[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Noone saw this coming

Minimum wage debate: Former McDonald's CEO on higher pay fallout

Rensi also said that raising the minimum wage would have a substantial impact on inflation. The current inflation rate in the U.S. is 1.9% for the 12 months ended December 2018, according to the Labor Department.

“A $15 minimum wage will drive inflation like crazy because small businesses will have to increase prices dramatically,” he said. “Agriculture products will go through the roof.”

Rensi added that higher pay also puts managers in a position to make decisions based on what’s best for business, including firing employees and restructuring business.

“We had to go to technology to replace people,” he said. “We had to create systems, processes and procedures that did not need human interaction. I think overall face-to-face service went down. We moved money around in ways we never wanted to.”

Rensi spent more than three decades at McDonald’s before becoming chairman of FAT Brands.
:rofl: Speaking of lunch

Trump Invites Some Democrats to Lunch to Promote Border Wall | Time

(WASHINGTON) — Shifting strategy, the White House invited rank-and-file House Democrats to lunch Tuesday with President Donald Trump, bypassing Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her leadership team in an effort to get centrist and freshman lawmakers on board with funding Trump’s long-promised U.S.-Mexico border wall.

Pelosi approved of lawmakers attending the meeting, telling her team that the group can see what she and others have been dealing with in trying to negotiate with Trump to end the partial government shutdown, now in its 25th day with no resolution in sight.

Pelosi predicted that after meeting with Trump the lawmakers will want to make a “citizen’s arrest,” according to the aide, who wasn’t authorized to publicly discuss the meeting and spoke on condition of anonymity.

Lawmakers invited to the White House include centrist Democrats from districts where Trump is popular, including freshmen.

Or Barry serving Subway for lunch.


That's different! It's whimsical in this case.
Of course everyone loves hamburgers.

Not everyone has the class to cater an event for hundreds with the worst hamburgers attainable by man.

You get a Big Mac!
You get a Big Mac!
You get a Big Mac!

Everyone gets a Big Mac!

hey man, could have been worse

trump steaks n ketchup :ugh:

lay off the orange guy
and thank you guys for frequenting this thread.. I would feel like an idiot if I was posting all this and no one came to the thread
I know they got an intern to grab the food but I like to imagine trumps voice coming over the drive thru intercom like

I want the biggest order. The yugest order this store has ever seen. Everything in the store. We are eating bigly at the white house