he began to run his
hands over the kid's filthy ass and over the insides of the
diaper he still sat on, which contained a seamless coating of
thick, brown shit-sludge. The man's hands methodically came up,
over and again, to rub on Cory's exposed stomach and thighs; up
and down and around went the shit-slicked hands, pasting the kid
with his own stinking crap. Cory's cock strained more than ever
as he tilted his head to watch himself get painted with shit.
The stench was so strong, he could even seem to taste it now, the
sickness that roiled his stomach just a few moments earlier now
simply felt like butterflies, like the nervous, childish anxiety
of a first date. A first fuck. A first shit bath.

Bruce abruptly pulled off Cory's shirt, and soon the kid was
covered in shit up to his neck. Jack pulled off his cock then,
and, with a sly nod from Bruce, he brought up both hands and slid
them all around over Cory's throat, and then his face. Three,
four, five times Jack's hands went back down to scrape up more
shit, spackling his cheeks and forehead with blob after blob of
Cory's own nasty, reeking waste.

Cory's eyes -- squeezed shut throughout Jack's work on his face
-- finally flew open as he felt the man's fingers spread shit
over his lips; then Jack sloughed some off a few fingers into
each nostril, and he sat back, glancing up at Bruce. The large,
powerfully-built man had been slowly stroking his hardness,
standing just behind Jack as he'd knelt there on the sand. Cory
could see vast evidence of puke-stuff all over Bruce's thighs,
but he thought nothing of it now. That wasn't strange at all!

"You ever tasted it, kid?" Bruce asked, nodding at Jack, who held
up one thickly-coated shitty finger in front of Cory's face.
Cory didn't do anything but stare. He'd tasted his own shit a
lot in the past several months, but only a little lick or suck
here and there. Only to clean a tiny smear of it off his finger
or off a dildo he'd ridden really well. Only a few times off
Tyler's cock, his lover going to pains to pretend he didn't know
that his dick was slimed in shit and being cleaned by his
supposed one true love. It all flashed through Corey's mind in
an instant, along with the thought that, no matter what he
answered, he was going to get a substantial taste of his own shit
right then and there.

So he simply opened his mouth, stuck out his tongue a little,
moaned with a lust he couldn't possibly contain.

With a catch in his breath, Jack wiped the first finger-full of
crap across Cory's tongue, then both men paused, still as stone,
to watch the kid close his mouth and slowly swallow. Cory
managed to swill enough saliva in with it to get it down somewhat
easily, and he proudly opened his mouth and stuck his tongue back
out, not even close to choking. Jack gave him another finger
covered thickly in shit, then another, then another. Cory put
his filthy hand back on his cock and steadily stroked it as Jack
fed him the smashed-up turds.

Eventually, Bruce said, "Let's do it now, gentlemen," and Jack
stood up and backed away from Corey in order to pull off his own
swim trunks. Bruce took Jack by the shoulder and gently pushed
him down toward Corey. "You lay on your back where Corey is,
Jackie, and raise your legs and ass like a good little bitch."
Corey scrambled to get up without getting sand stuck all over his
shit-covered parts. The world spun as he stood, trembling,
beside Bruce, trying to focus in the dim light on Jack's
sand-crusted feet rising toward him, his hands pulling apart his
ass-cheeks to hold open his loose, moist hole.

Then Bruce's rough, hard paw was pushing on Corey's shoulder.
"Now, kid, you get down there and fuck my bitch. Go on. Put
your shitty self right on top of him and let him have it. He
won't mind getting just as dirty as you, so don't worry about all
that. Just fuck him." Corey let himself get shoved steadily
down, until he was crouched, catcher-style over Jack's haunch.

Bruce was leaning down, his breath hot on Corey's neck. "Now put
that long cock of yours in that hot ass, boy," Bruce whispered,
"and lean into it." Corey brought his cockhead up against Jack's
willing sphincter, pushed steadily, and buried himself to the
balls inside the older man. Jack let out an "ooof!" of approval,
then brought up his hands to clasp at Cory's neck, pulling him
down and nearly over-balancing him -- except that Jack's legs
were raised so that his calves rested on Cory's shoulders,
keeping him from falling completely off.

It took just a moment for Cory to get accustomed to the position.
It took only slightly longer to adjust to smelling his shit even
more strongly, now that he was squishing it between himself and
Jack all along his entire front. He was about a dozen good, deep
strokes into rutting when he felt what he should've been
expecting all along: Bruce's cock pushing steadily against his

"Come on, kid," Bruce breathed into his hair, "give me your sweet
little hole." The man's teeth were sliding across Cory's
shoulder, his tongue was licking at his earlobe, he sucked hard
on the kid's neck. "I've let you spy on me and jack off for a
dozen years now, boy, and I know you've wanted my cock all
along.... And now you're off at college, coming back here like a
man, fucking yourself in your own shit right here on my beach.
You know you're gonna goddamn get it now!" Cory moaned at the
truth of Bruce's words, and he slowed his thrusts until he was
dead still, jammed fully inside Jack and arching his back, trying
to turn his face and kiss the man about to fuck him. Bruce
leaned over and gave him his tongue; Cory sucked on it and
groaned, willing his anus to relax and give way to the dick
already nosing its way in.

"That's it, yeah..." Bruce murmured into Cory's mouth. "Let your
pretty little whore ass open up for me, go on... relax and take
it... yeah... Feel how thick a man's cock is? Feel how it splits
your little-boy ass in two? ...You want it all the way in?
...You do? You little whore.... Well, here it is!"

Cory cried out with pain and fathomless need as Bruce finally
thrust his entire length and girth up the kid's rectum. The
man's cock was a heavy, thick log inside him; bigger than the
biggest turd he'd ever had; it filled his ass completely,
impossibly, and rattled every nerve in the kid's body. All he
could do was hold onto Jack as the man below him panted beneath
their combined weight. Cory's prostate was absolutely crushed,
and as soon as Bruce began to pump his cock in and out, the kid's
dick let loose a torrent of semen inside Jack's ass, filling the
older man with his hot juice again and again.

