Are you the toughest son of a bitch on TW?

Are you the toughest meber?

  • Total voters
What'll it be punk?
Mentally? Easily one of the top. That isn't necessarily a good thing though.

Physically? No idea. I know a few here are roided-out gymrats, although I don't know if that qualifies as toughest.

p.s. Now that I think of it, a fear of tiny, confined spaces while being unable to move probably invalidates me. :lol:
i hate fat ppl they take up way more than their fair share of space and they r visually offensive and always wheezing

I grew up very poor

I got a full scholarship to college and graduated with two degrees (wsups val)

I do well professionally

I don't care.
I have to recuse myself

I can't compete with vanster
he's a redneck drunk that knows hs math that challenges people on the internet to fights after a long night of smacking women around.

Seems like a well rounded fella :lol:
Knows how to handle the #METOO.
Me? .................. :shrug:
Toughest? ........... No
Long-lived? ......... Maybe
Chicken :scared: ? No.
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Mentally? Easily one of the top.

ask yerself 1 q. take a shot, chief a puff, think bout it... wud u actually ever feel u got a snowflake chance n hell o surviving an encounter w moto intent on yo death? ok, barring that, and fact i really dont wish harm, least death, on any twer (including kura, who i firmly blieve i did accidently scare off)...
I'm not bc I just pay other people to do it 4 me when needed

tho I am looking for a new bouncer if any of u yes voters wanna move to guam and make minimum wage plus tips

if im still in good phy shape if i happen to outlive my maw n paw, id totally b up fo dat