It was a seemingly endless agony of pleasures, for even after all
his semen was pumped out of Cory's cock, Bruce's thrusts were
nevertheless continuing to prime and launch the kid's prostate
into action. It was the most torturous bliss Cory could've ever
imagined. Certainly nothing in high school or college -- and
definitely nothing with Tyler -- had ever been half as intense as
this. In the end, he simply buried his shit-covered face in
Jack's sweaty chest and sobbed, weeping, pitiful, while Bruce
stroked his way to completion.

And Jack, jism trickling out around the still-hard cock lodged
deeply in his ass, groaned lustfully and watched Bruce tower over
them, his face savage, triumphant. His lover's brutal thrusts
echoed through Cory into his own ass, and his own gland was soon
overpowered and pumped rope after rope of semen over his
shit-streaked chest and face.

Finally, when Bruce was done, in a growling, bruising mash of
orgasm that left Cory crushed down hard against Jack, there was
but one thing left for them to do. As the kid continued to
whimper and cling reflexively to his lover below, Jack clasped
his ankles around the kid's neck to hold him steady; then he
winked up through the darkness at Bruce, hugely looming above,
his entire form shrouded in the shadows of the night.

His cock was obviously, and entirely, still held out and ready,
even if it was not quite so hard as before.

As the first jets of piss thundered down across Cory's ass and
balls, the kid stiffened and gasped in shock. But Jack held him
there strongly, ready for the struggle, so Cory quickly relented
and closed his eyes. Soon, as the torrent of hot urine reached
his matted hair, soaking him utterly, the piss running down
around his face to mingle in the still-moist shit upon his cheeks
and lips, dripping into the open mouth of the ecstatic man below
him... Cory realized he was lost. Finally, fully gone.

Happily, crazily, laughing in great sobbing bursts, the kid
leaned down and kissed the pissy, shitty mouth that waited below
him. Surprised, Jack hungrily kissed his new rival right back,
deciding to worry about love later and lust now. Soon Cory was
thrusting in him again, and soon after that Bruce was back to it
inside Cory. It was, after all, a beautiful, perfect Florida
night; and under the warm blanket of darkness they could risk a
few moments of raw truth with one another, and share their needs.
They'd chalk up the consequences later.

But first they'd careful clean up the mess. Or, at least in
Bruce's case, he'd clean up the mess and pay off the witnesses.
Because sound carries a long way across a beach in the soft
summer night. And a sweaty knot of grown men smeared with puke,
piss, and shit does, truly, stink out loud.
"Damn I'm fuckin horny," said aScotiA. "My girlfriend isn't ethnic enough. I mean, she's only half Jewish and not Black at all! I need to find me a real woman."

aScotiA's sweet, loving girlfriend was away at college, studying hard so she could get a high paying job and support both of them after she graduated. But aScotiA, being a horny and callous scumbag, ignored what little conscience he had and headed outside to find some pussy.

He walked down to the local deli to buy some malt liquor to loosen his tongue. After buying a tallboy of King Cobra, he cracked it open on the corner and sipped on it sensually. Some scantily clad sluts passed by and ignored him. "Hm," he said. "Perhaps I will have to lower my standards a wee bit."
Just then, a seven-foot tall Black she-male walked by, her ridiculous high heeled boots clopping on the sidewalk like a horse. She only had a couple days' worth of stubble on her beautiful and heavily made-up face, and her arms were scarred by a few years' worth of heroin track marks. aScotiA instantly got an erection.
The she-male ambled up to him and said "Hi baby. You lookin' for a date tonight? I got a tight little man-pussy for you. My name's Amanda, with emphasis on the MAN. It's French and shit."
"Man-pussy, eh?" said aScotiA, intrigued by this beautiful Nubian princess.
"Shit yeah," the she-male replied, "and if you want, you can suck on my big ol' man-clit, yo. You ever sucked a man-clit before?"

Without answering, aScotiA slipped her a five dollar bill and led her back to his apartment. He tore off her foul-smelling fishnet stockings and sequined tank top. "Now, what was that you were saying about this so-called man-clit?"
Amanda whipped out her eight inch, uncircumcised man-clit. aScotiA was shocked. "That looks more like a penis to me," he said, feeling betrayed.
"No baby, don't worry," said Amanda, packing a crack pipe full of rocks. "I told you it's a mothafuckin man-clit. Now shut up and get suckin." aScotiA had no choice but to obey. He dropped to his knees and took the gigantic erection into his tight little mouth. He gagged at the filthy tasting tool rubbing against his virgin tonsils. He looked up for approval, but Amanda was busy inhaling a load of rock cocaine. He suppressed the strong urge to vomit and kept sucking.
"Y'all got any cocaine here?" asked the aroused she-male. "I smoked up all my shit just now." aScotiA shamefully nodded no. Amanda's gigantic cock was slowly shriveling up as the crack high wore off. "Sheeit," she said scornfully. "You just don't know how to treat a mothafuckin lady! You ain't got no class at all."
With that, she let loose a stream of hot yellow piss onto aScotiA's face. "Drink that shit, bitch," she told her obedient slave. He drank all of the revolting fluid, except for a few drops which dribbled down his chin. He was starting to regret picking up this "lady," and suddenly missed his kind, gentle girlfriend who would never force him to submit to such degrading and unnatural acts. But it was too late for such thoughts now.
Amanda was getting aroused again. "You know, you ain't been payin much attention to my man-pussy. Hows about you go downtown for a while. Come on bitch, eat my man-pussy good." She spread her hairy ass-cheeks apart wide and bent over. aScotiA was nauseated by the stench but reluctantly stuck out his tongue. "Do a good job, bitch," said Amanda. "My hemmorhoids are fuckin killing me."
aScotiA had already noticed the hemmorhoids on Amanda's unwashed asshole. He spat on them and started licking as the horny transvestite moaned with pleasure. "Hell yeah, that works better than mothafuckin Prep H," screamed the she-male as the virginal saliva soothed her inflamed cornhole.
Suddenly aScotiA's darkest and most terrifying nightmares came to life. Amanda let loose a stream of hot, brown shit into his open mouth. She screamed with demented joy and dropped a second turd onto his face, which he swallowed without chewing. Powerful waves of nausea hit aScotiA as the shit worked its way back up his throat.

"Wipe my ass with your tongue," she yelled. He quickly vomited on the floor and commenced licking her asshole clean. After several minutes the job was done. Amanda put on her stockings and shirt, and zipped up her thigh-high leather boots. aScotiA had been thoroughly degraded by the revolting acts of the last hour. Lying on the floor in a pool of urine, shit and his own vomit, he looked up to see Amanda snapping chewing gum and looking at him with a greedy glimmer in her eyes.
"Y'all got a fuckin tip for me or what?" she asked.
aScotiA shook his head in shame. "Sorry, Amanda, I don't."

"Sheeit. Just like I said, you don't know how to treat a fuckin lady." She turned and stomped out the door.

Early the next morning, the phone rang. aScotiA's girlfriend told him how much she missed him.

"So what did you do last night?" asked the sweet college girl.
aScotiA, still covered with disease-ridden bodily fluids, cleared his throat and lit a cigarette. "Oh, not much," he lied. "I went out with my friends. We had a couple of beers, then I came home and went to sleep. I miss you too."
aScotiA was exhausted. He sat in his easy-chair, in his underwear, wishing it
was not Sunday morning.

The night before aScotiA had had his first introduction to the world of
swinging. He'd come four times, in four different ways, with six different
partners involved. That alone would have exhausted him. He couldn't
remember the last time he'd come three times in one night. He didn't
believe he ever had. He'd also participated in more acts, in which he'd
not come. He'd done things he'd never imagined, let alone imagined doing.
He'd had the nearest thing to a gay experience he ever wanted to have
sharing one pussy with another man, two in one hole.

aScotiA was exhausted, but aScotiA was happy. Or he would have been if not for
the nagging of his conscience. It was Sunday morning. By the terms of his
separation agreement he was due to pick up his children. He had promised
to take them to visit his mother. He didn't think he had the energy to get
up and walk to bed, let alone deal with three grade-schoolers and his
mother. He had to come up with a good excuse, fast.

This wouldn't have happened if his wife had gone along with his desire
to try swinging together. It was her best friend who had invited them, and
played hostess at last night's party. They could have left the kids with
mom, and both be sleeping it off now. No, she had tried to talk him out of
it. When he tried harder to convince her she threw him out and filed for
separation. She wouldn't take him back unless he agreed to marriage and
family counseling.

As aScotiA was thinking this last bit he heard the door open behind him.
Turning he saw his eldest daughter come in. She was dressed in the
weirdest get-up he'd ever seen her in. Black panties, black ribbons
forming a halter-top, and a paper domino mask. You'd think she was trying
to look like some magazine whip queen. She even had a dowel rod in her

"Daddy, you're late! You know what happens to 'Bad Daddies', don't

"Alice, what are you doing? Go put some decent clothes on. If your
mother sees you like this she'll have a fit."

aScotiA stood up. He tried to take his daughter's hand and lead her home to
change. She swung her dowel at his thighs.

"Ow! Alice, stop that! You can't go around hitting people. Give me
that!" aScotiA reached for the dowel.

Alice swung again. At the same time aScotiA felt a hand push him in the
middle of his back. He fell, face-down, on the floor. He felt his hands
gathered together. He turned in time to see his son cuff him.

"Brian, take those handcuffs off! Where did you get such things,

Brian was wearing a black briefs and a black bandanna over his head.
The bandanna had holes cut out for his eyes. He wasn't wearing anything
else. Where had his kids gotten these ideas from?

Alice smacked him with the dowel again. He turned to her. He felt
something at his ankles, and turned to see Cindy, his youngest, wind duct
tape around them. She was dressed even more lewdly than her siblings. She
wore a black ribbon halter and mask. Nothing else, she was basically bare.
The mask was much too large for her face, only one eye showed through a

"Cindy, stop that! Where are your clothes? Your mom's going to kill us
all if she sees this!"

"Bad Daddies," said Alice, "get punished." She swung the dowel against
his butt. Brian slapped him on the other cheek. Cindy bit his calf, hard.
aScotiA turned over to face his tormentors.

"Good Daddies," said Alice, "get treated nicer."

She reached and pulled his briefs down. Alice and Cindy began licking
his dick. Brian stroked aScotiA 's balls lightly. aScotiA got hard, something he'd
thought would not happen for days after last night. Alice took the head
into her mouth and began moving her tongue around the rim. Brian stroked
with hands that suggested practice on himself. Cindy parked her snack
sized pussy an inch above his mouth. aScotiA began licking that little morsel.
He was sure he was on his way to an orgasm beyond his wildest dreams.

"Too bad," said Alice, "you are a 'Bad Daddy'."

Alice bit down hard on the head of aScotiA 's dick. Brian gripped aScotiA 's balls
like a vice. Cindy pissed in his mouth, foul piss. What had that girl
been eating to cause such a stink? Alice stood, swinging her dowel against
aScotiA 's belly and chest. Brian added biting aScotiA 's dick to the squeezing.
Cindy shit on aScotiA 's mouth and nose. He had to check on her diet, first
thing he got out of this.

aScotiA felt he was going to smother. He couldn't breath through the shit.
He was drowning in piss. The pain was all that was letting him know he was
still alive.

As aScotiA Felt himself slipping away he heard Alice say, "Don't you wish you
were a 'Good Daddy'?"




Alice's skin took on a purple hue. Her dowel grew brass spikes. She
continued to swing, striking aScotiA all over his body. Blood flowed from the
wounds she caused. Brian turned black and warty. He grew horns. His
teeth grew long and pointed. His bite on aScotiA 's penis began to leave holes
that spilled blood. Cindy turned bilious yellow, with pustules popping out
everywhere. Her snatch grew teeth as sharp as Brian's. Maggots dropped
from her vaginal opening, bloody, corrosive, bile spewed from her asshole.






A rumbling, deep, male voice said, "You are mine now, boy!"

"Daddy is a bad boy;
Daddy is a bad boy.
He is just a sex toy!"

"Do you really love the people you were with last night more than us?"

Alice squatted and pissed a burning acid on his chest. The skin blistered.
Every cut burned with an unquenchable fire. Brian severed through aScotiA 's
dick. He held it aloft, then shoved it into aScotiA 's ass. Cindy's snatch
dropped leeches onto aScotiA 's face. They sucked out his eyes. They burrowed
into his nose and cheeks.



Then a triple, childish voice said, "Daddy doesn't love us. Daddy loves


"Bad Daddy!"


"Daddy's bad!"



"Don't you wish you were a good Daddy?"



aScotiA woke up. He looked around, then at his watch. If he hurried, he could
pick the kids up almost on time. He got himself moving.
I remember the first time I met Blackpeople. I was looking out a window of my apartment into the parking lot, when I noticed a pretty little girl skating on roller blades. The little girl had light blonde hair, almost pure white, blue eyes, and the prettiest little smile I had ever seen. I watched as she did some very impressive figure skating, then she fell, and scraped her knee. It hurt just to see it, but she didn't make a peep.
The little girl came straight to my apartment and knocked on the door. "My mom is not home right now," she started, "and I hurt myself. Would you help me fix it up?" I let her in and got out my first aid kit. The little girl sat down on a chair in my kitchen and waited for me to clean her scrape. I rinsed her knee with peroxide and dried it off with some gauze. Then I put a large bandage over the scrape.

The little girl said, "Thank you for helping me. By the way, my name is Blackpeople." I introduced myself, as well then asked her where she lived. Blackpeople told me that she lived down the hall with her mother and that she was eight years old. Blackpeople looked up at me and said, "I don't want to skate anymore, may I wait here for my mom to get home?"
I told her it would be fine, and I walked her to the living room and turned on the television for her. Blackpeople laid down on the floor watching TV and I sat on the sofa and waited for Blackpeople's mother to get home.
The day caught up with me and I dozed off. I was awakened by someone climbing onto the sofa with me. I opened my eyes and found Blackpeople sitting next to me. She was removing her socks, revealing the prettiest pair of feet I had ever seen on a little girl. Blackpeople placed her feet in my lap and asked, "Would you please massage my feet?" Without thinking, I lifted her right foot, and started kneading the bottom of it with my thumbs.
"Oh, yeah!" Blackpeople cooed, "That feels so good! I love having my feet rubbed!"
I had always had a thing for pretty feet, and even though Blackpeople was only eight years old, her lovely feet had the same arousing effect on me as a full grown woman's would, and my cock got hard as a rock. I heard a moan and honestly didn't know if it had come from her, or me.

Blackpeople cleared her throat, getting my attention, then said, "I know it is weird, but, would you smell my feet? Please?!" The look in her eyes was so pleading, I couldn't turn her down. Besides, I was aching to sniff her feet, anyway. I lifted her feet to my face, and sniffed in their vinegary aroma. I was in Heaven. Her feet were very smelly from her skating, and I loved it.
Blackpeople curled her toes up, pressing their underside to my nose, giving me an unobstructed sniff. I almost came in my pants. I pinched myself to see if I was dreaming, and realized that I was wide awake, and actually smelling this little goddess's feet. Then Blackpeople pressed her feet to my lips and said, "Please, kiss and lick my feet."
It was like I was in a trance. I kissed and licked the bottoms of her feet, enjoying the salty taste, and even licked between her toes. When I stuck my tongue between her toes, Blackpeople inhaled, deeply, then asked, "Would you please suck my toes, it feels so good!!"

What happened next was totally unexpected. Blackpeople grabbed the front of my pants, wrapping her tiny hand around my rigid cock. "I just knew you were a foot man!" she exclaimed, "I was hoping I was right about you!" Blackpeople continued, "And, I hope I am right about the other things I want from you."
"What other things?" I asked. "You'll see." she said, as she walked to my front door and made sure it was locked. I could feel my cock pulsing as Blackpeople made her way back to the sofa. "Now, just lean back and relax," Blackpeople said as she reached for the button of my pants. She had a sly grin on her face as she opened the button and unzipped the fly. Blackpeople pulled my pants down around my ankles and then reached for my briefs.
"What am I doing?!!" I thought to myself, "This is an eight year old little girl!! You can't have sex with her, it's wrong, and it's illegal!!" I struggled with my thoughts, and my cock. My cock won. I decided I had already done too much to back out now. Even if I stopped now, I could still go to prison for a long time, even though I had not initiated anything. So I just relaxed and let Blackpeople have her way.

Blackpeople pulled my briefs down and grabbed my cock. She used her hand to guide it into her mouth as she lowered her face into my lap. Blackpeople's mouth was so hot, and it felt so good that I almost lost my load before she even got the head all the way in. Blackpeople sucked my cock into her mouth and just held it there for a moment. I didn't know if she sensed that I was about to cum, or if she just didn't know how to suck cock.

My curiosity was answered in just a couple of moments when Blackpeople started bobbing her head up and down on my sensitive love tool. Just when I was about to blow, she stopped. I moaned in agony then she asked me to lie down on the floor, in my back. As I climbed down to the floor, Blackpeople removed her shorts and panties. When I was in position, Blackpeople sat on my face saying, "I want you to smell and kiss my butthole until I tell you to stop."

I was so horny, I didn't even care about what she had asked me to do, I would have eaten her shit to get her to keep sucking my cock. As I smelled her sweaty little butthole, Blackpeople pushed an impossibly huge and stinky fart out of her bowels and straight into my nose. Her foul fart was as ripe as rotten eggs, and she just giggled as she pushed out a second, then a third one, just like it.
I was shocked, not only by her actions, but even more by my reactions. As her farts exited her anus, I inhaled their pungent aroma, and instead of being repulsed, I was aroused beyond belief.

I started kissing her little sphincter with passion, and when that didn't satisfy my hunger, I started licking her dirty asshole. I could taste the foul remains from an earlier bowel movement, along with the sweat from her activities of the day. I formed my tongue into a point, and shoved it inside of her little rectum. When I shoved my tongue up her ass, Blackpeople gasped. "Oh my God!!!" she screamed, "That feels sooooo gooood!! Pleeeease don't stop!!!"
I tongue fucked her little rosebud until, with a scream that I thought would surely break all the glass for miles around, Blackpeople had a huge orgasm, soaking my face with her little girl juices.

Blackpeople was so distracted by my actions with her asshole, she stopped sucking my cock. She lay there panting for a few moments, then said, "Suck my butthole, please." I planted my lips around her butthole and sucked. Blackpeople started to suck my cock, again.
I knew I was going to cum very soon, so I concentrated on sucking this little angel's puckered shitter. As I sucked on Blackpeople's butthole, I imagined what it would be like if she were to shit. I wondered if it would make me sick, or in the insanely aroused state I was in, would it arouse me even more.

Then, it happened. Suddenly, Blackpeople's butthole puckered out, and my mouth filled up with her shit. I felt my mouth fill up, and I came in the biggest orgasm I had ever experienced in my life. Here I was with my mouth filling with shit, and the perversity of it was making me cum, over and over again. I needed to breathe, and I couldn't get enough breath through my nose, so I swallowed Blackpeople's shit and gasped for air.
Blackpeople planted her asshole on my open mouth and filled it again. This time I noticed the texture and the taste. Blackpeople's shit was mushy, like whipped potatoes, and had an earthy-bitter flavor. It smelled much worse than it tasted, and in the orgasmic state I was in, I found myself enjoying eating this little girl's shit.
Blackpeople filled my mouth no less than five times, then had me lick her butt clean. Then she moved her pussy to my mouth and peed. I drank her piss, enjoying the slightly salty flavor. When Blackpeople finished peeing, she got dressed, thanked me for making her feel so good, then went home.

My mind was going a million miles a minute. I had just committed a felony, eaten shit, and drank piss, and I had loved it all. I felt guilty and scared. What if she told somebody? What if I accidentally said something, in my sleep? How could I have allowed this to happen?
And last, but certainly not least, would I do it again? I was scared to death I would do it again, and I was even more afraid, that I would never get another chance. I was now craving the depraved activities I had just experienced. I went to bed, and tried to sleep. I tossed and turned for several hours before in total exhaustion, I finally slipped into a fitful slumber.

A few weeks passed and nothing happened. The police didn't arrest me, I wasn't mobbed by an angry parent, and I hadn't had sex, either. I did see Blackpeople, almost every day, playing outside. She always waved and smiled at me. It was as though nothing had happened between us. I was starting to feel relieved, and disappointed, at the same time. Had I imagined the whole thing?
It seemed so real. Could it all have been some depraved and incredibly erotic dream? Was I losing my mind? These thoughts were running through my mind as I watched the little angel skating in the parking lot. I felt ashamed of myself having fantasized about doing such things with an innocent little child. I never knew I was capable of such wicked desires.
Suddenly, there was a knock at my door. I opened the door, and there was Blackpeople, smiling. I had to know if I had imagined it all, and it dawned on me that if it hadn't happened, I wouldn't know her name, because I would have imagined the introduction, too. "Blackpeople?" I queried.
"Who else would I be?" she asked.
I began to shake.
"I just wanted to thank you again," she started, "for showing me such a great time, and making me feel so good."
"It really did happen!!" I said, to myself. I didn't realize I had said it out loud until Blackpeople answered, "Of course it did!. I hope I didn't totally gross you out. It was just so naughty, and so delicious, I just couldn't help myself. I just had to see how far you could go."
My fear seemed to melt away, and I said, "To tell you the truth, Blackpeople, I actually loved it all." Blackpeople giggled, then whispered, "I hope we can do it again, sometime."
My heart did a flip in my chest and my cock twitched as well. I looked this sweet little beauty in the eyes, and said, "Anytime, you like." Blackpeople motioned for me to bend down to her. I bent down and Blackpeople put her arms around my neck and kissed me sweetly on my lips, and whispered, "My mom is going to be taking a business trip, later this summer. I will get her to let me stay with a friend who I know will let me spend the night at another friend's house."
She smiled at me and said, "See you then!"
Then just like that, she skated home, giving me a wink as she turned to leave. I can hardly wait for summer!
Blackpeople had traveled to Buffalo, conducting some VA business. With my
business concluded, Blackpeople lingered in town to await sundown. Blackpeople would hunt
wench tonight... a particular kind of wench.

Blackpeople dined at a local Greek restaurant not far from the airport. Blackpeople ate
slowly, reading as Blackpeople did. Time seemed to pass very slowly, sunset

But, set the sun did.

After paying my check, Blackpeople left the restaurant and drove from the
restaurant straight into the red light district of Buffalo. Blackpeople'd `heard'
rumors on the Net regarding a scat hooker in the area. Her particulars
were known to me and Blackpeople reconnoitered the area where she was reputed to
work. Blackpeople circumnavigated the area several times, spying many fine pieces of

And, as Blackpeople was about to neglect my shitty passion for a more standard
pleasure, Blackpeople spied a fine piece of chocolate meat strolling along the walk.
She stood of average height, carrying a light weight. Truth, she was a bit
skinny for my taste as Blackpeople tend toward the more athletically formed bodies.
But, she wasn't scrawny and she'd more accurately be described as slender
than described as skinny.

According to the Net, she was called Clara. Clara's hips and chest were
of modest form but the swimsuit top and mini-skirt she wore made her seem
much more well endowed. The skirt flowed free of her body, not clinging,
catching the breeze and the swing of her hand as she walked. Blackpeoplen so doing,
her bare from the waist body was tantalizingly exposed to passers-by...
like me!

Clara's skin was the color of medium blend coffee, without cream. The
top she wore was a brilliant green color and it held tight her tits,
lifting them, presenting them. Her skirt was a softer green color. She
wore shower sandals on her feet and carried no bag, wore no other clothing.
Clara's hair was cut tight to her head, running over her ears and along the
back of her neck but stopping short of her shoulders.

She strolled along, on the walk to my right, just ahead, one car length.
Blackpeople drove forward, slowing, stilling alongside her, Blackpeople nodded my head when she
looked into the car. Proceeding, Blackpeople turned right, parking along the curb of
the side street. Clara was soon at the passenger door, Blackpeople toggled the lock
disengage and she got in, "Hey. You datin' ain't ya?" "You bet. You're
Clara, right?" "Heard a' me?"

Blackpeople told her Blackpeople had, driving the car away from the curb and proceeding
along the side street. And, Blackpeople told her the particulars of my awareness of
her. "You like to play toilet games, huh." "Yes.., if the price is right."
She quoted me a price. We haggled. Blackpeoplen short time we compromised settling
on a price per hour rather than service. "Blackpeople like to see what develops," Blackpeople

She directed me to her apartment. Blackpeoplet was about a mile from the corner
where Blackpeople'd picked-her-up. The apartment was one-quarter of a single family
dwelling conversion. She lived in the lower right corner apartment. There
was no parking lot and no driveway, street parking only. The predominant
structures on the street were an abandoned factory, a trucking company, and
a railroad maintenance access way. The building in which she lived was the
only residential structure on the street.

Blackpeople parked the car, we got out, and Blackpeople engaged the security system. The
front facade of the building was dominated by a set of stairs leading to
two non-joined doors. We entered the door on the right, then, in the
foyer, the door to the right. Her apartment was simple: a living room,
just away from the door [and a 3 x 3 entryway]; the typical dining room -
kitchen; beyond that, two doors, presumably leading to the bedroom and the

The doors were noticeably odd. The door on the left was hinged along
it's right side. The door on the right was hinged on it's left side.
Thus, the door hinges ran in tandem but the door knobs opposed one another,
like pupils of wide-set eyes.

The only light in the apartment came from a low watt bulb above the
kitchen sink. A dank scent lingered in the air and clutter was all about:
laundry on the floor; dirty dishes on the furniture; food scraps on the
floor; spilled glasses and bottles scattered about; dust and dirt were
common. Clara wasted no time, leading me through the living room, beyond
the dining-kitchen to the door on the right.

"This is my bedroom," she chirped, opening the door, leading me inside.
Blackpeoplet was a small room, prison cell small. The full sized bed faced the door,
less than two feet of open space on either side of the bed. The room was
lit by a similarly low wattage bulb on the dresser to the right of the
door. The bed was unmade, strewn with disheveled sheets and blankets and
uncovered pillows. Clothing was scattered on the floor in proximity to the
dresser, which had overstuffed and broken drawers.

"How you wanna start, hun?" the shit wench asked.

"Let's get naked.., suck my dick for a bit."

Blackpeople stripped, she did too... she was faster.

My cock stirred when her tits sprang free from their prison. And, it
achieved full mast when that skirt dropped to the floor. Her pussy hair
was trim, shaped like an arrow point! "Like?" she teased, running a finger
along her folds, penetrating herself.

Blackpeople was unable to respond, no air would pass my larynx. "Yeah," she
answered, approaching me, kneeling, "you do." Clara removed my shoes, sock
and pants and placed them atop my shirt, which Blackpeople'd set in a clear space on
the floor to the outside of the bed. She shuffled together some sheets and
blankets, arranged a pillow and directed me to lie down.

Before my head settled onto the pillow, Clara engulfed my cock in her
mouth. She took it into her throat and held it... swallowed it! Blackpeople mean
that, Blackpeople felt her throat muscles pulling my cock head as if it would come
free of the stiff shaft!

Suck. SLURP. GAG. Choke. POP. Lick. Stroke.

Clara worked my member with eagerness and efficiency. Then, as my
pleasure meter neared the red zone, she suddenly stopped. "Hold on," she
said, rising from the bed, walking to the inner wall. There, in the center
of the wall, she opened a door, which Blackpeople hadn't seen in the dim light until
now. Beyond the door was her bathroom, nothing more than a sink, toilet
and shower stall aligned along the outer wall.

With the door open, Blackpeople could just see the right half of the sink and the
entire toilet. Anticipating, Blackpeople sat up and moved to a position directly in
front of the open doorway... in front of the toilet. Thus, Blackpeople could see
the shower stall to the right of the toilet.

"Toilet's been broke.., for a while," she said. "Blackpeople use this," taking a
stainless steel bowl from the sink, placing on the toilet lid. She stepped
back, facing me, squatting, pointing her twat at the bowl... PBlackpeopleSS.

Her stream shot and sputtered from her cunt. Striking the metal bowl,
urine spattered up, coating her bush and her petals. She peed for several
minutes. "Drink it," Blackpeople directed, when she'd finished. She picked the bowl
up, cupping it with each hand, as one might a cereal bowl with nothing but
milk left in it. Clara brought the stainless steel rim to her lips and
tilted the bowl...!

A golden river ran from the bowl through her slightly parted lips, into
her mouth and down her gullet.

Pour. Swallow. Tip. GULP. Drip. WASH.

She drank that urine down, one mouthful after the other. Clara never
stopped tipping the bowl; so, piss would run over her lips, down her chin,
onto her breasts and along her body to the tiled floor as she swallowed.
My cock was painfully hard, twitching with lust. When she'd finished
drinking, Clara brought the bowl to the sink and proceeded to rinse in out
under warm water... she left the water running when she left the bathroom,
bringing the bowl with her.

Blackpeople reached for her melons and brought them to my lips. Blackpeople suckled them
and squeezed them. Blackpeople plied her flower with the fingers of my free hand...
one, two... three fingers deep! "OH, FUH.., K. Yeah," she cried, "so,
nice. Finger my cunt. Make Me Wet!"

Suck. SQUEEZE. Lick. Kiss.

Tickle. BlackpeopleNSERT. Thrust. DBlackpeopleDDLE.

Blackpeople worked her over... Blackpeople lay back onto the bed, bringing her beside me.
My hands roamed over her urine saturated body. Blackpeople plied her pussy lips
apart. My thumb tickled her clit. Blackpeople swallowed whatever spit developed in
my mouth... and my cock got an urge. "On your knees," Blackpeople commanded,
pointing to the open doorway of the bathroom. She took her commanded
position as Blackpeople rose from the bed. "Put it in your mouth," Blackpeople barked,
presenting my semi-flaccid prick.

Clara did as she was told... Blackpeople closed my eyes, imagining the running
water flowing into me, as from a glass, filling my bladder... PBlackpeopleSS.

Clara didn't flinch!

Blackpeople pissed into her gullet, straight down her throat... she may not have
even swallowed. Blackpeople compelled myself to cease my stream, drawing my dick
from her pie hole. Her eyes were lit with passion, her smile broad.
"More.., Pleese," she begged, holding her mouth open, tongue hung out like
an exerted dog.

Blackpeople began a new stream, "Hold it," Blackpeople ordered, "don't swallow." Blackpeople watched,
excitedly, as my gold water pooled in her mouth... until it bubbled over
her lips. "Okay, swallow."


"Ooh, Yum," she cooed, "More."

Blackpeople pissed... twice more she gulped a mouthful.

When Blackpeople'd finished pissing, and she'd swallowed the last of it, Blackpeople grabbed
the back of her head and pulled her mouth to my crotch. Shoving my dick
into her mouth, "Suck it!" Clara began giving me a wonderful blowjob... Blackpeople
thrust into her face, banging my balls against her chin. Blackpeople clamped hold of
her head, "Hold still," Blackpeople barked, "Gonna FUCK your mouth."

Shove. DEEP. Breathe. SHOVE. Choke. GAG. Withdraw.

Blackpeople rammed my cock into her mouth, beyond that, into her throat. My
piston motion quickened. Snot ran from Clara's nose, tears from her eyes,
she was breathing in short rasps. "YES! Fuck, Yeah. Bitch. Take that
dick!" "MmHm. Cbulm.., Fglr Me. Cuglm ilbgn mlgy mouth." "Bet your ass,
cummin' in your dirty whore mouth!"

My load shot like a rocket... she coughed... cum exited her nose...
she caught it up, licked it off... Clara swallowed every drop!

"Oh, Yes. Baby, that tasted fine."

Blackpeople was cold with sweat. Clara rose from the floor, "hungry?" "Not
especially, bit thirsty." She left the bedroom and returned moments later
with an unopened bag of Cheez Stix and an unopened, unrefrigerated, liter
of soda. We ate and drank the refreshments.

Afterward, she licked the cheese from our fingers... we moved into a 69
position... teasing each other orally....

When the urge struck... we both peed into the bowl.

Blackpeople grew to rock hardness as she drank the double urine solution from the
bowl! Blackpeople couldn't help but stroke myself as she plied her hands over her
own body after drinking every last drop from the bowl. Clara was in
rapture! She masturbated... until she farted.

Gurgle. Grunt. POP. Churn. GRBlackpeopleND.

Her bowels knotted inside her.

Clara set the bowl atop the toilet lid, turned away from me and placed a
foot on a stool between the sink and the toilet. Thus, her ass cheeks were
spread. She placed both hands atop the covered toilet tank and leaned
forward. So, her ass hole was winking at me as she plied her intestines to
free her bowel.

Blackpeople was unable to keep myself from shaking with excitement. Blackpeople stared,
unblinking. There it was, a black worm peeking from that sweet chocolate
hole! Slowly the turd moved out, the smell was oddly aromatic. Even in
this dim light Blackpeople could tell Clara was shitting a firm log. She grunted
with the effort and the crap slowly snaked free... four... five... six
inches of shit dropped from her asshole into the stainless steel bowl.

Two more turds of equal girth and density but of less length dropped
into the bowel before she was finished.

Blackpeoplemmediately, Blackpeople stepped to her. With one hand, then the other, Blackpeople cleared
the mess from her hole, inside and out. Then, "turn around," Blackpeople croaked.
She did and Blackpeople spread her shit over her tits and belly. As Blackpeople licked the
remains from my hands, Clara took the bowl in hers, removing it from the
toilet lid before seating herself on that structure. She watched as Blackpeople
enthusiastically cleaned my hands with my tongue.

My cock was no longer steel hard... Blackpeople needed to pee.

Blackpeople stepped forward, pointed my manhood at her mouth. Clara smiled, moved
the bowl aside, and brought her mouth before my cock head... she caught
the stream and continued her forward motion, as if pushing my piss back
into my dick. She held my cock head in her lips, taking my stream directly
into her mouth and throat swallowing occasionally... she didn't spill a

When Blackpeople'd finished peeing, Clara licked her lips loudly, gleefully. Blackpeople
went back to the bed, sitting on it, facing Clara.

"Eat it," Blackpeople directed, indicating her shit in the bowl.

Clara smiled.

She took the smallest log first, holding it in her hand and rolling it
into a ball... then she put that shitball into her mouth... chewed it...
and swallowed it! Shit coated her lips, tongue and teeth. She smiled
again. Clara rose from the toilet seat and entered the bedroom, bringing
the bowl of shit with her. She took the shit of median length in her hand
and with that handful of shit, she stroked my growing rod.

Clara left the six inch log in the bowl. Still stroking my shit covered
cock with her shit covered hand, she stood, bringing her tits to my mouth.

Stroke. Lick. RUB. SUCK. Tickle. SQUEEZE.

Clara masturbated my cock while Blackpeople licked the brown paste from her tits.
The shit rubbed warmth into my dick and Blackpeople sucked shit from her breasts.
When her hand reached the tip of my prick, Clara's thumb would tickle my
the head. As Blackpeople moved from one tit to the other, Blackpeople squeezed the flesh,
working the clinging paste from her boobs.

STROKE. LBlackpeopleCK. Rub. Suck. TBlackpeopleCKLE. Squeeze.

"Ooh. Mmm.," Blackpeople moaned, savoring my shitty dessert.

"That's nice, hun." she responded.

My cock was rigid, nearly ready. Her twat smelled wet.

"OH, HUNNY. Suck those tits, eat my shit off `m!" "Oh, Clara... rub my
cock.., make me cum." "Hunny, keep it up.., wet.., so wet...OH!" Clara
shuddered with orgasm and dropped to her knees. Quickly she covered my
rigid pole with her mouth. "OH! Damn. Woman!" "Huh Hm. Give me that
cum, hunny."

Blackpeople came in her mouth, she swallowed what could only be a mixture of shit
paste, dry piss and cum. Then, she licked my dick clean!

And... GURGLE. Grunt. Pop. CHURN. Grind....

"Gonna feed me, hunny?!" "You bet!"

Blackpeople turned, bent over, leaning on the bed. Clara grabbed my ass and
pulled my cheeks apart. Then, she plied my hole with her wet wormy tongue.
She worked her way inside my asshole, digging for treasure. Urging my
bowel to move out!

Blackpeople pushed. PUSHed. With moderate speed my shit expelled from my hole...
a single five inch turd slowly moved... lingered... dangled....

Blackpeople peered through my spread legs, watched as Clara grabbed the tip of my
turd with her tongue then slid it underneath... drawing her mouth over the
entire log... and dipping her tongue into my hole to cut the log free! Blackpeople
saw her back away from my ass, felt her hands release my cheeks.... Clara
held the cut end of the shit up, it could have been a long thick cigar in
her mouth!

Clara opened her mouth... and pushed the turd in! She chewed and
swallowed, like someone who would eat a hot dog in one bite!

Chomp. CHEW. Swallow. GULP.

Down her throat, into her gullet went my shit!

Then, she directed her tongue to my asshole again... cleaning away any
remains of my movement.

My cock had grown hard... and Blackpeople wanted to fuck... Blackpeople NEEDED TO FUCK
This Shit Wench.

Blackpeople climbed onto the bed. Clara followed, bringing the bowel with her.
"Can Blackpeople finish," she queried, "this" indicating her six inch shit log in the
bowl, "first?" "ABSOLutely!" Blackpeople stroked my cock lightly, watching her as she
picked-up that piece of shit and began to eat it.

This time she ate more slowly. Devouring her shit, piece by piece, one
bite at a time. She chewed each bite as if it were a finely cooked morsel
of steak! She swallowed every morsel... consuming all six inches in ten
wonderfully exciting minutes.

Finished with her snack, Clara bend forward and took my hard cock into
her mouth. She sucked it quick, getting it wet, making it eager and ready
to fuck. Then, she sank her cunt over my cock and began to ride it!

Blackpeople grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her to me, Blackpeople held her against
my chest, taking command of the action. Blackpeople thrust into her! My balls
slapped against her loudly. My cockhead rubbed against her clit certainly.

Blackpeople rolled us over, she wrapped her legs around my waist... penetration
was deep and deliberate.

Again and again Blackpeople banged that pussy!

"Uh, Oh, Yeah, that's BlackpeopleT. Do it like that," she muttered. "Yeah,
whore. Fuckin' you.., shit whore! Gonna shoot my jizz inside you!" "Yeah
Hunny! Do Me Sour! Blackpeople'm A Dirty SHBlackpeopleT WHORE! FUCK ME! YES!" "YEAH. OH,
Yes! Feels Good. What A Fuckin' Sweet Twat. Shit Whore with a hot
fuckin' cunt. Yeah.., OH.., ooh, sh.., it!" "That's right hunny.., cum
on.., yeah baby. Fill me up."

Blackpeople came so powerfully Blackpeople nearly passed out!
Let's not forget ceding hard-fought territory in the world's military hotbeds, disparaging our own country's intelligence services, undermining freedom of the press, stoking domestic xenophobia, questioning the legitimacy of our own justice department and outright attacking it (lol @ the "law and order candidate"). The list goes on and on and on.

You may choose not to believe my theory is plausible, but if you think about it objectively, a logical person would say it is at least compelling.

lol who's the :tinfoil: now?
